CC48 - Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)


Compulsory Residential School

Some units in this course require you to attend a compulsory Residential School or Work Integrated Learning. Please see Course Features in the Getting Started tab for further information.

Course Overview

The Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) aims to produce social work graduates who will be eligible for membership with the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) having attained all of the practice standards associated with the values, knowledge, and skills of the profession.

Within the social work profession, you will be committed to the actualisation of human rights globally; achieved through the acquisition of specific values, knowledge and skills. You will pursue social justice or work to redistribute social and economic resources equitably so that client groups vulnerable to the intersection of complex inequalities can enjoy social inclusion and wellbeing in the communities and societies in which they live.

As a social worker, you will achieve the pursuit of human rights, social justice, and social inclusion using seven methods of change: case management; social group work; family work; community and social development; policy practice; organisational change; and research. Within those methods of change social workers can occupy many diverse roles such as mediator, advocate, support worker, counsellor, group worker, family practitioner, social activist, officer, lobbyist, project manager or research scholar, to name a few.

This Honours level qualification involves the study of social research methods preparing you to undertake a significant research project in your final year of study where advanced knowledge of a specific social issue is acquired, the methodologies of the literature review are used, with outcomes presented to peers and academic staff.

Career Information

Social workers pursue social justice or work to redistribute resources that assist client groups to achieve social inclusion, support people to enjoy better quality of life, and facilitate individual and community wellbeing. Social workers prioritise their focus on the most vulnerable people in the population. A social work qualification introduces students to the values of the profession, presenting the knowledge and skills that bring those values to fruition in society. A social work qualification will equip graduates with the professional capacity to work with individuals, groups, families, organisations, neighbourhoods, communities, and societies. A Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) in Australia qualifies graduates to practice in a diverse range of human service sectors across every State and Territory and several countries overseas. The most prominent sectors in which social workers are found are health, government administration, child protection, justice, aged care, and defence. Social workers are employed at Federal, State and local levels of government. Social workers are also employed by community organisations providing advocacy, support, case work / management and community development work, organisations such as Lifeline, Centacare, Anglicare, Red Cross, Women's Health, and neighbourhood centres.

Course Details
Duration 4 years full-time or 8 years part-time
Credit Points that Must be Earned 192
Number of Units Required CQUniversity uses the concept of credits to express the amount of study required for a particular course and individual units. The number of units varies between courses. Units in undergraduate courses normally consist of 6 points of credit or multiples thereof (e.g. 12, 18, 24).
Expected Hours of Study One point of credit is equivalent to an expectation of approximately two hours of student work per week in a term.
Course Type Undergraduate Award
Qualification (post nominal) BSocWk(Hons)
AQF Level Level 8: Bachelor Honours Degree
Course Fees
Indicative Year - 2024
  • Commonwealth Supported Place – Indicative First Year Fee - $10,788
  • Domestic Full Fee Paying – Indicative First Year Fee - $21,493.5
  • International Indicative First Term Fee - $17,520
  • International Indicative First Year Fee - $34,350

Admission Codes

Domestic Students
Tertiary Admission Centre Codes (TAC) Codes
International Students
Not Applicable
Where and when can I start?
Units offered internally at the below campuses may be delivered using a combination of face-to-face and video conferencing style teaching.
Units offered via MIX mode are delivered online and require compulsory attendance of site-specific learning activities such as on-campus residential schools, placements and/or work integrated learning. See Course Features tab for further information. Online units are delivered using online resources only.
Please Click Here for more information.
The following tables list the courses availabilities by location and term. Directing your pointer over your preferred location will provide further information if this course is not available for the full duration. Please be sure to also check individual unit availability by location and term prior to enrolling.

Domestic Availability

Term 2 - 2024

Sorry, no domestic availabilities found.

Term 1 - 2024

Sorry, no domestic availabilities found.

Term 2 - 2019


Term 1 - 2019


Term 2 - 2018


Term 1 - 2018


Term 2 - 2017


Term 1 - 2017


Term 2 - 2016


Term 1 - 2016


Term 3 - 2015


Term 2 - 2015


Term 1 - 2015

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International Availability

Term 2 - 2024

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Term 1 - 2024

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Term 2 - 2019

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Term 1 - 2019

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Term 2 - 2018


Term 1 - 2018


Term 2 - 2017


Term 1 - 2017


Term 2 - 2016


Term 1 - 2016


Term 3 - 2015

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Term 2 - 2015

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Term 1 - 2015

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Show All
For any problems regarding admissions availability for the selected course please contact 13 CQUni (13 27 86) or send us an email at
What do I need to start?
Entry Scores
Entry scores are not available, please contact the Student Advice Team for more information.
Entry Requirements
  • P – English (Units 3 & 4, C) or equivalent
  • R - Applicants be eligible for a Blue Card (Working with Children Check) and satisfactory national police clearance check in order to undertake SOWK13009 and SOWK14009 Field Education placements in years 3 and 4 of the course.

