The information will not be changed unless absolutely necessary and any change will be clearly indicated by an approved correction included in the profile.
In this unit, you will expand upon the fundamentals of audio recording and mixing to develop skills in the application of sound design techniques in the production of a podcast in response to a brief. You will conduct research in the area of podcast sound design and use these findings to inform the planning stage of your podcast project. Once you define the scope of your podcast project, you will pitch this to your peers. Your project planning will culminate in the creation of a short podcast that contains original sound design elements such as dialogue, music, sound effects and atmospheric layers.
Pre-requisites or Co-requisites
Pre-requisite: Completion of 36 credit points in CG51. Students outside of CG51 may seek approval from the CG51 Head of Course to undertake this unit.
Important note: Students enrolled in a subsequent unit who failed their pre-requisite unit, should drop the subsequent unit before the census date or within 10 working days of Fail grade notification. Students who do not drop the unit in this timeframe cannot later drop the unit without academic and financial liability. See details in the Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education Coursework).
Offerings For Term 1 - 2025
Attendance Requirements
All on-campus students are expected to attend scheduled classes - in some units, these classes are identified as a mandatory (pass/fail) component and attendance is compulsory. International students, on a student visa, must maintain a full time study load and meet both attendance and academic progress requirements in each study period (satisfactory attendance for International students is defined as maintaining at least an 80% attendance record).
Recommended Student Time Commitment
Each 6-credit Undergraduate unit at CQUniversity requires an overall time commitment of an average of 12.5 hours of study per week, making a total of 150 hours for the unit.
Class Timetable
Assessment Overview
Assessment Grading
This is a graded unit: your overall grade will be calculated from the marks or grades for each assessment task, based on the relative weightings shown in the table above. You must obtain an overall mark for the unit of at least 50%, or an overall grade of 'pass' in order to pass the unit. If any 'pass/fail' tasks are shown in the table above they must also be completed successfully ('pass' grade). You must also meet any minimum mark requirements specified for a particular assessment task, as detailed in the 'assessment task' section (note that in some instances, the minimum mark for a task may be greater than 50%). Consult the University's Grades and Results Policy for more details of interim results and final grades.
All University policies are available on the CQUniversity Policy site.
You may wish to view these policies:
- Grades and Results Policy
- Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education Coursework)
- Review of Grade Procedure
- Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure
- Monitoring Academic Progress (MAP) Policy and Procedure - Domestic Students
- Monitoring Academic Progress (MAP) Policy and Procedure - International Students
- Student Refund and Credit Balance Policy and Procedure
- Student Feedback - Compliments and Complaints Policy and Procedure
- Information and Communications Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Procedure
This list is not an exhaustive list of all University policies. The full list of University policies are available on the CQUniversity Policy site.
Feedback, Recommendations and Responses
Every unit is reviewed for enhancement each year. At the most recent review, the following staff and student feedback items were identified and recommendations were made.
Feedback from Staff reflection
Adjust the unit to reduce the focus on sound design and increase attention to fundamental music production skills.
Reshape the unit content and assessment focus more on music production than on sound effects.
- Describe music technology fundamentals associated with sampling and signal processing as applicable for the production of a podcast
- Prepare and pitch a concept document and sound design plan in response to a brief for a podcast
- Produce a podcast which demonstrates competent use of music technology fundamentals in recording, sampling, signal processing and sound design.
Alignment of Assessment Tasks to Learning Outcomes
Assessment Tasks | Learning Outcomes | ||
1 | 2 | 3 | |
1 - Written Assessment - 30% | |||
2 - Presentation - 20% | |||
3 - Portfolio - 50% |
Alignment of Graduate Attributes to Learning Outcomes
Graduate Attributes | Learning Outcomes | ||
1 | 2 | 3 | |
1 - Communication | |||
2 - Problem Solving | |||
3 - Critical Thinking | |||
4 - Information Literacy | |||
5 - Team Work | |||
6 - Information Technology Competence | |||
7 - Cross Cultural Competence | |||
8 - Ethical practice | |||
9 - Social Innovation | |||
10 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures |
There are no required textbooks.
IT Resources
- CQUniversity Student Email
- Internet
- Unit Website (Moodle)
- Ableton Live software
All submissions for this unit must use the referencing style: American Psychological Association 7th Edition (APA 7th edition)
For further information, see the Assessment Tasks.
