CQUniversity Unit Profile
MDWF12001 Midwifery – Past and Present
Midwifery – Past and Present
All details in this unit profile for MDWF12001 have been officially approved by CQUniversity and represent a learning partnership between the University and you (our student).
The information will not be changed unless absolutely necessary and any change will be clearly indicated by an approved correction included in the profile.
General Information


Contemporary midwifery is a product of its historical roots, social and political influences. You will have the opportunity to develop an understanding of these factors and how they have shaped contemporary midwifery practice. In this course, you will explore the role of the midwife and the theories and philosophy underpinning contemporary midwifery practice in national and international settings.


Career Level: Undergraduate
Unit Level: Level 2
Credit Points: 6
Student Contribution Band: 7
Fraction of Full-Time Student Load: 0.125

Pre-requisites or Co-requisites

There are no requisites for this unit.

Important note: Students enrolled in a subsequent unit who failed their pre-requisite unit, should drop the subsequent unit before the census date or within 10 working days of Fail grade notification. Students who do not drop the unit in this timeframe cannot later drop the unit without academic and financial liability. See details in the Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education Coursework).

Offerings For Term 1 - 2018


Attendance Requirements

All on-campus students are expected to attend scheduled classes – in some units, these classes are identified as a mandatory (pass/fail) component and attendance is compulsory. International students, on a student visa, must maintain a full time study load and meet both attendance and academic progress requirements in each study period (satisfactory attendance for International students is defined as maintaining at least an 80% attendance record).

Class and Assessment Overview

Recommended Student Time Commitment

Each 6-credit Undergraduate unit at CQUniversity requires an overall time commitment of an average of 12.5 hours of study per week, making a total of 150 hours for the unit.

Class Timetable

Bundaberg, Cairns, Emerald, Gladstone, Mackay, Rockhampton, Townsville
Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney

Assessment Overview

1. Group Discussion
Weighting: 20%
2. Written Assessment
Weighting: 40%
3. Written Assessment
Weighting: 40%

Assessment Grading

This is a graded unit: your overall grade will be calculated from the marks or grades for each assessment task, based on the relative weightings shown in the table above. You must obtain an overall mark for the unit of at least 50%, or an overall grade of 'pass' in order to pass the unit. If any 'pass/fail' tasks are shown in the table above they must also be completed successfully ('pass' grade). You must also meet any minimum mark requirements specified for a particular assessment task, as detailed in the 'assessment task' section (note that in some instances, the minimum mark for a task may be greater than 50%). Consult the University's Grades and Results Policy for more details of interim results and final grades.

Previous Student Feedback

Feedback, Recommendations and Responses

Every unit is reviewed for enhancement each year. At the most recent review, the following staff and student feedback items were identified and recommendations were made.

Feedback from Unit evaluation


I found the unit interesting the lectures were great. I enjoyed the online discussion assessments. The accessibility of the course coordinator was great, very responsive and willing to help. extremely supportive. Because the lecturer was passionate about the history of midwifery it made it more interesting and easier to learn. The online discussion forced fortnightly learning which was helpful. Lectures, I loved that I could go and listen to them at any time if I needed. Bridget was great to help with any issues I had regarding assessment etc. Content was great! Good source of information and relevant. The teacher of this unit was very helpful and supportive. No improvement needed. The assessment questions did not completely match the marking rubric for the 2 essays. It can make things confusing. it should just be the same. the wording from the rubric should be used to formulate the questions.


Continue to provide current, relevant learning resources. Improve clarity and tighten up the wording in the assessment items and rubrics.

Feedback from Email sent to me from a student who was struggling with the workload and clinical placement commitments required of the course.


Thank you for being genuine, fiercely supportive and dedicated. I had clarity of the situation and a bounce in my step after our conversations. You made a difference to my development as a student midwife.


Continue to provide quality academic and clinical advice to my students. Remain accessible to students and respond to them promptly within working hours. Respond appropriately to any personal and/or academic/clinical emergency crisis for students.

Unit Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:
  1. Examine the historical roots and social and political influences on contemporary midwifery.
  2. Explain the role of the midwife.
  3. Critique the theories and philosophy underpinning contemporary midwifery practice in national and international settings.

NMBA Midwife Standards for Practice

Standard 1: Promotes evidence-based maternal health and wellbeing.

Standard 2: Engages in respectful partnerships and professional relationships.

Standard 3: Demonstrates the capability and accountability for midwifery practice.

Standard 4: Undertakes comprehensive assessments.

