The information will not be changed unless absolutely necessary and any change will be clearly indicated by an approved correction included in the profile.
In this unit you will develop an understanding of both the content and pedagogy required to teach science in early childhood education and care settings and in primary school classrooms. You are introduced to concepts on how children learn science, the importance of science education in an Australian and international context and current views regarding effective pedagogical practice. You will examine research that has informed the selection of pedagogy with children in early childhood education and care settings and in primary school classrooms. Practical application of skills related to the Australian Curriculum: Science will focus on learning and teaching across the four Understanding Substrands of Biological Sciences, Earth and Space Sciences, Chemical Sciences and Physical Sciences. There is an emphasis on science inquiry skills, in particular, identifying and posing questions; planning, conducting and reflecting on investigations; processing, analysing and interpreting evidence; and communicating findings. The unit includes an emphasis on effective student engagement within science education through the appropriate selection, application and assessment of science content knowledge.
Pre-requisites or Co-requisites
There are no requisites for this unit.
Important note: Students enrolled in a subsequent unit who failed their pre-requisite unit, should drop the subsequent unit before the census date or within 10 working days of Fail grade notification. Students who do not drop the unit in this timeframe cannot later drop the unit without academic and financial liability. See details in the Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education Coursework).
Offerings For Term 1 - 2025
Attendance Requirements
All on-campus students are expected to attend scheduled classes - in some units, these classes are identified as a mandatory (pass/fail) component and attendance is compulsory. International students, on a student visa, must maintain a full time study load and meet both attendance and academic progress requirements in each study period (satisfactory attendance for International students is defined as maintaining at least an 80% attendance record).
Recommended Student Time Commitment
Each 6-credit Postgraduate unit at CQUniversity requires an overall time commitment of an average of 12.5 hours of study per week, making a total of 150 hours for the unit.
Class Timetable
Assessment Overview
Assessment Grading
This is a graded unit: your overall grade will be calculated from the marks or grades for each assessment task, based on the relative weightings shown in the table above. You must obtain an overall mark for the unit of at least 50%, or an overall grade of 'pass' in order to pass the unit. If any 'pass/fail' tasks are shown in the table above they must also be completed successfully ('pass' grade). You must also meet any minimum mark requirements specified for a particular assessment task, as detailed in the 'assessment task' section (note that in some instances, the minimum mark for a task may be greater than 50%). Consult the University's Grades and Results Policy for more details of interim results and final grades.
All University policies are available on the CQUniversity Policy site.
You may wish to view these policies:
- Grades and Results Policy
- Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education Coursework)
- Review of Grade Procedure
- Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure
- Monitoring Academic Progress (MAP) Policy and Procedure - Domestic Students
- Monitoring Academic Progress (MAP) Policy and Procedure - International Students
- Student Refund and Credit Balance Policy and Procedure
- Student Feedback - Compliments and Complaints Policy and Procedure
- Information and Communications Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Procedure
This list is not an exhaustive list of all University policies. The full list of University policies are available on the CQUniversity Policy site.
Feedback, Recommendations and Responses
Every unit is reviewed for enhancement each year. At the most recent review, the following staff and student feedback items were identified and recommendations were made.
Feedback from Student feedback
Focus on more practical examples.
Revise unit materials to include more practical, tangible examples of student activities.
- Evaluate examples of teaching and assessment practice in science education to identify how connections are made to students’ prior knowledge or experience to promote learning
- Access and apply professional literature on contemporary science education to critically evaluate or justify planning and assessment practices
- Plan learning experiences that use appropriate research-based pedagogy and ICTs to structure content and address students’ possible misconceptions in science education
- Develop diagnostic, formative and summative assessment tools that identify students’ understanding of scientific phenomena
- Select teaching and learning and assessment strategies that draw on understandings from research of how students learn in order to support active learning, promote higher order thinking and scaffold students’ understanding of core concepts in science
- Identify strategies to support inclusive student participation and engagement in classroom activities.
