Found 53 matches for Office of Vice-Chancellor and President, click here to change search.
Elizabeth Andrews
Regional Hub Coordinator
Gladstone Marina
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Rebecca Ballantyne
Campus Coordinator
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Rob Brown
AVP - Nth QLD / Director - Reg Uni Centres / Chair in Auto and Future Work Skills
Mackay City
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Tracy Buchanan
Campus Administration Officer
Gladstone Marina
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Bree Cook-Watkins
Projects and Community Engagement Lead - GRT-701319
Gladstone Marina
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Elle Cullen
Senior Executive Officer
Rockhampton North
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Jeannette Delamoir
Student Ombudsman
Rockhampton North
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Cal Devney
Senior Research Officer - Project Manager Hydrogen Community Hub-703620
Gladstone Marina
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Donna Douglas
Campus Administration Officer-673228
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Jodie Duignan-George
Associate Vice President Far North QLD Region-621121
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Giaan Eggmolesse
Community Engagement Support Officer-702902
Gladstone Marina
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Martin Elms
Special Projects Officer-644723
Rockhampton North
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Lauren Fawcett
Projects & Partnerships Lead - Stronger Places, Stronger People Initiative-701323
Gladstone Marina
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Lynette Glover
Executive Assistant-703257
Rockhampton North
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Kim Harrington
AVP Rockhampton/Director Bus Develop & Indus Engagmt-608541
Rockhampton North
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Amanda Harrison
Administration & Finance Officer - Stronger Places, Stronger People Initiative
Gladstone Marina
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Matt Heley
Coordinator - Engagement and Partnerships-703405
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Allison Holt
Campus Administration Assistant-128202
Gladstone Marina
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Mahesh Kayastha
Research and Education Officer
Mackay City
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Celeste Kelly
Campus Administration Officer-622299
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Kylie King
Project Support Officer
Gladstone Marina
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Nick Klomp
Vice-Chancellor & President
Rockhampton North
Vice-Chancellor & President Division
Teaghan Leach
Administration Officer-703068
Rockhampton North
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Trudy Mallyon
Rockhampton North
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Matt Mansfield
Political Relations Adviser-636461
Rockhampton North
Vice-Chancellor & President Division
Kihla Martin-Boyes
Business Administration Trainee-703635
Mackay City
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Katie McConnell
Campus Administration Assistant
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Lorna McGinnis
Executive Director - Stronger Places, Stronger People Initiative-701284
Gladstone Marina
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Melissa Misztal
Chief of Staff, Office of the Vice-Chancellor & President
Rockhampton North
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Sylvia Morley
RSTO Implementation Manager-702820
Gladstone Marina
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Courtney Morrison
Operations Manager-703245
Gladstone Marina
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Courtney Newman
Executive Assistant-703257
Rockhampton North
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Richard Newsum
Affiliate Account - Visitor or Collaborator
Mackay City
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Melanie Ohl
Projects & Partnerships Lead - Stronger Places, Stronger People Initiative
Gladstone Marina
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Jayde Redgen
Campus Administration Officer-636517
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Charmaine Redmond
Manager Internal Audit
Rockhampton North
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Lee Riley
Campus Administration Assistant-541129
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Hayley Robinson
Campus Coordinator
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Jodi Shevlin
Administration Officer-703810
Working From Home
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Debbie Shoer
Affiliate Account - Visitor or Collaborator
Mackay City
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Cynthia Simpson
Campus Coordinator
Mackay City
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Luke Sinclair
Associate Vice President Gladstone & Wide Bay Regions
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Bingjie Song
Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Future Work and Community-703122
Mackay City
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Jamie Stehbens
Project and Business Support Officer
Rockhampton North
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Amy Stenhouse
Rockhampton North
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Elizabeth Stevenson
Affiliate Account - Visitor or Collaborator
Mackay City
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Sonja Swanton
Executive Assistant-592846
Mackay City
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Kaylee Taylor
Executive Assistant
Rockhampton North
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Jo Watson
Campus Coordinator-616043
Gladstone Marina
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Dyann Williams
Senior Internal Auditor
Rockhampton North
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Leanne Williams
Campus Coordinator
Mackay Ooralea
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Kylie Williams
Communications and Enagagement Coordinator GRT
Gladstone Marina
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President
Katherine Wise
Campus Coordinator
Office of Vice-Chancellor and President