Standard 5: Develops plans for midwifery practice.

Standard 6: Provides safe and quality midwifery practice.

Standard 7: Evaluates outcomes to improve midwifery practice.

Alignment of Learning Outcomes, Assessment and Graduate Attributes
N/A Level
Introductory Level
Intermediate Level
Graduate Level
Professional Level
Advanced Level

Alignment of Assessment Tasks to Learning Outcomes

Assessment Tasks Learning Outcomes
1 2 3
1 - Group Discussion - 20%
2 - Written Assessment - 40%
3 - Written Assessment - 40%

Alignment of Graduate Attributes to Learning Outcomes

Graduate Attributes Learning Outcomes
1 2 3
1 - Communication
2 - Problem Solving
3 - Critical Thinking
4 - Information Literacy
5 - Team Work
6 - Information Technology Competence
7 - Cross Cultural Competence
8 - Ethical practice
9 - Social Innovation
10 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures

Alignment of Assessment Tasks to Graduate Attributes

Assessment Tasks Graduate Attributes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 - Group Discussion - 20%
2 - Written Assessment - 40%
3 - Written Assessment - 40%
Textbooks and Resources



Midwifery: Preparation for Practice

Edition: 3rd (2014)
Authors: Pairman, Pincombe, Thorogood & Tracey
Churchill Livingstone
Sydney Sydney , NSW , Australia
ISBN: 9780729541749
Binding: Paperback

IT Resources

You will need access to the following IT resources:
  • CQUniversity Student Email
  • Internet
  • Unit Website (Moodle)
Referencing Style

All submissions for this unit must use the referencing style: American Psychological Association 6th Edition (APA 6th edition)

For further information, see the Assessment Tasks.

Teaching Contacts
Bridget Ferguson Unit Coordinator
Week 1 Begin Date: 05 Mar 2018


Topic 1 – Midwifery Philosophy:

1.International definition of the Midwife

2.Primary Healthcare

3.Woman-centered care


Chapter One and Eight In

S. Pairman, J. Pincombe, C. Thorogood, & S. Tracy (Eds.), Midwifery: preparation for practice (3rd ed.) Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, Sydney.

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 2 Begin Date: 12 Mar 2018


Topic 2 – Historical perspectives:

1. The place of midwifery in history

2. Feminism

3. Medicalisation of childbirth


Chapter Four In

S. Pairman, J. Pincombe, C. Thorogood, & S. Tracy (Eds.), Midwifery: preparation for practice (3rd ed.) Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, Sydney.

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 3 Begin Date: 19 Mar 2018


Topic 3 – Contemporary perspectives:

1. The role and responsibilities of the midwife

2. Professional, legal and ethical frameworks


Chapter 12 in

S. Pairman, J. Pincombe, C. Thorogood, & S. Tracy (Eds.), Midwifery: preparation for practice (3rd ed.) Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, Sydney.

Events and Submissions/Topic

 First online post/blog due: Assessment One.

Week 4 Begin Date: 26 Mar 2018


Topic 4 - Contemporary perspectives: Evidence-informed practice


Chapter 15 in

S. Pairman, J. Pincombe, C. Thorogood, & S. Tracy (Eds.), Midwifery: preparation for practice (3rd ed.) Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, Sydney.

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 5 Begin Date: 02 Apr 2018


Topic 5 - Contemporary perspectives: Reflective Practice


Chapter 15 in

S. Pairman, J. Pincombe, C. Thorogood, & S. Tracy (Eds.), Midwifery: preparation for practice (3rd ed.) Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, Sydney.

Events and Submissions/Topic

Second online post/blog due: Assessment One.

Assessment Two: Written Essay: Due

written assessment Due: Week 5 Friday (6 Apr 2018) 11:45 pm AEST
Vacation Week Begin Date: 09 Apr 2018



Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 6 Begin Date: 16 Apr 2018


Topic 6 - Contemporary perspectives: Women’s experiences


Chapter 16 in

S. Pairman, J. Pincombe, C. Thorogood, & S. Tracy (Eds.), Midwifery: preparation for practice (3rd ed.) Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, Sydney.

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 7 Begin Date: 23 Apr 2018


Topic 7- Midwifery philosophy: Midwife-woman partnership


Chapter 17 in

S. Pairman, J. Pincombe, C. Thorogood, & S. Tracy (Eds.), Midwifery: preparation for practice (3rd ed.) Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, Sydney.