Successful completion of this course provides opportunities for students to demonstrate the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers focus areas of:
1.1 Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students.
1.2 Understand how learners learn
2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area
2.3 Curriculum, assessment and reporting
2.6 Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
3.2 Plan, structure and sequence learning programs
3.3 Use teaching strategies
3.4 Select and use resources
3.6 Evaluate and improve teaching programs
4.1 Support student participation
5.1 Assess student learning
5.5 Report on student achievement
Alignment of Assessment Tasks to Learning Outcomes
Assessment Tasks | Learning Outcomes | |||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
1 - Written Assessment - 50% | ||||||
2 - Written Assessment - 50% |
Alignment of Graduate Attributes to Learning Outcomes
Graduate Attributes | Learning Outcomes | |||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
1 - Knowledge | ||||||
2 - Communication | ||||||
3 - Cognitive, technical and creative skills | ||||||
4 - Research | ||||||
5 - Self-management | ||||||
6 - Ethical and Professional Responsibility | ||||||
7 - Leadership | ||||||
8 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures |
Science in Early Childhood
5th Edition (2024)
Authors: Campbell, C. & Howitt, C.
Melbourne Melbourne , Victoria , Australia
ISBN: 9781009339742
This is the required textbook for EDCU20038 for all early childhood students. Students enrolled in EDCU20038 primary can purchase this book, if they wish, however you do not need to.
This is the required textbook for EDCU20038 for all early childhood students. Students enrolled in EDCU20038 primary can purchase this book, if they wish, however you do not need to.
Teaching Primary Science Constructively
8th Edition (2024)
Authors: Skamp, K. & Preston. C.
Melbourne Melbourne , Victoria , Australia
ISBN: 9780170472814
This is the supplemental textbook for the EDCU20038 Primary pre-service teachers. Early childhood pre-service teachers are not required to buy this textbook, but you can, if you wish to.
This is the supplemental textbook for the EDCU20038 Primary pre-service teachers. Early childhood pre-service teachers are not required to buy this textbook, but you can, if you wish to.
IT Resources
- CQUniversity Student Email
- Internet
- Unit Website (Moodle)
All submissions for this unit must use the referencing style: American Psychological Association 7th Edition (APA 7th edition)
For further information, see the Assessment Tasks.
Theoretical Frameworks in Science and Science Education
Campbell, C., & Howitt, C. (2024). Science in early childhood (5th ed.). Cambridge University Press. CHAPTER 1 & 4
(All students should familiarise themselves with the contents of the textbook at the start of this course)
Highly Recommended:
Skamp, K., & Preston, C. (2021). Teaching primary science constructively. Cengage. CHAPTERS 1 and 2
Fragkiadaki, G., Fleer, M., & Rai, P. (2021). Early childhood science education from 0 to 6: A literature review. Education Sciences, 11, 178.
Addey, C., & Gorur, R. (2020). Translating PISA, translating the world. Comparative Education, 56(4).
Events and Submissions/Topic
Scientific Inquiry, the Curriculum, and Play-Based Learning
Campbell, C., & Howitt, C. (2024). Science in early childhood (5th ed.). Cambridge University Press. Chapter 2-3
Required to be reviewed
The Australian National Curriculum. - (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA], 2022. v9) )
Department of Education and Training. (2019, March 6). Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning framework for Australia. Department of Education. The Early Years Learning Framework - Department of Education, Australian Government
Highly Recommended
Campbell, C., & Howitt, C. (2024). Science in early childhood (5th ed.). Cambridge University Press. CHAPTER 9 – Science learning though play
Skamp, K., & Preston, C. (2021). Teaching primary science constructively. Cengage. CHAPTER 4 – Thinking and working scientifically
Cremin, T., Glauert, E., Craft, A., Compton, A., & Styliandou, F. (2015). Creative little scientists: Exploring pedagogical synergies between inquiry-based and creative approaches in Early Years science. Education 43(4), 404–419.