Introduction to Podcasting
Events and Submissions/Topic
Podcast Planning and Analysis
Events and Submissions/Topic
Recording and Editing Dialogue
Events and Submissions/Topic
Field Recording
Events and Submissions/Topic
Working with Sound Effects 1
Events and Submissions/Topic
Events and Submissions/Topic
Working with Sound Effects 2
Events and Submissions/Topic
Creating Ambience and Drones
Events and Submissions/Topic
Working with Music 1
Events and Submissions/Topic
Working with Music 2
Events and Submissions/Topic
Automation and Modulation
Events and Submissions/Topic
Project Week
Events and Submissions/Topic
Mixing Spatial Audio
Events and Submissions/Topic
Events and Submissions/Topic
Events and Submissions/Topic
1 Written Assessment
In this assessment, you will critically analyse two podcasts from the same genre to develop a deeper understanding of the sound design techniques and storytelling structures that define the genre. The goal is to sharpen your critical listening skills and understand how technical and creative decisions influence the podcast’s impact on the audience.
You will listen to two podcasts provided on Moodle and analyse them in the following key areas:
1. Technical Attributes: Discuss the technical qualities of the podcasts, including:
- Relative mix levels: How are the different elements (dialogue, music, sound effects) balanced?
- Music levels: Is the music appropriately mixed in relation to other elements?
- Dialogue quality: Is the speech clear, well-recorded, and easy to understand?
- Highlight any noticeable flaws or exceptional qualities in the technical production.
2. Structure and Genre Conventions: Analyse the overall structure of each podcast, considering elements such as:
- Narrative flow (e.g., linear storytelling, episodic structure, or thematic segmentation).
- The way the podcast's structure aligns with the conventions of the selected genre.
- Use research to support your analysis, referencing genre-specific characteristics and podcasting trends.
3. Use of Music and Sound Effects: Examine how music and sound effects are utilised within each podcast, including:
- Their role in enhancing the narrative or creating an emotional tone.
- The timing, volume, and appropriateness of their use.
- Use research to contextualise your findings and explain how these elements contribute to the podcast's overall sound design and listener engagement.
Submission Requirements
Format: Your analysis should be presented as a written report (approximately 1,000–1,200 words).
References: Include citations to support your arguments, formatted in APA style.
Week 5 Wednesday (9 Apr 2025) 11:45 pm AEST
Week 6 Wednesday (23 Apr 2025)
Technical Evaluation - 30%
- Mix Levels: Accurate analysis of the balance between dialogue, music, and sound effects, with clear observations on their impact on the listening experience.
- Dialogue Quality: Detailed evaluation of dialogue clarity, including recording quality, use of noise reduction, and vocal delivery.
Production Quality: Insightful critique of the overall technical production, including any noticeable flaws (e.g., distortion, clipping, or inconsistent audio levels) or exceptional elements (e.g., dynamic range, mastering).
Analysis of Structure and Genre Conventions - 30%
- Structure Analysis: Comprehensive description of how the podcast is organised, with attention to narrative flow, pacing, and thematic development.
- Genre Alignment: Critical understanding of how the structure adheres to or challenges conventions of the selected genre, supported by research.
- Clarity of Argument: Clear and well-structured argument supported by logical reasoning and evidence.
Use of Music and Sound Effects - 20%
- Functionality - 10%: Detailed analysis of how music and sound effects contribute to the narrative, emotional tone, and audience engagement.
- Technical Use - 5%: Observations on the timing, volume, and placement of music and sound effects within the mix.
- Research Integration 5%: Effective use of research to contextualise and support the analysis of sound design choices.
Critical Thinking and Original Insights - 10%
- Demonstrates the ability to synthesise research and observations to provide original and thoughtful insights into the podcasts analyzed.
- Goes beyond surface-level descriptions to offer deeper reflections on how sound design enhances the storytelling.
Presentation Quality - 10%
- Writing/Audio Clarity: Well-organised and clearly articulated report or audio presentation with a logical flow of ideas.
- Engagement: Engages the reader/listener through compelling and professional delivery.
- Referencing and Academic Integrity (10%)
- Research Depth: Incorporates a variety of credible sources, including academic research, genre studies, and technical resources.
- APA Style: Accurate use of APA style for in-text citations and references, including proper formatting of long quotes or paraphrased material.