Events and Submissions/Topic

Third online post/blog due: Assessment One

Week 8 Begin Date: 30 Apr 2018


Topic 8 - Midwifery philosophy: Working in collaboration


Chapter 18 in

S. Pairman, J. Pincombe, C. Thorogood, & S. Tracy (Eds.), Midwifery: preparation for practice (3rd ed.) Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, Sydney.

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 9 Begin Date: 07 May 2018


Topic 9 - Midwifery in a global context


Chapter 18 and 4 in

S. Pairman, J. Pincombe, C. Thorogood, & S. Tracy (Eds.), Midwifery: preparation for practice (3rd ed.) Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, Sydney.

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 10 Begin Date: 14 May 2018


Topic 10 - Midwifery in an Australian Context


Chapter 4 in

S. Pairman, J. Pincombe, C. Thorogood, & S. Tracy (Eds.), Midwifery: preparation for practice (3rd ed.) Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, Sydney.

Events and Submissions/Topic

Fourth online Post/Blog due: Assessment One

Week 11 Begin Date: 21 May 2018


Topic 11 - Midwifery in an Australian Context


Chapter 12 in

S. Pairman, J. Pincombe, C. Thorogood, & S. Tracy (Eds.), Midwifery: preparation for practice (3rd ed.) Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, Sydney.

Events and Submissions/Topic

Final submission of all online blogs due.

Assessment Three: Written Essay: Due

Written Assessment Due: Week 11 Friday (25 May 2018) 12:00 am AEST
Week 12 Begin Date: 28 May 2018


Topic 12 - Summary: student discussion and preparation for finalassessment.


Revision of the above chapters

Events and Submissions/Topic

Review/Exam Week Begin Date: 04 Jun 2018



Events and Submissions/Topic

Exam Week Begin Date: 11 Jun 2018



Events and Submissions/Topic

Term Specific Information

All students must remain subscribed to the subject discussion forum throughout the entire semester. Do not unsubscribe. This is where you will post your online discussion blogs for assessment 1.

Assessment Tasks

1 Group Discussion

Assessment Title
Online Group Discussion

Task Description

MDWF 12001 Assessment One: Online Discussion

This assessment relates to learning outcomes: One (1), Two (2), and Three (3).

  1. Examine the historical roots and social and political influences on contemporary midwifery.
  2. Explain the role of the midwife.
  3. Critique the theories and philosophy underpinning contemporary midwifery practice in national and international settings.

Task Description

You are required to participate in an online group discussion via the Moodle subject discussion forum, which will be directed by the Unit Coordinator. The online activities will require you to participate in a group discussion on 4 (four) set weeks over the semester that is based on topics in your study guide. Marks will be awarded as per the marking rubric. Give your professional opinion and write a discussion, using professional dialogue that is supported by evidence. Each online submission is due by the Friday of that week at 11:45pm AEST.

The Online Discussion will occur on weeks 3, 5, 7, 10

Length of Post/Discussion: 150- 200 words

Week 3 Topic: Consider the historical and traditional hierarchy between doctors and midwives. How do relationships between doctors and midwives support or undermine woman-centred care? Does this power dynamic affect women’s choices for maternity care and birth options?

Week 5 Topic: Reflect on a time in your career when you’ve witnessed a breach in bioethical principles. Using Gibbs Reflective Cycle (p5. Week 5 study guide) write a reflection about your experience to demonstrate your learning. Discuss the role of the midwife as an advocate for the rights of women, babies and families.

REF: Gibbs, G. (1988). Learning by Doing: A Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods. Oxford Further Education Unit, Oxford.

Week 7 Topic: Review your discussion in the week three topic. Why is collaborative practice between doctors and midwives important? Provide recommendations for establishing and maintaining professional collaborative relationships. What strategies can you employ when the person you are collaborating with does not see your point of view? Give an example of good collaboration you have seen in your career to date.

Week 10 Topic: Compared with women from European backgrounds, Indigenous women do not have the same levels of participation in decision making, planning, development and delivery of health and maternity services. What are some barriers to Indigenous women’s participation in their own health care? How can midwives work in partnership with Indigenous women to remedy these inequalities?

Contribution to the online group discussion is to add to the questions being posed in the study guide and to contribute to the discussion generated by your colleagues. Simply stating 'yes I agree with previous statements' will not be considered to be contributing to the discussion. If you are citing from other work in your post you will be required to reference this using APA 6th edition style.