Events and Submissions/Topic
Scientific Language and Literacy
Hintz, A., Smith, A., Glen, K., Gannon, E., & Wishart, A. (2020). Story Time STEM: Nurturing children's joy and wonder through shared reading experiences. NAEYC.
Campbell, C., & Howitt, C. (2024). Science in early childhood (5th ed.). Cambridge University Press. CHAPTER 6 – Inquiry Science for young children
Tomas, L. (2012). Writing narratives about a socioscientific issue: Engaging students and learning science. Teaching Science, 58(4), 24-28.
Vardell, S., & Wong, J. (2017). Learning about trees with the 5Es: The poetry of science building literacy in playful, meaningful ways. Science and children, 55(4), 20.
Events and Submissions/Topic
Science as a Human Endeavour
Campbell, C., & Howitt, C. (2024). Science in early childhood (5th ed.). Cambridge University Press. CHAPTER 5 – Approaches to enhance science learning
Gomes, J., & Fleer, M. (2020). Is science really everywhere? Teachers’ perspectives on science learning possibilities in the preschool environment. Research in Science Education, 50, 1961–1989.
Hackling, M., Peers, S., & Prain, V. (2007). Primary Connections: reforming science teaching in Australian primary schools. Teaching science, 53(3).
Events and Submissions/Topic
STEM and STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
Campbell, C., & Howitt, C. (2024). Science in early childhood (5th ed.). Cambridge University Press. CHAPTER 11 STEM in early childhood
Simoncini, K.,& Lasen, M. (2021). Popup loose parts playgrounds: learning opportunities for early childhood preservice teachers. International journal of play, 10(1).
Bucher, E., & Pindra, S. (2020). Infant and Toddler STEAM: Supporting Interdisciplinary Experiences with Our Youngest Learners. NAEYC, 75(2).
Erduran, S. (2020). Nature of "STEM"? Epistemic Underpinnings of Integrated Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics in Education. Science & Education, 29(4).
Events and Submissions/Topic
Events and Submissions/Topic
Digital Literacy & Inclusivity
Campbell, C., & Howitt, C. (2024). Science in early childhood (5th ed.). Cambridge University Press. CHAPTERS 7 (inclusivity) – 8 (indigenous ways of knowing)
Pigott, C. (2013). Embedding Indigenous perspectives in science. Educating Young Children Learning and Teaching in the Early Childhood Years, 19(1), 8-9.
Ng, Wan. (2011). Why digital literacy is important for science teaching and learning? Teaching Science, 57(4), 26-32.
Mantilla, A., & Edwards, S. (2019). Digital technology use by and with young children : A systematic review for the statement on young children and digital technologies. Australasian journal of early childhood, 44(2).
Events and Submissions/Topic
Assignment 1
Assessment 1 - The Inquiry Experience Due: Week 6 Thursday (24 Apr, 2025) 11:45 pm AEST
The Inquiry Experience Due: Week 6 Thursday (24 Apr 2025) 11:45 pm AEST
The Australian Curriculum (revisited), and Scientific Misconceptions
Elliott, K., & Pillman, A. (2016). Making science misconceptions work for us. Teaching Science, 62(1), 38-41.
Kambouri, M. (2016). Investigating early years teachers' understanding and response to children's preconceptions. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 24(6), 907-927.
Bonus, J., & Mares, M. (2018) When the Sun Sings Science, Are Children Left in the Dark? Representations of Science in Children’s Television and Their Effects on Children’s Learning. Human Communications Research, 44(4).
Events and Submissions/Topic
Events and Submissions/Topic
Assessment in Science
Campbell, C., & Howitt, C. (2024). Science in early childhood (5th ed.). Cambridge University Press. CHAPTERS 16.
Gregson and Doidge (2018), “Connecting with Science Education”, (Ed.2) has an entire chapter decided to assessment strategies (ch. 8)
Campbell, C., & Howitt, C. (2024). Science in early childhood (5th ed.). Cambridge University Press. CHAPTERS 14-15 & 16. (especially good for early childhood teachers)
Agboola, O., & Awogbindin, O. (2017). Assessment of science process skills inherent in the play activities of primary school pupils in Osun state, Nigeria. International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 10(2), 125-135.
