CQUniversity Unit Profile
NURS11157 Lifespan Approach to Health and Wellness for Nursing
Lifespan Approach to Health and Wellness for Nursing
All details in this unit profile for NURS11157 have been officially approved by CQUniversity and represent a learning partnership between the University and you (our student).
The information will not be changed unless absolutely necessary and any change will be clearly indicated by an approved correction included in the profile.
General Information


In this unit you will be introduced to psychosocial concepts of health, wellness and illness across the lifespan and the nurse's role in promoting wellness. The different stages of the lifespan are discussed in terms of transition, adaptation and resilience. You will also identify the impact of biopsychosocial and cultural factors on lifespan development and how values, beliefs and attitudes affect health and illness perceptions and behaviours. You will have the opportunity to demonstrate age and culturally appropriate communication strategies.


Career Level: Undergraduate
Unit Level: Level 1
Credit Points: 6
Student Contribution Band: 7
Fraction of Full-Time Student Load: 0.125

Pre-requisites or Co-requisites

Students must be enrolled in CQ23 or CG41.

Important note: Students enrolled in a subsequent unit who failed their pre-requisite unit, should drop the subsequent unit before the census date or within 10 working days of Fail grade notification. Students who do not drop the unit in this timeframe cannot later drop the unit without academic and financial liability. See details in the Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education Coursework).

Offerings For Term 2 - 2020


Attendance Requirements

All on-campus students are expected to attend scheduled classes – in some units, these classes are identified as a mandatory (pass/fail) component and attendance is compulsory. International students, on a student visa, must maintain a full time study load and meet both attendance and academic progress requirements in each study period (satisfactory attendance for International students is defined as maintaining at least an 80% attendance record).

Class and Assessment Overview

Recommended Student Time Commitment

Each 6-credit Undergraduate unit at CQUniversity requires an overall time commitment of an average of 12.5 hours of study per week, making a total of 150 hours for the unit.

Class Timetable

Bundaberg, Cairns, Emerald, Gladstone, Mackay, Rockhampton, Townsville
Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney

Assessment Overview

1. Online Quiz(zes)
Weighting: 30%
2. Case Study
Weighting: 40%
3. Written Assessment
Weighting: 30%

Assessment Grading

This is a graded unit: your overall grade will be calculated from the marks or grades for each assessment task, based on the relative weightings shown in the table above. You must obtain an overall mark for the unit of at least 50%, or an overall grade of 'pass' in order to pass the unit. If any 'pass/fail' tasks are shown in the table above they must also be completed successfully ('pass' grade). You must also meet any minimum mark requirements specified for a particular assessment task, as detailed in the 'assessment task' section (note that in some instances, the minimum mark for a task may be greater than 50%). Consult the University's Grades and Results Policy for more details of interim results and final grades.

Previous Student Feedback

Feedback, Recommendations and Responses

Every unit is reviewed for enhancement each year. At the most recent review, the following staff and student feedback items were identified and recommendations were made.



Repeating students indicated the changed structure of the unit was more difficult than the earlier term and this impacted on their results.


Term 2 is the final term this unit will be undertaken by students. The move to the new curriculum will address this situation. Term 2 will continue with the same approved assessment structure with additional workshops provided to the students.

Feedback from HAVE YOUR SAY SURVEY and email


Students reported that the interactive workshops were of great benefit in providing a forum to interact with lecturers and discuss material.


The interactive workshops should be continued.

Feedback from Email, personal statements in workshops, HAVE YOUR SAY survey


Students were challenged by the isolation requirements for COVID-19.


Increased social spaces embedded within Moodle were provided to foster student engagement and these appear to have been well utilised. Additional online presence of coordinators also gave further opportunities for connection by students. This will be continued.

Unit Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:
  1. Describe contemporary theories of human development as they relate to nursing practice
  2. Discuss the impact of biopsychosocial and cultural factors on lifespan development
  3. Explain the nurse's role in promoting health and wellness within the context of an interprofessional team
  4. Demonstrate age appropriate communication principles across the lifespan.

The Learning outcomes are linked to the Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) Standards for registered nurses and the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) registered nurse standards for practice.