- Describe music technology fundamentals associated with sampling and signal processing as applicable for the production of a podcast
2 Presentation
In this assessment, you will expand upon the analysis and research from Assessment Task 1 and develop a project pitch for the podcast that you will produce in Assessment Task 3. Pitching is a critical skill in the creative industries, used to secure investment, funding, or approval for projects. This task will introduce you to the process of presenting your ideas and concepts to a client in a clear, engaging, and professional manner.
Your project pitch should demonstrate:
1. A Strong Understanding of the Project Brief: Show how your pitch aligns with the creative direction and objectives of the podcast.
2. Research-Informed Decision-Making: Reference insights and analysis from Assessment Task 1 to support your creative and technical choices.
3. Audio Design Skills: Present examples of your audio design, including drone sounds, alien voices, and a musical idea for the final scene, to showcase your technical and creative approach.
4. Knowledge of Genre and Industry Standards: Demonstrate an understanding of the podcast landscape, including genre conventions and audience expectations.
5. Ability to Deliver the Client’s Vision: Convince the client that your production plan will result in a podcast that fulfils the brief.
Pitch Presentation Structure
Your project pitch presentation should be clear, concise, and no more than 5 minutes in length. It must include both audio and visual content and follow this structure:
1. Introduction
- Briefly introduce yourself and the project.
- Summarise the podcast’s concept and how your approach aligns with the client’s vision and the attached brief.
2. Production Strategy: Outline your overall approach to producing the podcast, including:
- Content: What theme is the podcast exploring?
- Format: How will the podcast be structured?
- Tone: What mood or atmosphere are you aiming for, and how will your sound design support this?
3. Audio Examples
- Drone Sounds (15%): Present a preview of your designed drone sounds, explaining their role in setting the tone or atmosphere.
- Alien Sounds (15%): Share examples of the alien voices you’ve created, describing how you’ve achieved their unique characteristics.
- Musical Idea for the Final Scene (10%): Demonstrate your musical concept for the climactic scene, explaining how it supports the emotional and narrative impact.
4. Summary
- Recap your key points.
- Reassure the client that your production will meet the brief and exceed expectations.
Additional Guidelines
- Read the Client Brief: Ensure your pitch aligns with the needs and objectives outlined in the brief attached to Assessment Task 3.
- Use Research from Assessment Task 1: Incorporate insights about the podcast landscape, genre traits, and sound design conventions to justify your decisions.
- Engaging Visuals: Use presentation software to include visuals such as mood boards, graphics, screenshots of your Ableton Live sessions, and diagrams to support your pitch.
- Seamless Audio Integration: Ensure that your audio examples (drone sounds, alien voices, and musical ideas) are seamlessly embedded into the pitch presentation.
Submission Guidelines
- Format: Submit your pitch as a video presentation, recorded using tools like OBS, Adobe Premiere Pro, Zoom or similar software.
- Length: The presentation must not exceed 5 minutes.
- Submission: Upload your final pitch video to Moodle following the Echo360 submission instructions provided.
Week 9 Wednesday (14 May 2025) 11:45 pm AEST
Week 11 Wednesday (28 May 2025)
Understanding the Client Brief - 10%
- Demonstrates a clear understanding of the client’s needs and objectives as outlined in the brief for Assessment Task 3.
- Shows thoughtful alignment between the pitch content and the creative direction specified in the brief.
Production Strategy - 10%
Outlines a clear, well-structured, and achievable plan for producing the podcast, including:
- Content and themes.
- Format and structure.
- Tone and delivery methods.
- Explains how the strategy fulfils the client’s objectives and appeals to the target audience.
Audio Design Examples - 50%
- Drone Sounds: Demonstrates creativity and technical proficiency, with sounds that enhance the podcast’s tone or atmosphere.
- Alien Voices: Audio is unique, well-crafted, and technically polished, aligning with the creative goals of the podcast.
- Musical Idea for Final Scene: Composition is engaging, emotionally resonant, and contributes to the narrative climax.
Use of Research - 15%
- Effectively integrates research from Assessment Task 1 to support creative and technical decisions.
- Demonstrates a clear understanding of genre conventions and podcasting trends.
- Cites all references accurately in APA style.
Presentation Quality (15%)
- Clarity and Engagement: Presentation is professional, engaging, and logically organised, maintaining the client’s attention throughout.
- Visual and Audio Integration: Visuals (e.g., mood boards, diagrams) and audio examples are seamlessly incorporated into the presentation to effectively communicate key points.