Hondrich, A., Hertel, S., Adl-Amini, K., & Klieme, E. (2016). Implementing curriculum-embedded formative assessment in primary school science classrooms. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 23(3), 353-376.
Events and Submissions/Topic
Chemical Sciences
Skamp, K., & Preston, C. (2021). Teaching primary science constructively. Cengage. CHAPTERS 10 and 11.
Ashbrook, P. (2008). Exploring the properties of a mixture (The Early Years: Resources and conversations on PreK to 2 science). Science and Children, 45(5).
Chemical Sciences Taylor, N., Taylor, S., Rizk, N., & Cooper, G. (2017). Suggestions for teaching floating, sinking and density. Teaching science, 64(4).
Events and Submissions/Topic
Physical Sciences
Skamp, K., & Preston, C. (2021). Teaching primary science constructively. Cengage. CHAPTERS 5, 6 and 7.
Fridberg, M., Jonsson, A., Redfors, A., & Thulin, S. (2020). The Role of Intermediary Objects of Learning in Early Years Chemistry and Physics. Early Childhood Education Journal, 48(5), 585-595.
Johnson, C., Walton, J., & PetersBurton, E. (2019). Physics in Motion, Kindergarten. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association
Events and Submissions/Topic
Biological Sciences
Skamp, K., & Preston, C. (2021). Teaching primary science constructively. Cengage. CHAPTERS 8 and 9.
Connor, C., Watkins, M., Walte, B., & Harper, J. (2020). Food for thought: Bringing primary school microbiology to life. Teaching Science, 66(1).
Gurholt, K., & Sanderud, J. (2016). Curious play: children's exploration of nature. Journal of adventure education and outdoor learning, 16(4).
Events and Submissions/Topic
Earth and Space Sciences
Skamp, K., & Preston, C. (2021). Teaching primary science constructively. Cengage. CHAPTERS 12, 13 and 14.
Melis, C., Wold, P., Billing, A., Bjørgen, K., & Børge M. (2020). Kindergarten Children’s Perception about the Ecological Roles of Living Organisms. Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland), 12(9565), 9565.
Spiteri, J . (2021). Can you hear me? Young children's understanding of environmental issues. International studies in sociology of education, 30(1-2).
Events and Submissions/Topic
Assignment 2
Scientific Concepts, Diagnostic Assessments, and Misconceptions Due: Week 12 Thursday (5 June, 2025) 11:45 pm AEST
Scientific concepts: Diagnostic assessments and misconceptions Due: Week 12 Thursday (5 June 2025) 11:45 pm AEST
Events and Submissions/Topic
Events and Submissions/Topic
1 Written Assessment
Word Count: 3000 words
Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence agents (Gen AI)
Within this assessment, the use of Gen AI agents is as follows:
- You may use generative AI (GenAI) to gather ideas and inspiration for your assessment task. However, please do not copy/paste directly from GenAI. If you incorporate ideas from GenAI, ensure you reference it appropriately in your work. Failure to acknowledge the use of GenAI and/or inappropriate over-use of GenAI may be seen as a breach of Academic Integrity and will be reported.
- See more information here on how to use GenAI appropriately:
Task Context:
Inquiry is foundational for children’s learning in science and begins with young children as they play and interact with others within their everyday environment. From a very early age and as part of everyday experiences such as playing in the sandpit, pouring water into a cup or poking things with a stick, children engage in experiences that build scientific understandings. While children are naturally interested in phenomena in their world, adults support this inquiry as they pose questions and support children to make predictions (DEEWR, 2009).
As articulated in the Early years Learning Framework (EYLF v2) outcome 4; “children are confident and involved learners [as they] … develop a range of learning and thinking skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating.”