English Language Proficiency requirements:

If you were not born in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa or United States of America you are required to meet the English Language Proficiency requirements set by the University.

Applicants are required to provide evidence of completion of:

    · a secondary qualification (Year 11 and 12, or equivalent), or

    · tertiary diploma level qualification, or

    · bachelor level qualification study for a period of at least 2 years fulltime with a minimum overall GPA 4.0

completed within Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, South Africa, Ireland, or United States of America, which will meet the English proficiency.

If you do not satisfy any of the above you will need to undertake an English language proficiency test and achieve the following scores as below.

    · An International English Language Testing System (IELTS Academic) overall band score of at least 6.0 overall with a minimum 5.5 in each subset; or

    · Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) - Requires 550 or better overall & minimum TWE score of 4.5 (Paper Based Test), or 75 or better overall and no score less than 17 (Internet Based Test); or

    · Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) - Requires an overall score of 54 with no sub-score less than 46; or

    · An Occupational English Test with Grades A or B only in each of the four components.

English test results remain valid for no more than two years between final examination date and the date of commencement of study, and must appear on a single result certificate.

You must maintain recency of professional knowledge and skills throughout the course. In order to meet this criterion you must complete your course of study within 9 years from the date of first enrollment in the course.

If you cannot complete the course within 9 years you must apply in writing to the Head of Course for additional time. Only exceptional circumstances will be considered. Relevant documentary evidence will be required to approve the extension of enrollment beyond eight years. All students irrespective of special circumstances must complete the qualification within 10 years as per University policy.

Assumed Knowledge

Studies of Society

Information technology literacy

Fees and Charges
Course Features

Awards and Accreditation

Interim Awards CG83 - Bachelor of Human Services CG82 - Associate Degree of Human Services
Exit Awards Not applicable
  • Professional Practice: Core
    Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW)

    All discipline plans of this course are accredited by the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW).

Residential School Requirements

Compulsory Residential School Students are required to attend a minimum of 20 days residential school attendance throughout the course. There are compulsory three and five day residential schools attached to the following units in line with AASW accreditation requirements: 1st year residential program: SOWK11014 Contemporary Human Services (3 days) SOWK 11015 Professional Communication in Human Services (3 days) 2nd year residential program: SOWK 12009 Casework & Case Management (3 days) SOWK 12011 Social Group Work & Family Work (3 days) 3rd year residential program: SOWK 13010 Integrating Theory & Practice 1 (5 days) SOWK 13011 Community Practice ( 3 days) 4th year residential program: SOWK 14005 Advanced Professional Communication Skills (3 days) SOWK 14010 Integrating Theory & Practice 2 (3 days)
Click here to view all Residential Schools

Practicum/Work Placement

SOWK13009 -
SOWK14009 -

Previous and Current Enrolments

Year Number of Students
2024 41
2023 68
2022 105
2021 170
2020 246
Inherent Requirements
There are Inherent Requirements (IRs) that you need to be aware of, and fulfil, to achieve the core learning outcomes of the units and course. IRs are the essential capabilities, knowledge, behaviours and skills that are needed to complete a unit or course.

Please note that in some instances there may be similarities between course, entry and inherent requirements.

If you experience difficulties meeting these requirements, reasonable adjustments may be made upon contacting Adjustment must not compromise the academic integrity of the degree or course chosen at CQUniversity or the legal requirements of field education.

Ethical Behaviour

Examples are:

  • Complying with academic and non-academic misconduct policies and procedures such as CQUniversity’s Student Charter, Student Misconduct Policy and Student Behavioural Misconduct Procedures and Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education Coursework).
  • Treating personal information obtained as private and confidential.
  • Respecting an individual's/group's diversity by demonstrating sensitivity to religious, cultural and individual differences.
  • Demonstrating an ability to reflect on ethical dilemmas and issues and taking responsibility for ensuring awareness of ethical behaviour.
Behavioural Stability

Examples are:

  • Being reflective with personal behaviours appropriate for professional performance and being positive an receptive to processing constructive supervisor/lecturer feedback or criticism.
  • Interacting with people from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures in a calm and composed manner in difficult to deal with situations.
  • Successfully processing your own emotions and behaviour when dealing with potentially emotionally labile people in a wide range of professional environments.
  • Maintaining behavioural stability through successfully distinguishing your own personal behaviours, experiences and emotions from the clients and situations in a professional setting.
Legal Compliance

Examples are:

  • Complying with relevant child protection and safety legislation, mandatory reporting requirements and any other notifiable concern to your field placement supervisor.
  • Complying with the requirements for student registration with the relevant professional body.
  • Complying with the policies and practices of organisations in which you may be placed or find employment.
  • Complying with university and workplace policy around the use of social media, online discussion forums, email and other electronic forms of communication.
Communication Skills (Verbal, Non-verbal, Written and Technology)

Examples are:

  • Actively participating in discussion activities related to the course.
  • Communicating effectively your professional knowledge and skills with accuracy, appropriateness and effectiveness in a wide variety of contexts.
  • Using language that is appropriate to the context of the individual, group or workplace.
  • Using appropriate facial expressions: eye contact, being mindful of personal space boundaries, and a range of body movements and gestures.
  • Recognising and interpreting non-verbal cues of others and responding appropriately during activities related to the course, and in the professional environment.
  • Competently and appropriately producing written assessment work in a logical, coherent manner, and with correct grammar, punctuation and correct referencing to the required academic standards.
  • Expressing complex and detailed information and knowledge into a logical and easily understood written form for assessment or professional requirements.
  • Constructing a legible report in a timely manner that meets professional standards and clearly communicates the intended message.
  • Accurately documenting a patient's charts and records so they meet legal and professional requirements.
  • Competently using a desktop operating system such as Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X.
  • Accessing a computer and having sufficient computer skills to engage in on-line learning, reading and responding as required to emails, and completing relevant assessments for the course.
  • Regularly accessing the Internet for research, and email for communication with peers and lecturers.
Cognitive Abilities (Knowledge and Cognitive Skills, Literacy and Numeracy)

Examples are:

  • Conceptualising and using appropriate knowledge in response to academic assessment items.
  • Completing academic learning activities and assessment tasks, and performing professional skills within reasonable set time-frames.
  • Applying knowledge of policy and procedures in social work and sociology settings.
  • Applying theoretical knowledge and understanding a patient's history when undertaking patient assessment in professional practice.
  • Paraphrasing, summarising and referencing in accordance with appropriate academic conventions associated with the referencing format used by the School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences.
  • Competently reading, writing and accurately interpreting information to convey language effectively in professional practice.
  • Producing accurate, concise and clear social work and/or sociology documentation which meets professional and/or legal requirements.
Sensory Abilities (Visual, Auditory, Tactile)

Examples are:

  • Focussing on and recognising objects that are either near or far e.g. reading learning resources such as lecture and tutorial screens face-to-face on-campus or on-line; as well as reading examination papers and/or on-line computer quizzes.
  • Observing non-verbal behaviour and other situations in a variety of professional settings.
  • Reading facial expressing when dealing with patients.
  • Having sufficient aural function to consistently and accurately monitor, assess and mange a \patient's needs.
  • Sufficiently hearing verbal communication from other students and lecturers during activities related to the course.
  • Providing tactile and/or emotional support to children or adults in the event of circumstances where tactile communication is appropriate e.g. emotional upset, a person experiencing pain or grief.
  • Using tactile (physical) communication in a respectful and appropriate manner to convey a positive message of emotional support or encouragement.
Relational Skills

Examples are:

  • Relating to people from diverse backgrounds.
  • Recognising the cross-cultural communication aspects in working with people from diverse backgrounds.
  • Demonstrating respect and openness in our communication with each individual family or group.
Reflective Skills

Examples are:

  • Reflecting on topics taught during the course of study, including on situations that my be difficult or sensitive,m yet still require reflective processing, judgement or action.
  • Identifying when a practice issue is outside of your scope or expertise.
  • Identifying when your practice may be negatively affected by personal experience and/or reactions.
  • Reflecting on situations that may be difficult and sensitive.
Sustainable Performance

Examples are:

  • Actively participating in activities related to the course and professional experience.
  • Undertaking examinations and on-line quizzes with adequate, sustained levels of physical energy and concentration.
  • Performing with the required physical and mental energy and endurance in performing the professional skills and practice during set time-frames.
Interpersonal Engagement

Examples are:

  • Actively listening to each person that seeks assistance.
  • Dealing with conflict and tension in the communication process.
  • Demonstrating empathy towards the other person.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Abilities

Examples are:

  • Competently using Word, PowerPoint and other computer programs.
  • Being competent in the use of the Internet, Facebook and Twitter.
Compulsory Requirements
Health Requirements

Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) placements apply to this course and as such are subject to compulsory pre-placement conditions referred to as mandatory checks and are outlined in the health, security and other compulsory requirements sections. Mandatory checks are determined by industry, organisations, legislation, regulations, policies, and procedures. To be eligible for a WIL placement, students must first achieve compliance with mandatory checks by each closing date prior to a WIL placement and maintain current evidence for the duration of the course.