Assessment Due Date: Week 3, 5, 7, 10 on the Friday of each week by 11:45 PM AEST

Final Submission of the assessment one (all the posts/blogs) will be due: 25th of May 2018 (Week 11).

Final submission will be completed by your unit coordinator

Assessment Criteria

Your written online discussion will be evaluated on the following assessment criteria:

Comprehension of Topic: 30%

Critical Thinking: 40%

Responsive and Timely postings: 30%

Please access the marking rubric for further in-depth details of assessment criteria.

Total weighting 20%

Please Note:

Participation in the online activities will be directed by the Unit Coordinator/lecturer throughout the course. If a topic or discussion arises that is challenging for you please contact the Unit Coordinator for private correspondence.

Assessment Due Date

Week 11 Friday (25 May 2018) 11:45 pm AEST

Final submission of all online posts will be completed by the unit coordinator.

Return Date to Students

Exam Week Monday (11 June 2018)

Marks will be released approximately three weeks from the final submission


Assessment Criteria

HD D C P F %
COMPREHENSION OF TOPIC Comprehensively addresses all aspects of the questions raised by the lecturer in the weekly online lecture material/course resources. Thorough comprehension of relevance of content clearly evident. Extensively addresses the majority of the aspects for the questions raised by the lecturer in the weekly online lecture material/course resources and effectively comprehends relevance of content. Broadly addresses most aspects of the questions raised by the lecturer in the weekly online lecture material/course resources. Generally demonstrates comprehension of how content is relevant. Content basically addresses aspects of the questions raised by the lecturer in the weekly online lecture material/course resources. Demonstrates limited comprehension of how content is relevant. Content does not address all aspects of the questionsraised by the lecturer in the weekly online lecture material/course resources Inadequate comprehension of required content. 30
CRITICAL THINKING Clear, coherent and convincing critical thought. Comprehensively inclusive of concepts and evidence. Clear, coherent critical thought that is well developed and logically builds each point on the last. Effectively inclusive of both concepts and evidence. Clear, critical and logically developed thought presented. Generally inclusive of concepts and evidence. Critical thought discernible. Generally demonstrates logical flow although some reliance on descriptive discussion. Discussion is poorly developed or absent. No or minimal evidence of critical thought. 40
Responsive & Timely Posting Postings are made in a timely manner providing other students with the opportunity to respond. Postings consistently respond directly to course content material and demonstrate a critical and thoughtful approach to the content. Critical and mindful connections are made to other student’s discussion. Other students are given the opportunity to respond as postings are made in a timely manner. Postings largely respond directly to course content material and demonstrate a critical and thoughtful approach. Mindful connections are made to other student’s discussion in the majority of postings. Other students are given the opportunity to respond as postings are made in a timely manner.Postings in the majority of the time respond directly to course content material and demonstrate a thoughtful approach. Connections are made to other student’s discussion in some of postings. Other students are given the opportunity to respond as postings are made in a timely manner. Postings in the majority of the time respond directly to course content material. However could demonstrate a more thoughtful approach. Connections are made to other student’s discussion in the majority of postings. Other students are not given the opportunity to respond as postings are not made in a timely manner. Postings in the majority of the time do not respond directly to course content material. Connections are not made to other student’s discussion in the majority of postings 30

Student Name: [insert name here]

Student Number: [insert number here]





Referencing Style


Submission Instructions
You are required to post each weeks blog by the Friday of the corresponding week. Final submission will be completed by the unit coordinator. All students MUST remain subscribed to the Discussion Forum in the Moodle subject site for Midwifery Past & Present.

Graduate Attributes
  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Information Literacy

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Examine the historical roots and social and political influences on contemporary midwifery.
  • Explain the role of the midwife.
  • Critique the theories and philosophy underpinning contemporary midwifery practice in national and international settings.

2 Written Assessment

Assessment Title
written assessment

Task Description

MDWF12001 Midwifery Past & Present - Written Assessment 2

Due date: 6/4/2018 Week 5
Weighting: 40%
Word Limit: 2500

Objectives: This assessment item relates to learning outcomes One (1), Two (2).

Instructions to students:

You are required to write an essay that demonstrates your understanding of the concepts learnt throughout this course thus far. You are expected to use an academic approach to answer all components of this assessment. Using this approach, you will need to demonstrate that you have researched the relevant issues present. You are required to read widely and analyse the information that you gather, ensuring that it is applicable, evidence-based and up-to-date.