Task Description
In this assessment task, you will design one inquiry learning experiences for children that you will teach. There is no requirement for the inquiry experience to take place in a single lesson/day, as genuine inquiries may be take much longer. It is expected that this experience will be at a standard suitable for use on placement.
Early Childhood Students: You will focus on either babies, toddlers, pre-kindergarten, or Grade's F-2.
Primary Students: You will focus on a year level from either F-2, 3-4 or 5-6.
Your planning for the learning experiences needs to make clear reference to the curriculum or learning framework. Additionally, you must support your choices with links to relevant research, as appropriate.
Context: Provide a context of the students you will be teaching. This might be a good place to talk about ways you might differentiate learning experiences, environments and support for some students.
Part 1: Describe your scientific concept, as well as any Science as a Human Endeavour applicable, as situated in the broader curriculum.
Part 2: You are to provide a summary of how your students will engage in each stage of the inquiry. You need to demonstrate an awareness of learning theories, and ways students' learn. In this section, you are to show your understanding of what science inquiry is, through your response, including how students will learn science skills in the process. This will include the questions or prompts you may use, and questions students may ask in this process, observations, conducting a fair test and so on.
Part 3: Provide a justification and critical peer appraisal of your work with links to high quality literature and Moodle.
Be sure to write academically with clear links to related research literature and appropriate curriculum.
Assignment 1 Standards
Unit learning outcomes: 2, 5, 6
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers Practiced/Assessed in this task: 2.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.6, 4.1
Week 6 Thursday (24 Apr 2025) 11:45 pm AEST
Your task will be returned once moderation has occurred and in time so that you can apply the feedback to your next assignment.
- Evidence of knowledge drawn from relevant research of ways children learn in the design of the inquiry, with a clear, evidence-based direction from a specific learning theory to guide your practice.
- Demonstrated, clear and practical understanding of the three inter-related strands Australian Curriculum (Science) and the Early Years Learning Framework 2-0, evident in learning experiences, utilising highly effective pedagogical approaches to maximise interest, engagement and learning (e.g. Authentic and explicit teaching of science skills and teacher guidance with guided Science inquiry).
- Identification of strategies to support inclusive student participation.
- As part of a critical appraisal, gain and implement peer feedback to help you justify how this approach to learning and teaching will make a positive impact on learners.
- Effective, scholarly and professional communication in accordance with accepted academic conventions APA 7th.
- Access and apply professional literature on contemporary science education to critically evaluate or justify planning and assessment practices
- Select teaching and learning and assessment strategies that draw on understandings from research of how students learn in order to support active learning, promote higher order thinking and scaffold students’ understanding of core concepts in science
- Identify strategies to support inclusive student participation and engagement in classroom activities.
2 Written Assessment
Word Limit: 3000 words
Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence agents (Gen AI)
Within this assessment, the use of Gen AI agents is as follows:
- You may use generative AI (GenAI) to gather ideas and inspiration for your assessment task. However, please do not copy/paste directly from GenAI. If you incorporate ideas from GenAI, ensure you reference it appropriately in your work. Failure to acknowledge the use of GenAI and/or inappropriate over-use of GenAI may be seen as a breach of Academic Integrity and will be reported.
- See more information here on how to use GenAI appropriately:
Task Description
As we experience the world, including the interactions we have with other children and adults, we build explanations of how the world works. Through our experience with the world, we often develop alternate conceptions or ‘misconceptions’ about the world. Often these conceptions from the formally accepted scientific account of how the world works.
You are to prepare a report on a scientific concept in the curriculum, misconceptions around that concept, and ways to address and even harness those misconceptions.
Context: Provide a context of the students you will be teaching. This might be a good place to talk about ways you might differentiate learning experiences, environments and support for some students. You need to explicitly state the year level/s of the students you will be working with along with clear links to the curriculum or learning framework. Early childhood pre-service teachers must select a class from F-2, while Primary pre-service teachers can select a class from Foundation to Year 6.