Mandatory health requirements may include immunisation and vaccination evidence (and serology where required) to the following diseases: Hepatitis B, Measles, Mumps and Rubella, Varicella, Pertussis, Influenza, and Tuberculosis screening. 

COVID-19 Vaccination Advice

Effective 25 September 2023, updates have been made to the COVID-19 vaccination mandate for Queensland Health sites and the Queensland Ambulance Service. While Queensland Health does not currently mandate evidence of COVID-19 vaccination, it's essential to recognise that other organisations may enforce their own vaccination specific criteria. This situation is similar across other states and territories, with the exception of Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, where COVID-19 vaccination is mandatory for all healthcare students.    

Security Requirements

Mandatory security requirements include an Australian Federal Police clearance, NDIS and working with children check.

Other Compulsory Requirements

Other mandatory requirements include a student agreement to privacy and confidentiality, site-specific compulsory requirements, and other training modules.

Core Learning Outcomes
  • 1. Describe the cultural origins, assumptions and theoretical underpinnings of the profession that result in the creation of new approaches
  • 2. Develop and utilise the knowledge, values and skills required for lifelong learning
  • 3. Evaluate the relationships between social work knowledge, values, and skills that justify professional interventions with people most vulnerable to social exclusion and inequalities
  • 4. Apply professional values to the inter-disciplinary practice of social work
  • 5. Appraise the ethical issues associated with traditional methods of change utilised in the practice of social work
  • 6. Analyse, formulate and apply strategies for change in the pursuit of self-determination, empowerment, social inclusion, human rights, and social justice
  • 7. Use critical thinking and advanced professional communication skills to communicate ethically, professionally and sensitively in diverse contexts
  • 8. Evaluate evidence based practice using contemporary information and communication technologies and information literacy skills
  • 9. Demonstrate advanced cognitive skills and social work methods to review, analyse, consolidate and synthesise knowledge through research methods and practice.
  Course Learning Outcomes
Australian Qualifications Framework Descriptors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. KNOWLEDGE Have coherent and advanced knowledge of the underlying principles and concepts in one or more disciplines and knowledge of research principles and methods
2. SKILLS Have cognitive skills to review, analyse, consolidate and synthesise knowledge to identify and provide solutions to complex problems with intellectual independence
3. SKILLS Have cognitive and technical skills to demonstrate a broad understanding of a body of knowledge and theoretical concepts with advanced understanding in some areas
4. SKILLS Have cognitive skills to exercise critical thinking and judgement in developing new understanding
5. SKILLS Have technical skills to design and use research in a project
6. SKILLS Have communication skills to present a clear and coherent exposition of knowledge and ideas to a variety of audiences
7. APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS Demonstrate initiative and judgement in professional practice and/or scholarship
8. APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS Be able to adapt knowledge and skills in diverse contexts
9. APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILL Be responsible and accountable for own learning and practice and in collaboration with others within broad parameters
10. APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILL Plan and execute project work and/or a piece of research and scholarship with some independence
APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS Display leadership by creating inclusive work environments and work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in a culturally respectful manner
Course Structure

In order to complete this course, you must:

  1. Complete the core structure
Number of units: 28 Total credit points: 192

Field placements are compulsory in Years 3 and 4 of the course, available only during specified terms. Field Education 1 (SOWK13009) is offered in Term 1, beginning generally, first week of March and is 13-14 weeks duration (440 hrs). Field Education 2 (SOWK14009) is 16 weeks duration (560 hrs) starting generally in first week of July. 

Both placements occur in an agency approved by the University. All field education experiences must be supervised either on site or externally by a qualified social worker with at least two years graduate experience who is eligible for membership with the AASW. Field education may be organised in international, metropolitan, urban, regional, rural and remote areas. You must complete all units in accordance with pre-requisites,and undertake a successful interview with the Professional Education Manager to determine placement readiness. You must meet the inherent requirements for the course and successfully complete all necessary administrative, screening and legal obligations to undertake placement in organisational settings. Once enrolled in any social work unit you will have direct access to detailed information about all of these requirements at Social Work Central a Moodle on-line space.