- Prepare and pitch a concept document and sound design plan in response to a brief for a podcast
3 Portfolio
As a sound engineer, your ability to record, edit, and assemble high-quality podcast audio is essential for producing content suitable for dissemination on various online platforms (e.g., Soundcloud, Apple Music, Podbean, Simplecast, Captivate). In this assessment, you will follow the production pitch developed in Assessment Task 2 to record, edit, and assemble a podcast. The script for the podcast will be provided on Moodle.
Podcast Requirements
Your podcast must meet the following criteria:
1. Length:
- Minimum of 10 minutes and a maximum of 12 minutes.
2. Content:
- Introduction Sting: Include music and/or sound effects, as well as the podcast title.
- Narrator's Voice: Record and include a clear and professionally captured narrator's voice.
- Music: Relevant to the content of the podcast.
- Music can be created by you or sourced through a Creative Commons license. Any third-party content must be properly credited in a Word document. A higher weighting will be given to originally composed music.
- Sound Effects and Atmospheres: Relevant sound effects and environmental sounds that enhance the narrative.
- Sound effects must be created by you.
3. Audio Production
- All audio should be recorded, edited, and assembled in Ableton Live.
- The recording must be mixed and “bounced” to meet professional standards (see submission requirements).
Assessment Deliverables
Your final submission must include:
- Final Podcast Stereo Bounce
- Exported as a stereo audio file at 24-bit, 48kHz.
- Submit via the Moodle submission portal.
- Ableton Live Project Folder
- Your session should include all tracks and edits used in the final production.
- Ensure you collect all and save to contain all necessary audio files.
- The folder must include:
- One .als file: Your Ableton Live session at the final stage of the mix.
- Samples folder: Contains all audio clips used in the session.
- Exports folder: Includes the final stereo bounce.
Week 12 Friday (6 June 2025) 11:45 pm AEST
Exam Week Friday (20 June 2025)
Technical Quality of the Podcast - 40%
- Audio Clarity: All recordings are clean, free from distortion, extraneous noise, and properly levelled.
- Mixing: The final mix demonstrates balanced levels, effective use of EQ, compression, and panning, as well as appropriate effects (e.g., reverb, delay).
Creative Use of Audio Elements - 40%
- Music: Music is relevant, well-integrated, and enhances the narrative and mood of the podcast.
- Sound Effects and Atmospheres: Sound design elements are creatively and appropriately used to support the storytelling and emotional tone.
Adherence to Project Requirements - 10%
- The podcast meets the required length and includes all necessary elements: introduction sting, narrator’s voice, music, sound effects, and atmospheres.
- Third-party audio content is properly credited in the accompanying Word document.
Ableton Live Project Management - 10%
- The Ableton Live session is well-organised and follows submission guidelines.
- All necessary files are included, and the session is fully functional.
- Produce a podcast which demonstrates competent use of music technology fundamentals in recording, sampling, signal processing and sound design.
As a CQUniversity student you are expected to act honestly in all aspects of your academic work.
Any assessable work undertaken or submitted for review or assessment must be your own work. Assessable work is any type of work you do to meet the assessment requirements in the unit, including draft work submitted for review and feedback and final work to be assessed.
When you use the ideas, words or data of others in your assessment, you must thoroughly and clearly acknowledge the source of this information by using the correct referencing style for your unit. Using others’ work without proper acknowledgement may be considered a form of intellectual dishonesty.
Participating honestly, respectfully, responsibly, and fairly in your university study ensures the CQUniversity qualification you earn will be valued as a true indication of your individual academic achievement and will continue to receive the respect and recognition it deserves.
As a student, you are responsible for reading and following CQUniversity’s policies, including the Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure. This policy sets out CQUniversity’s expectations of you to act with integrity, examples of academic integrity breaches to avoid, the processes used to address alleged breaches of academic integrity, and potential penalties.
What is a breach of academic integrity?
A breach of academic integrity includes but is not limited to plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, cheating, contract cheating, and academic misconduct. The Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure defines what these terms mean and gives examples.
Why is academic integrity important?
A breach of academic integrity may result in one or more penalties, including suspension or even expulsion from the University. It can also have negative implications for student visas and future enrolment at CQUniversity or elsewhere. Students who engage in contract cheating also risk being blackmailed by contract cheating services.
Where can I get assistance?
For academic advice and guidance, the Academic Learning Centre (ALC) can support you in becoming confident in completing assessments with integrity and of high standard.
What can you do to act with integrity?