Part 1: Choose a scientific topic in the curriculum, and demonstrate your fluent understanding of this concept, including its Science as a Human Endeavour and Science Inquiry aspects.
Part 2: Report on the learning experiences that involve the development and deployment of a diagnostic tool to help you diagnose student misconceptions around your chosen concept, including how some misconceptions can help us understanding student thinking.
Part 3: Explore how you intend to address those misconceptions though a relevant curriculum, and engaging student experiences.
The Skamp and Preston (2024) textbook has some profound and well researched insights. Be sure to take into account the characteristics of learners, including explicit consideration of learning theories, broader curriculum links, and ICT.
Part 4: Outline how you would report your findings to children/students, parents/carers, the school community and leadership, and broader community.
Be sure to write academically and to justify all your pedagogical decisions with high quality, recent, peer reviewed research.
Assignment 2 Standards
Unit learning outcomes for assignment 2: 1,2,3,4,5.
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers Practised/Assessed in this task: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.3, 2.6, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 5.1, 5.5
Week 12 Thursday (5 June 2025) 11:45 pm AEST
Your task will be returned once moderation has occurred.
- Evidence that the scientific concept is clearly understood (Incorporating Science as a Human Endeavour understanding), identified and discussed.
- A comprehensive diagnostic assessment tool developed to analyse the understandings that learners may have about the selected concept linking children's conceptions to learning experiences and how the misconceptions will be addressed.
- Discussion on the physical, social, and intellectual development and characteristics of students, and the implications for learning and teaching, such as with regards to differentiation and inclusion.
- Meaningful and practical use of ICT's to help enhance engagement and understanding of key science content and skills.
- Communicates findings using appropriate language for context (students, parents/carers and teachers).
- Effective, scholarly and professional communication in accordance with accepted academic conventions APA 7th.
- Evaluate examples of teaching and assessment practice in science education to identify how connections are made to students’ prior knowledge or experience to promote learning
- Access and apply professional literature on contemporary science education to critically evaluate or justify planning and assessment practices
- Plan learning experiences that use appropriate research-based pedagogy and ICTs to structure content and address students’ possible misconceptions in science education
- Develop diagnostic, formative and summative assessment tools that identify students’ understanding of scientific phenomena
- Select teaching and learning and assessment strategies that draw on understandings from research of how students learn in order to support active learning, promote higher order thinking and scaffold students’ understanding of core concepts in science
As a CQUniversity student you are expected to act honestly in all aspects of your academic work.
Any assessable work undertaken or submitted for review or assessment must be your own work. Assessable work is any type of work you do to meet the assessment requirements in the unit, including draft work submitted for review and feedback and final work to be assessed.
When you use the ideas, words or data of others in your assessment, you must thoroughly and clearly acknowledge the source of this information by using the correct referencing style for your unit. Using others’ work without proper acknowledgement may be considered a form of intellectual dishonesty.
Participating honestly, respectfully, responsibly, and fairly in your university study ensures the CQUniversity qualification you earn will be valued as a true indication of your individual academic achievement and will continue to receive the respect and recognition it deserves.
As a student, you are responsible for reading and following CQUniversity’s policies, including the Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure. This policy sets out CQUniversity’s expectations of you to act with integrity, examples of academic integrity breaches to avoid, the processes used to address alleged breaches of academic integrity, and potential penalties.
What is a breach of academic integrity?
A breach of academic integrity includes but is not limited to plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, cheating, contract cheating, and academic misconduct. The Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure defines what these terms mean and gives examples.
Why is academic integrity important?
A breach of academic integrity may result in one or more penalties, including suspension or even expulsion from the University. It can also have negative implications for student visas and future enrolment at CQUniversity or elsewhere. Students who engage in contract cheating also risk being blackmailed by contract cheating services.
Where can I get assistance?
For academic advice and guidance, the Academic Learning Centre (ALC) can support you in becoming confident in completing assessments with integrity and of high standard.
What can you do to act with integrity?