Found 10 matches for Office of the Vice-President Indigenous Engagement, click here to change search.
Sarah Arrowsmith
Executive Officer
Office of the Vice-President Indigenous Engagement
Juliette Barreau
Academic Casual
Rockhampton North
Office of the Vice-President Indigenous Engagement
Linda Born
Operations Coordinator
Mackay City
Office of the Vice-President Indigenous Engagement
Emma Cerff
Director - Office of Indigenous Engagement
Office of the Vice-President Indigenous Engagement
Neil Harwood
Indigenous Engagement Officer
Rockhampton North
Office of the Vice-President Indigenous Engagement
Alanna Ivory
Academic Casual
Non Campus aligned
Office of the Vice-President Indigenous Engagement
Adrian Miller
Vice-President Indigenous Engagement/Co-Director Jawun
Office of the Vice-President Indigenous Engagement
Alicia O'Donohue
Committee Officer
Office of the Vice-President Indigenous Engagement
Jennifer Perry
Academic Casual
Mackay Ooralea
Office of the Vice-President Indigenous Engagement
Jodie Springer
Coordinator, Project and Committees
Office of the Vice-President Indigenous Engagement