Assessment: Essay

Consider and contrast historical and contemporary approaches to care of the pregnant, birthing and postnatal woman. Critically analyse the three components of maternity care that were lost at the turn of the 19th century marking the beginning of the move of childbirth from the home into institutions. The three components according to Davis and Hunter (2015) included:

· A move away from a familiar environment,

· The loss of a close personal and trusting relationship with a midwife who provided continuous care throughout labour and childbirth,

· A strong belief in the normal physiology of childbirth.

Your written essay must:

· Explore historical and contemporary approaches to maternity care and the three components of women's care (as above) that was lost in the move from birthing in the home to birthing in the hospital system.

· Discuss the impact of this loss upon women, their birthing experience and the midwifery profession.

· Analyze how contemporary midwifery, via continuity models of care, seeks to reinstate these components. Discuss and link contemporary midwifery models of care to the International Confederation of Midwives’ Bill of Rights for Women and Midwives.

Reference: Davis, D & Hunter, M (2015). The place of birth. In S, Pairman, J, Pincombe, C, Thorogood C, & Tracy. (3rd ed., pages 132-153). Sydney, Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier.

Please Note:

  • A title page is required for this assignment - including your name, student number, due date, word count and coordinator's name.
  • An introduction, conclusion and reference list is also required this assessment.
  • A 10% leeway on either side of the word limit will be accepted. The word count will be measured from the first word of the introduction to the last word of the conclusion. The reference list is not included in the word count.
  • It is an expectation that the references used will be recent journal articles, five years or less since publication and reference books are to be no older than ten years, unless seminal works. Correct referencing is to be utilised throughout the body of work.
  • Referencing: American Psychological Association referencing style is a requirement. Poor referencing is unacceptable at this level of study.
  • For more information on the APA referencing style please visit: CQUniversity Library site - click on students and then referencing.
  • Plagiarism detection software - Turnitin will be utilised to evaluate assignments. Please refer to the course profile for further information regarding Turnitin.

Specific expectations:
Before commencing the assessment you are required to read the marking criteria sheet for this assessment (see below)
For assessment extension requests - please go to the Assignment Extension Request tool bar on the MDWF12001 Moodle page.
Submission of the assessment is via Moodle, if you experience problems with submission, please contact the CQU helpdesk on (07) 493099233 or (toll free) on 1300 666.
Support and Contact Details: Course Coordinator – Bridget Ferguson
Phone number 4930 9158 or email:b.ferguson@cqu.edu.au

Assessment Due Date

Week 5 Friday (6 Apr 2018) 11:45 pm AEST

online submission

Return Date to Students

Week 8 Friday (4 May 2018)