Alignment of Learning Outcomes, Assessment and Graduate Attributes
N/A Level
Introductory Level
Intermediate Level
Graduate Level
Professional Level
Advanced Level

Alignment of Assessment Tasks to Learning Outcomes

Assessment Tasks Learning Outcomes
1 2 3 4
1 - Online Quiz(zes) - 30%
2 - Written Assessment - 30%
3 - Case Study - 40%

Alignment of Graduate Attributes to Learning Outcomes

Graduate Attributes Learning Outcomes
1 2 3 4
1 - Communication
2 - Problem Solving
3 - Critical Thinking
4 - Information Literacy
5 - Team Work
6 - Information Technology Competence
7 - Cross Cultural Competence
8 - Ethical practice
9 - Social Innovation
10 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures

Alignment of Assessment Tasks to Graduate Attributes

Assessment Tasks Graduate Attributes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 - Online Quiz(zes) - 30%
2 - Written Assessment - 30%
3 - Case Study - 40%
Textbooks and Resources



Health and Human Behaviour

Edition: 3rd edn (2012)
Authors: Jones, K & Creedy, D
Oxford University Press
South Melbourne South Melbourne , VIC , Australia
ISBN: 9780195577259
Binding: Paperback

Additional Textbook Information

Paper and eBook copies can be purchased at the CQUni Bookshop here: http://bookshop.cqu.edu.au (search on the Unit code)

IT Resources

You will need access to the following IT resources:
  • CQUniversity Student Email
  • Internet
  • Unit Website (Moodle)
Referencing Style

All submissions for this unit must use the referencing style: American Psychological Association 7th Edition (APA 7th edition)

For further information, see the Assessment Tasks.

Teaching Contacts
Katrina Lane-Krebs Unit Coordinator
Donna Lorenze Unit Coordinator
Week 1 Begin Date: 13 Jul 2020


The Big Picture: What is Health?



Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 2 Begin Date: 20 Jul 2020


Models of care provision, reactions & impacts


4, 5 & 6

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 3 Begin Date: 27 Jul 2020


Socialisation, influence & inequalities


7, 8, 9 & 14

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 4 Begin Date: 03 Aug 2020


Introduction to Childhood stage of the lifespan


2 ALL (Special focus on pp. 20 - 29)

4 (p. 58) Revisit

Events and Submissions/Topic

QUIZ A  OPENS 3 AUG 2020 @ 9am CLOSES 10 AUG 2020 @ 11PM

(Covers Chapters 1,2,4,5,& 6)

Week 5 Begin Date: 10 Aug 2020


Introduction to Adolescence stage of the life span


2 (pp. 30 - 39) Revisit


Events and Submissions/Topic

Vacation Week Begin Date: 17 Aug 2020


There are NO scheduled activities for this week


Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 6 Begin Date: 24 Aug 2020


Introduction Young adulthood and Middle adulthood


3 & 4 Revisit

Specific focus:

Emotional intelligence Ch.2 (p. 29) Revisit

Fluid intelligence Ch. 3 (p. 38)

Crystallised intelligence Ch. 3 (p. 39)

Ch. 3 (pp. 35 - 39) Revisit

Risky behaviours Ch. 4 (pp. 54-58; 94-98) Revisit

Events and Submissions/Topic

QUIZ B  OPENS 24 AUG 2020 @ 9am CLOSES 31 AUG 2020 @ 11PM

(Covers Chapters 3,7,8,9 & 14)

Week 7 Begin Date: 31 Aug 2020


Introduction to Older Adults


3 (pp. 39 - 47) Revisit

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 8 Begin Date: 07 Sep 2020


Understanding pain, stress, trauma & coping


4 (Revisit), 11, 12 & 13

Events and Submissions/Topic

Written assessment A: 1500 - word essay. Due: Week 8 Friday (11 Sept 2020) 11:00 pm AEST
Week 9 Begin Date: 14 Sep 2020