Year 1 Term 1

Add elective unit (6 credit points) from across the University. NB selection of this elective unit may determine which advanced level electives can be undertaken in the final year of the course due to prerequisite requirements.

Year 1 - Term 1
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
PSYC11010 Fundamentals of Psychology 1: Understanding Human Behaviour
SOCL11055 Sociology of Australian Society
SOWK11014 Contemporary Human Services

Year 1 Term 2

Year 1 - Term 2
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
PSYC11009 Fundamentals of Psychology 2: Psychological Literacy
SOWK11015 Professional Communication in Human Services
SOWK11016 Human Services and the Law
INDG11013 First Nation and Non-Indigenous History: The Interface

Year 2 Term 1

Year 2 - Term 1
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
SOWK12008 Theories of Change for Professional Practice I
SOWK12009 Casework and Case Management
SOWK12012 Organisational Practice
SOWK12015 Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Professional Practice

Year 2 Term 2

Year 2 - Term 2
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
SOCL19069 Social Research Methods
SOWK12010 Theories of Change for Professional Practice II
SOWK12011 Social Group Work and Family Work
SOWK12014 Ethical Professional Practice

Year 3 Term 1

Year 3 - Term 1
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
SOWK13009 Fieldwork Education 1
SOWK13010 Integrating Theory and Practice 1

Year 3 Term 2

Year 3 - Term 2
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
SOWK13011 Community Practice
SOWK13012 Professional Practice and Mental Health
SOWK13013 Professional Practice with Children, Youth and Families
SOWK13014 Contemporary Social Policy

Year 4 Term 1

Add two advanced level elective units (6 credit points each) offered by CQUniversity.

Year 4 - Term 1
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
SOWK14005 Advanced Direct Practice
SOWK14006 Professional Leadership in Human Services

Year 4 Term 2

Year 4 - Term 2
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
SOWK14009 Fieldwork Education 2
SOWK14010 Integrating Theory and Practice 2

More Details
  • This course is in teach out mode and not accepting new enrolments

  • The Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) at CQUniversity offers you highly experienced teaching staff and excellent online resources, designed to guide and support you throughout the course.

Structure and assessment

Your learning is further supported by one on campus residential school per term. This combination of face-to-face learning and regular online activities will equip you with advanced level of skills including critical reflection, self-directed research and learning, problem solving and teamwork

The fourth year of the course has an embedded honours, and will prepare you should you wish to contribute to societal change through a professional career in social work research.

The final term of the four year course gives students an opportunity to combine both field education with research with the co required courses of Field Education and Theory and Practice. You are required to complete a total of 28 units.

Students should note that this is a course work honours degree and the Weighted Grade Point Average is based on the final two years of the course.


Benefit from the flexibility to study full-time or part-time and either on-campus or by distance education for first and second year. Choose from a number of elective units to individually tailor your learning to suit your professional needs.

Students can undertake 1 elective from any level or course within the University and 2 advanced electives from any course of 2nd year and above from any course within the University.


Students are required to attend a minimum of 20 days residential school attendance throughout the course.

On-campus learning and residential schools are compulsory, non-negotiable components of the course. If you are unable to attend these compulsory on-campus components, a course advisor can assist you with study and career options. 

CQU campus residential school locations may vary from year to year and unit to unit and therefore students enrolling in the course should check the handbook and must be able to attend compulsory residential schools in order to meet the accreditation requirements of this entry level degree.

Honours Calculations

Honours classes are based on grades received for most units positioned in the final two years of the curriculum:

SOWK13010, SOWK13011, SOWK13012, SOWK13013, SOWK14004, SOWK14005, SOWK14006, TWO x electives, and SOWK14010.

However, the following units are removed from calculations:

  • SOWK13009 and SOWK14009 are not included as PNs are not counted

  • A second attempt at any of those units is not counted

  • A credit in from another institution for any of those units is not counted

  • A cross institutional enrolment in lieu of any of the above units is not counted.

Grades of P-HD are given numeric weightings of 1-7 and then divided by/averaged by the number of eligible units to be counted.

Honours Classes are then awarded based on:

  • First Class Honours in the range 85-100% (GPA ≥ 6.00)

  • Second Class Honours, Division A in the range 75-84% (GPA 5.50 to 5.99)

  • Second Class Honours, Division B in the range 65-74% (GPA 5.00 to 5.49)

  • third Class Honours in the range 50-64% (GPA 4.00 to 4.9)