Marks will be released approximately three weeks from submission


Assessment Criteria

Structure (15%)
Clear and succinct introduction that introduces the topic and outlines the direction of the paper. (5%) Clear and appropriate introduction that introduces the topic and outlines the direction of the paper. Appropriate introduction that introduces the topic and outlines the direction of the paper. Introduction is apparent and the topic is introduced but there is no clear direction to the paper. No recognisable introduction. The topic is not introduced and no clear direction of the paper.
Clear and succinct conclusion that outlines the main points and brings argument to a logical close. (5%) Clear and appropriate conclusion that outlines the main points and brings the argument to a close. Conclusion outlines most of the main points and brings some sense of closure. Conclusion apparent and outlines most of the main points and endeavours to bring the argument to a close-there may be some incongruity. No recognisable conclusion-little reference to the main points and no clear conclusion to the paper.
Excellent presentation of assignment, double spaced with 12 point font. Consistently accurate with spelling, grammar and paragraph structure. (5%) Well-presented assignment, double spaced with 12 point font. 1 or 2 errors spelling, grammar and paragraph structure. Well-presented assignment, double spaced with 12 point font. 3 or 4 consistent errors with spelling, grammar and paragraph structure. Well-presented assignment, double spaced with 12 point font. 3 or 4 inconsistent errors with spelling, grammar and paragraph structure. Poorly presented assignment. Double spacing not used. 12 point font not used. Many inaccuracies with spelling, grammar and paragraph structure. (> 5 errors).
Approach & Argument (75%)
Content is clearly relevant to the topic, the approach comprehensively answers the question and the argument proceeds logically and is within the set word limit. (15%) Content is relevant to the topic, the approach clearly answers the question and the argument proceeds logically and is within the set word limit. Content is appropriate and answers the question and the argument for the most part proceeds logically and is within the set word limit. Content answers the question the argument is at times repetitive or lacks cohesion and is within the set word limit with a 10% allowance (under or over the set limit). Content is irrelevant and or does not answer the question and the argument lacks cohesion. The word limit has not been adhered to; the word limit is well over or under the 10% allowance.
An articulate and comprehensive exploration of the historical and contemporary approaches to maternity care whilst exploring the three lost components of women’s care when birthing was removed from the home into the hospital setting. (15 %) Insightful and well-developed discussion that considers and contrasts the historical and contemporary approaches to maternity care whilst exploring the three lost components of women’s care when birthing was removed from the home into the hospital setting. A logical discussion that demonstrates a competent understanding of the historical and contemporary approaches to maternity care whilst exploring the three lost components of women’s care when birthing was removed from the home into the hospital setting. A disjointed discussion that demonstrates a generalised or limited understanding of the historical and contemporary approaches to maternity care whilst exploring the three lost components of women’s care when birthing was removed from the home into the hospital setting. An inadequate discussion which demonstrates a poor understanding of the historical and contemporary approaches to maternity care whilst exploring the three lost components of women’s care when birthing was removed from the home into the hospital setting.
Comprehensive discussion on the impact of this loss upon women, their birthing experience and the midwifery profession (15 %) Well-developed discussion on the impact of this loss upon women, their birthing experience and the midwifery profession Broad-based discussion that has some understanding of this loss upon women, their birthing experience and the midwifery profession Minimal exploration and a disjointed discussion which has limited understanding of this loss upon women, their birthing experience and the midwifery profession The discussion fails to address the impact of this loss upon women, their birthing experience and the midwifery profession
Comprehensive analysis and discussion on how contemporary midwifery, via continuity models of care, seeks to reinstate these components. Discusses and links contemporary midwifery models of care to the International Confederation of Midwives’ Bill of Rights for Women and Midwives. (30%) Well-developed discussion on how contemporary midwifery, via continuity models of care, seeks to reinstate these components. Discusses and links contemporary midwifery models of care to the International Confederation of Midwives’ Bill of Rights for Women and Midwives. Broad-based discussion that has some understanding of how contemporary midwifery, via continuity models of care, seeks to reinstate these components. Discusses and links contemporary midwifery models of care to the International Confederation of Midwives’ Bill of Rights for Women and Midwives. Minimal exploration and disjointed discussion of how contemporary midwifery, via continuity models of care, seeks to reinstate these components. Discusses and links contemporary midwifery models of care to the International Confederation of Midwives’ Bill of Rights for Women and Midwives. The analysis and discussion fails to explore how contemporary midwifery, via continuity models of care, seeks to reinstate these components. Discusses and links contemporary midwifery models of care to the International Confederation of Midwives’ Bill of Rights for Women and Midwives.
Referencing (10%): Referencing is consistent throughout with Author-date system
Consistently integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect all ideas, factual information and quotations. (5%) Generally integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, factual information and quotations, with 1 or 2 exceptions. Frequently integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, factual information and quotations, with 3 or 4 exceptions. Occasionally integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, factual information and quotations, with 5 or 6 exceptions. Fails to or infrequent attempts (>7 errors) to integrate up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, factual information and quotations. Referencing is not consistent with Author-date system
Consistently accurate with referencing. A minimum of 10 references used including 7 journal articles and relevant web-sites. (5%) 1 or 2 consistent referencing errors identified. A minimum of 10 references used including 6 journal articles and relevant web-sites. 3 or 4 consistent referencing errors identified. A minimum of 10 references used including 5 journal articles and relevant web-sites. 3 or 4 inconsistent referencing errors identified. A minimum of 10 references used including 4 journal articles and relevant web-sites. Many inaccuracies with referencing (>5). Less than 10 references used. Less than 4 journal articles not sourced. Relevant web-sites not included.

Student Name:

MDWF 12001 Midwifery Past & Present - Assessment Criteria Sheet – Assessment Two – Written Assessment

Referencing Style


Submission Instructions
Submit via the subject Moodle page assessment upload zone.

Graduate Attributes
  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Information Literacy

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Examine the historical roots and social and political influences on contemporary midwifery.
  • Explain the role of the midwife.

3 Written Assessment

Assessment Title
Written Assessment

Task Description


Due date: 25.5.18: week 11

Weighting: 40%

Word Limit: 2000

Objectives: This assessment item relates to learning outcomes Two (2) and Three (3).