Health literacy and inequalities



Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 10 Begin Date: 21 Sep 2020


Health promotion and illness prevention



Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 11 Begin Date: 28 Sep 2020


Planning interventions


Revisit pp. 233 -246

Revisit Ch. 1

Revisit pp. 84 - 89

Revisit Ch. 8

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 12 Begin Date: 05 Oct 2020


Reflections, self-care & wellness


15 (p. 277) Revisit

5 (pp. 81 - 83) Revisit

Events and Submissions/Topic

Please ensure you have completed the HAVE YOUR SAY survey by clicking on the following icon on the top RH of the Moodle page for NURS11157

Written assessment B: 800 - word essay Due: Week 12 Monday (5 Oct 2020) 11:00 pm AEST
Review/Exam Week Begin Date: 12 Oct 2020


There is NO examination scheduled for this unit


Events and Submissions/Topic

Final reminder. Please complete the  HAVE YOUR SAY survey 

Exam Week Begin Date: 19 Oct 2020


There is NO examination scheduled for this unit


Events and Submissions/Topic

Term Specific Information

Students will require ongoing access to the prescribed Textbook. Online access is available through the CQUni library. Limited downloads are available and this source may not be available during high demand times.

Assessment Tasks

1 Online Quiz(zes)

Assessment Title
QUIZZES: 2 x quizzes

Task Description

·There are 30 questions per quiz.

·There is a TWO-HOUR TIME LIMIT per quiz and students will have only ONE attempt at each quiz.

·Each Quiz has a weighting of 15% making a total weighting of 30%.

·All questions relate to the material covered in the prescribed text.

·Questions will require an understanding of terms and concepts and the ability to critically analyse and apply the theoretical concepts to scenario situations.

·This is an OPEN BOOK assessment.

Number of Quizzes


Frequency of Quizzes

Assessment Due Date

Quiz A will open Monday week 4 at 9 am and close at 9 am on the Monday week 5. Quiz B will open 9 am Monday week 7 and close 9 am Monday week 8.

Return Date to Students

Immediate indication of the number of correct responses will be available via Moodle. In accordance with policy: Any marks and/or grades for assessments released to students prior to Certification of Grades are provisional and are subject to moderation and confirmation through the relevant Program and Divisional Assessment Committees. No examination marks will be released until after the process of moderation and certification of grades. All confirmed assessment marks, including final assessment and examination marks, will be made available to students after final grades have been published.


Assessment Criteria

Immediate indication of the number of correct responses will be available via Moodle when you submit your responses. A weighting of 30% applies to this assessment. 

Quiz A covers chapters: 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6

Quiz B covers chapters 3,7, 8, 9 &14

Referencing Style


Submission Instructions
Quizzes are accessed through the unit Moodle site for NURS11157. You MUST complete the quiz in ONE session - you CANNOT save and return to the quiz. Ensure you submit your responses BEFORE the time limit expires.

Graduate Attributes
  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Information Literacy
  • Information Technology Competence
  • Cross Cultural Competence
  • Ethical practice

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Describe contemporary theories of human development as they relate to nursing practice
  • Explain the nurse's role in promoting health and wellness within the context of an interprofessional team

2 Case Study

Assessment Title
Written assessment A: 1500 - word essay.

Task Description

Topic: Understanding the client, health decisions and psycho-physiological aspects of health (case study).

Note: A template is provided (on the unit Moodle site) to guide students with structure.

Details: Please see the Unit Moodle site for the detailed scenario information. ONE scenario is to be selected from the options available. The same case study MUST be used for the written assessment A (40% 1500 - word essay) and Written Assessment B (30% 800 - word essay).

This is an INDIVIDUAL assessment task. This assessment task requires students to compose an essay using information from the scenarios provided. Students select ONE of four scenarios (located on the unit Moodle site). You are required to position yourself as the nurse. Using theory, terms and concepts encountered throughout NURS11157, explore the health behaviours, influencers and decision-making processes of the participants involved. Demonstrate the considerations that are required in planning care. The prescribed textbook MUST be used as one of your sources of information.

This assessment - MUST include:

  • title/cover page
  • table of content
  • introduction
  • discussion
  • conclusion
  • reference list

The case study is divided into parts and students are encouraged to use headings throughout the paper to provide structure- the Discussion Sections may be used as a heading.

