CQUniversity Unit Profile
ACCT28002 Accounting for Management Decision Making
Accounting for Management Decision Making
All details in this unit profile for ACCT28002 have been officially approved by CQUniversity and represent a learning partnership between the University and you (our student).
The information will not be changed unless absolutely necessary and any change will be clearly indicated by an approved correction included in the profile.

Unit Profile Correction added on 01-07-24

Assessment tasks: 1. Online quizzes (Assessment task 1): Task description: Each of the 10 on-line tests is worth 1% of the total grade for the unit. The on-line tests will be open on a weekly basis from weeks 1 to 11, with week 1 being a trial on-line test (ungraded) to get the students familiar with the process. The quizzes will be open at 12.00 PM AEST Wednesday and close at 11.45 PM AEST Wednesday in the following week. The materials assessed in each on-line test will be on key concepts to be covered in the upcoming week's workshop. For example, on-line Test 1 (open on the Wednesday of week 1 and close on Wednesday of week 2) will assess the content to be taught in week 2. The purpose of the on-line test is to enable the students to prepare for the workshop prior to listening to the recorded lecture and undertaking the weekly zoom workshop activities. This will allow students to grasp the material covered during the workshop, engage effectively their peers, and create a good learning environment in the workshop. You will have multiple attempts for each on-line test, and you have 20 minutes to complete the task. Each test will consist of 10 multiple choice questions. Learning outcome assessed: * Analyse and interpret the information provided from an accounting information system * Critically analyse standard management problems, and using appropriate accounting analytical techniques, correctly determine the appropriate parameters for a management decision * Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of accounting tools and techniques for assisting managerial decision making by being able to critically analyse and report on the range of appropriate accounting methods applicable to a given management decision making problem * Demonstrate accuracy in presenting or analysing accounting information in a range of business management problems presented in this unit. 2. Practical and Written Assessment (Assessment task 2): Task Description: This assessment is a group assignment of TWO to THREE students. Students will form a group and register their groups on Moodle for submission and grading (further instructions will be provided at the beginning of the term). The assessment task consists of two parts - PART A and PART B. Part A (10%) is a written assignment and assesses foundation accounting issues and student's knowledge about financial statements. Part B (20%) requires students to analyse and interpret the annual reports and financial statements, then do a comparative analysis using ratio and trend analysis of prescribed companies and write an executive report in order to make an investment or a management decision. Assessment due date: Week 9 Monday (9 Sept 2024) 11.45pm AEST Online via Moodle 3. Final assessment: The take-home assessment is open-book and will be scheduled during the university exam period. You will be advised during the term of the scheduled date and time of the take-home assessment. The take-home assessment will involve: 1. Downloading a document from Moodle that contains the questions, 2. Completing answers to these questions in a Word/PDF document, and 3. Submitting your document in Moodle. Further information on the take-home assessment will be available in Moodle in Week 10. Assessment due date: Exam Week Monday (14 Oct 2024) 11:45 pm AEST. This assessment will occur during the exam week. Students will be provided 5 hours to undertake the take-home assessment. This includes reading time and time to download and upload assessments. Graduate attributes: Knowledge Communication Cognitive, technical and creative skills Self-management Ethical and Professional Responsibility

General Information
Class and Assessment Overview
Previous Student Feedback
Unit Learning Outcomes
Alignment of Learning Outcomes, Assessment and Graduate Attributes
Textbooks and Resources
Referencing Style
Teaching Contacts
Assessment Tasks
Academic Integrity Statement