Instructions to students:

You must be able to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts learnt throughout this course. You are expected to use an academic approach to answer all components of this assessment. Using this approach, you will need to demonstrate that you have researched the relevant issues present. You are required to read widely and analyse the information that you gather, ensuring that it is applicable, evidence-based and up-to-date.

Case Study: Gabrielle’s story.

After a traumatic first birth in hospital, Gabrielle chose a midwifery continuity of care model at a midwifery lead birth centre with her second baby:

When I was about five months pregnant, I got in to the Birth Centre and met my midwife. I have amazing feelings about her now, I’ll never forget her, she’s like family. My daughter's birth was fantastic because my midwife understood and supported me and I trusted myself that I could do it. Many women have difficult birth experiences and then struggle emotionally afterwards. It's so related to the birth. Now I say to pregnant women ‘look into the Birth Centre, do some research’. I want others to experience the kind of healing birth I had with my daughter, so empowering.

This description highlights the emotional intimacy and closeness of what is essentially a professionally relationship between women and midwives.

Ref: (Moloney, S., & Gair, S. 2015, p.326)


In reflecting upon Gabrielle’s story, research and discuss the following points:

  • Discuss and link midwifery to the empowerment of pregnant and birthing women and their right to choose their own model of care.

  • Analyze and discuss how midwifery-led continuity of care models benefit women and families during pregnancy and birth experiences. Link this to the Australian College of Midwives (ACM) midwifery philosophy.

  • When working with women in a midwifery continuity of care model, a relationship has a potential for becoming a friendship. Critically analyse the differences between friendships and professional relationships in relation to midwifery-led continuity of care models and how midwives end this professional relationship successfully.

Reference: Moloney, S., & Gair, S. (2015). Empathy and spiritual care in midwifery practice: Contributing to women’s enhanced birth experiences. Women and Birth, 28(4), 323-328.

Assessment Due Date

Week 11 Friday (25 May 2018) 12:00 am AEST

Online submission via the subject assessment upload zone

Return Date to Students

Exam Week Monday (11 June 2018)

Marks will be released approximately three weeks from submission


Assessment Criteria

MDWF 12001 Midwifery Past & Present - Assessment Criteria Sheet – Assessment Three– Written Assessment

Student Name:

Structure (15%)
Clear and succinct introduction that introduces the topic and outlines the direction of the paper. (5%) Clear and appropriate introduction that introduces the topic and outlines the direction of the paper. Appropriate introduction that introduces the topic and outlines the direction of the paper. Introduction is apparent and the topic is introduced but there is no clear direction to the paper. No recognisable introduction-the topic is not introduced and/or there is no direction of the paper.
Clear and succinct conclusion that outlines the main points brings argument to a logical close. (5%) Clear and appropriate conclusion that outlines the main points and brings the argument to a close. Conclusion outlines most of the main points and brings some sense of closure. Conclusion apparent and outlines most of the main points and endeavours to bring the argument to a close-there may be some incongruity. No recognisable conclusion-little reference to the main points and no clear conclusion to the paper.
Excellent presentation of assignment, double spaced with 12 point font. Consistently accurate with spelling, grammar and paragraph structure. (5%) Well-presented assignment, double spaced with 12 point font. 1 or 2 errors spelling, grammar and paragraph structure. Well-presented assignment, double spaced with 12 point font. 3 or 4 consistent errors with spelling, grammar and paragraph structure. Well-presented assignment, double spaced with 12 point font. 3 or 4 inconsistent errors with spelling, grammar and paragraph structure. Poorly presented assignment. Double spacing not used. 12 point font not used. Many inaccuracies with spelling, grammar and paragraph structure. (> 5 errors).
Approach & Argument (75%)
Content is clearly relevant to the topic, the approach comprehensively answers the question and the argument proceeds logically and is within the set word limit. (15%) Content is relevant to the topic, the approach clearly answers the question and the argument proceeds logically and is within the set word limit. Content is appropriate and answers the question and the argument for the most part proceeds logically and is within the set word limit. Content answers the question the argument is at times repetitive or lacks cohesion and is within the set word limit with a 10% allowance (under or over the set limit). Content is irrelevant and or does not answer the question and the argument lacks cohesion. The word limit has not been adhered to; the word limit is well over or under the 10% allowance.
An articulate and comprehensive discussion that examines the link between midwifery and the empowerment of pregnant and birthing women including the right to choose their own model of care. (20%) Insightful and well-developed discussion that demonstrates a clear examination and understanding of the link between midwifery and the empowerment of pregnant and birthing women including the right to choose their own model of care. A logical discussion that demonstrates a clear examination and understanding of the link between midwifery the empowerment of pregnant and birthing women including the right to choose their own model of care. A disjointed discussion that demonstrates a generalised or limited understanding of the link between midwifery the empowerment of pregnant and birthing women including the right to choose their own model of care. An inadequate discussion demonstrating a poor understanding of the link between midwifery the empowerment of pregnant and birthing women including the right to choose their own model of care.
Comprehensive analysis and exploration which discusses how midwifery-led continuity of care models benefit women and families during pregnancy and birth experiences. Extensively links this discussion to the ACM midwifery philosophy (20%) Well-developed discussion that explores how midwifery-led continuity of care models benefit women and families during pregnancy and birth experiences. Comprehensively links this discussion to the ACM midwifery philosophy. Broad discussion exploring how midwifery-led continuity of care models benefit women and families during pregnancy and birth experiences. Satisfactorily links this discussion to the ACM midwifery philosophy. A satisfactory understanding of the topic which explores how midwifery-led continuity of care models benefit women and families during pregnancy and birth experiences. Generally links this discussion to the ACM midwifery philosophy. Inadequate analysis and discussion that demonstrates a poor understanding of how midwifery-led continuity of care models benefit women and families during pregnancy and birth experiences. Does not link this to the ACM midwifery philosophy.
An articulate and comprehensive discussion that critically analyses the differences between friendship and professional relationships and extensively discusses how midwives end this relationship successfully (20%) An insightful and well developed discussion that analyses the differences between friendship and professional relationships and comprehensively discusses how midwives end this relationship successfully A logical discussion which broadly explores the differences between friendship and professional relationships and satisfactorily discusses how midwives end this relationship successfully A Satisfactory understanding of the topic. Although there is minimal or limited discussion that can be repetitive at times that shows some exploration of the differences between friendship and professional relationships and broadly discusses how midwives end this relationship successfully A poor understanding of the topic. Content does not address the topic being explored that being the differences between friendship and professional relationships with limited or absent discussion on how midwives end this relationship successfully.
Referencing (10%)
Consistently integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect all ideas, factual information and quotations. (5%) Generally integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, factual information and quotations, with 1 or 2 exceptions. Frequently integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, factual information and quotations, with 3 or 4 exceptions. Occasionally integrates up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, factual information and quotations, with 5 or 6 exceptions. Fails to or infrequent attempts (>7 errors) to integrate up-to-date references to support and reflect ideas, factual information and quotations.
Consistently accurate with referencing. A minimum of 10 references used including 7 journal articles and relevant web-sites. (5%) 1 or 2 consistent referencing errors identified. A minimum of 10 references used including 6 journal articles and relevant web-sites. 3 or 4 consistent referencing errors identified. A minimum of 10 references used including 5 journal articles and relevant web-sites. 3 or 4 inconsistent referencing errors identified. A minimum of 10 references used including 4 journal articles and relevant web-sites. Many inaccuracies with referencing (>5). Less than 10 references used. Less than 4 journal articles not sourced. Relevant web-sites not included.

This assignment is worth 40% of the total assessment for this subject. /100


Late Penalty (if applicable) % Final Grade:

Overall percentage:  /40%

Marker: Date:

Referencing Style


Submission Instructions
Online submission

Graduate Attributes
  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Information Literacy

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Explain the role of the midwife.
  • Critique the theories and philosophy underpinning contemporary midwifery practice in national and international settings.

Academic Integrity Statement

As a CQUniversity student you are expected to act honestly in all aspects of your academic work.

Any assessable work undertaken or submitted for review or assessment must be your own work. Assessable work is any type of work you do to meet the assessment requirements in the unit, including draft work submitted for review and feedback and final work to be assessed.

When you use the ideas, words or data of others in your assessment, you must thoroughly and clearly acknowledge the source of this information by using the correct referencing style for your unit. Using others’ work without proper acknowledgement may be considered a form of intellectual dishonesty.

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What is a breach of academic integrity?

A breach of academic integrity includes but is not limited to plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, cheating, contract cheating, and academic misconduct. The Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure defines what these terms mean and gives examples.

Why is academic integrity important?

A breach of academic integrity may result in one or more penalties, including suspension or even expulsion from the University. It can also have negative implications for student visas and future enrolment at CQUniversity or elsewhere. Students who engage in contract cheating also risk being blackmailed by contract cheating services.

Where can I get assistance?

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What can you do to act with integrity?