Discussion Sections Suggested topic areas to be considered may include:
Overview of the situation Explore the main person using a lifespan approach and identify key characteristics of the person’s current situation. Identify the health concern.
Factors affecting health decisions and behaviour Identify what Model of Health requires consideration in planning nursing care? Explore how the participants' health decisions are made within complex social environments. Consider the impacts of social influences, inequalities and culture.
Psycho-physiological aspects of health In relation to the person's situation, explore the relationship between emotions and health, stress and stress management. Identify types of responses that are evident in relation to the participants.

Assessment Due Date

Week 8 Friday (11 Sept 2020) 11:00 pm AEST

Return Date to Students

Target return date is week 10 for on time submissions


Assessment Criteria

HD D C P F Mark
Structure & Orgnaisation -10%
Excellent presentation of assignment with inclusion of all correct components, double line spaced, 12-point font, page numbers, title page, well-structured and a contents page. Consistently accurate with spelling, grammar and paragraph structure. 5 – 4.25 Well-presented assignment, double line spaced, 12-point font, page numbers, title page, 1 or 2 error in spelling, grammar or paragraph structure. 4.20 – 3.6 Well-presented assignment, double line spaced, 12-point font, page numbers, title page and 3 or 4 consistent errors with spelling, grammar or paragraph structure. 3.55 - 2.55 Adequate assignment presentation, double line spaced with 12-point font. No page numbers, title page, 5 to 7 consistent errors with spelling, grammar or paragraph structure.3.50 – 2.5 Poorly presented assignment. Double line spacing, page numbers or 12-point font not used. Many inaccuracies in spelling, grammar or paragraph structure. Numbered sections. Report style. 2.45 – 0



Organisation and structure is clear and easy to follow. Well-developed paraphrased definitions are provided. Discussion is exceptionally well linked to supporting literature. 5. – 4.25 Organisation and structure is clear. Paraphrased definitions are provided. Supporting literature is used appropriately to support discussion. 4.20 – 3.6 Organisation and structure is appropriate. Definitions are provided and demonstrate efforts to paraphrase. Minimal omissions in links to supporting literature.3.55 – 2.55 Organisation and structure allows misinterpretation of the meaning of the content. Definitions are frequently omitted or presented only as direct quotes and not fully explained. Frequent omissions in links to supporting literature leaving the discussion unsupported.3.50 – 2.5 Organisation and structure detract from the meaning of the content. There is a lack of cohesion. Little to no links to supporting literature. 2.45 - 0
Introduction and conclusion (20%)
Clear and succinct introduction that introduces the topic and outlines the direction of the paper. Clear and succinct conclusion that provides closure to the topic and outlines final direction of the paper.20– 17.0 Clear and appropriate introduction that introduces the topic and outlines the direction of the paper. Clear and appropriate closure to the topic and outlines the final direction of the paper. 16.95 – 15 Appropriate introduction that introduces the topic and outlines the direction of the paper. Appropriate conclusion to the topic and somewhat outlines the final direction of the paper. 14.95 – 13.0 An introduction is apparent although consists only of a list of the contents of the paper. Topic not clearly introduced. Conclusion is apparent although consists of only a brief closure of the topic. Topic not clearly concluded. 12.95 - 10 No recognizable introduction— the topic is not introduced and/or there is no direction offered in respect of the paper. No recognizable conclusion or the conclusion content is not reflective of the discussion. 9.95- 0      /20
Approach and Argument (60%)
Content is clearly relevant to the topic. The approach comprehensively links the theory, terms and concepts from the course to the selected scenario and the discussion proceeds logically. 30 – 25.5 Content is relevant to the topic. The approach links the theory, terms and concepts from the course to the selected scenario and the discussion proceeds logically. 25.25– 22.5 Content is appropriate. The approach links the theory, terms and concepts from the course to the selected scenario and the discussion for the most part, proceeds logically. 22.25 – 19.5 Content attempts to link theory, terms and concept from the course to the selected scenario although the argument is at times repetitive or lacks cohesion. 19.45 – 15 Content does not address all aspects of the assessment task. Inadequate linking of theory, terms and concepts from the course to the selected scenario. Little or no discernible critical thought is evident. 14.75 - 0      /30
Comprehensively includes a detailed discussion of introduction to the client and model of health, factors affecting health decisions and behaviour, psycho-physiological- social aspects of health, with clear, coherent and convincing critical thought displayed. 30 – 25.5 Extensively includes a thorough discussion of introduction to the client and models of health, factors affecting health decisions and behaviour, psycho-physiological-social aspects with well-developed critical thought evident. 25.25 – 22.5 Generally, includes a reasonable discussion of introduction to the client and models of health, factors affecting health decisions and behaviour psycho-physiological- social aspects of health, with emerging critical thought developed and presented. 22.25 – 19.5 Demonstrates a limited discussion of introduction to the client and models of health, factors affecting health decisions and behaviour, psycho-physiological- social aspects of health, with some perceptible critical thought. 19.45 – 15 Not able to provide a discussion of introduction to the client, model of health factors affecting health decisions and behaviour, psycho-physiological- social aspects of health. 14.75 - 0      /30
Referencing - 10%
Consistently accurate with in-text referencing to support all ideas, factual information and quotations. 5 – 4.25 Referencing supports all ideas, factual information and quotations. 1 or 2 consistent in-text referencing errors identified. 4.0 – 3.75 3 or 4 consistent in-text referencing errors identified to support all ideas, factual information and quotations. 3.70 – 3.25 3 or 4 inconsistent in-text referencing errors identified to support all ideas, factual information and quotations. 3.20 – 2.5 Referencing is not consistent with APA style. Many inaccuracies with in-text referencing to support all ideas, factual information and quotations. 2.45 – 0



Reference list Fully adheres to APA guidelines. A minimum of 10 references used 5 – 4.25 Reference list appears in alphabetical order and consistently adheres to reference list presentation guidelines APA style. A minimum of 9 references used. 4.0-3.75 Reference list appears in alphabetical order and frequently adheres to reference list presentation guidelines APA style. A minimum of 8 references used. 3.70 – 3.25 Reference list appears in alphabetical order and occasionally adheres to reference list presentation guidelines APA style. A minimum of 7 references used. 3.20 – 2.5 Reference list appears not in alphabetical order and/or does not adhere to reference list presentation guidelines APA style. A minimum of 7 references not provided. 2.45 – 0
Total Marks      /100

Referencing Style


Submission Instructions
Please note there is a two-step submission process. Students can upload a file and a Turnitin report that assesses similarity will be provided through Moodle. Once students are satisfied with their completed assessment they will need to select the submit for making option to complete the process.

Graduate Attributes
  • Critical Thinking
  • Cross Cultural Competence
  • Ethical practice

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Describe contemporary theories of human development as they relate to nursing practice
  • Discuss the impact of biopsychosocial and cultural factors on lifespan development
  • Explain the nurse's role in promoting health and wellness within the context of an interprofessional team
  • Demonstrate age appropriate communication principles across the lifespan.

3 Written Assessment

Assessment Title
Written assessment B: 800 - word essay

Task Description

Topic: Planning interventions for a client.

Note: A template is provided (on the unit Moodle site) to guide students with structure.

This is an INDIVIDUAL assessment task. This assessment task requires students to compose an essay The SAME scenario selected for Essay A. You are required to position yourself as the nurse. Using theory, terms and concepts encountered throughout NURS11157, demonstrate the considerations regarding Illness Prevention and Health Promotion that are required in planning interventions for a selected participant from a case study, and propose an intervention that benefits your selected participant/s current situation. The prescribed textbook MUST be used as one of your sources of information.

The assessment MUST include:

  • title/cover page
  • table of content
  • introduction
  • discussion
  • conclusion
  • reference list

The case study is divided into parts and students are encouraged to use the discussion headings to provide structure to their paper.

Discussion Section Heading Topic areas to be considered may include:
Health Promotion and Illness Prevention Describe the concepts of Health Promotion (HP) and Illness Prevention (IP). Discuss the similarities or difference of these concepts. Propose an intervention and identify if it sits within HP or IP. Using the Model of Health selected in the previous assessment, identify the domains your proposed intervention will address.
Facilitating the intervention Identify who will be involved in the intervention and their roles. Discuss how the intervention will match with the participant/s stage of the lifespan and health literacy. Examine the sustainability and motivation for the intervention to continue. Discuss how you could determine if the intervention is effective.

Assessment Due Date

Week 12 Monday (5 Oct 2020) 11:00 pm AEST

Return Date to Students

In accordance with policy: Any marks and/or grades for assessments released to students prior to Certification of Grades are provisional and are subject to moderation and confirmation through the relevant Program and Divisional Assessment Committees. No examination marks will be released until after the process of moderation and certification of grades. All confirmed assessment marks, including final assessment and examination marks, will be made available to students after final grades have been published.


Assessment Criteria

HD D C P F Mark
Structure & Organisation -10%
Excellent presentation of assignment with the inclusion of all correct components, double line spaced, 12-point font, page numbers, title page, well-structured and a contents page. Consistently accurate with spelling, grammar and paragraph structure. 5 – 4.25 Well-presented assignment, double line spaced, 12-point font, page numbers, title page, 1 or 2 error in spelling, grammar or paragraph structure. 4.20 – 3.8 Well-presented assignment, double line spaced, 12-point font, page numbers, title page and 3 or 4 consistent errors with spelling, grammar or paragraph structure. 3.75 – 3.55 Adequate assignment presentation, double line spaced with 12-point font. No page numbers, title page, 4 to 7 consistent errors with spelling, grammar or paragraph structure.3.50 – 2.5 Poorly presented assignment. Double line spacing, page numbers or 12-point font not used. Many inaccuracies in spelling, grammar or paragraph structure. Numbered sections. Report style. 2.45 – 0



Organisation and structure are clear and easy to follow. Well-developed paraphrased definitions are provided. Discussion is exceptionally well linked to supporting literature. 5. – 4.25 Organisation and structure are clear. Paraphrased definitions are provided. Supporting literature is used appropriately to support discussion. 4.20 – 3.8 Organisation and structure are appropriate. Definitions are provided and demonstrate efforts to paraphrase. Minimal omissions in links to supporting literature.3.75 – 3.55 Organisation and structure allow misinterpretation of the meaning of the content. Definitions are frequently omitted or presented only as direct quotes and not fully explained. Frequent omissions in links to supporting literature leaving the discussion unsupported.3.50 – 2.5 Organisation and structure detract from the meaning of the content. There is a lack of cohesion. Little to no links to supporting literature. 2.45 – 0
Introduction and conclusion (20%)
Clear and succinct introduction that introduces the topic and outlines the direction of the paper. A clear and succinct conclusion that provides closure to the topic and outlines the final direction of the paper.20– 17.0 Clear and appropriate introduction that introduces the topic and outlines the direction of the paper. Clear and appropriate closure to the topic and outlines the final direction of the paper. 16.95 – 15 Appropriate introduction that introduces the topic and outlines the direction of the paper. An appropriate conclusion to the topic and somewhat outlines the final direction of the paper. 14.95 – 13.0 An introduction is apparent although consists only of a list of the contents of the paper. Topic not clearly introduced. The conclusion is apparent although consists of only a brief closure of the topic. Topic not clearly concluded. 12.95 - 10 No recognisable introduction— the topic is not introduced and/or there is no direction offered in respect of the paper. No recognisable conclusion or the conclusion content is not reflective of the discussion. 9.95-0      /20
Approach and Argument (60%)
Content is clearly relevant to the topic. Appropriate intervention is clearly stated with an accompanying rationale relating to the stage of the lifespan and health literacy. The approach comprehensively explores the concepts of health promotion and illness prevention and links to an identified model of health and the domains the intervention will optimise for the participant/s identified from the scenario. The discussion proceeds logically. 30 – 25.5 Content is relevant to the topic. Appropriate intervention is indicated with a reasonable rationale relating to the stage of the lifespan and health literacy. The approach explores the concepts of health promotion and illness prevention and makes attempts to link to an identified model of health. A reasonable discussion is presented on how the nominated intervention will benefit the participant/s identified from the scenario. The discussion in an ordered manner.25.25– 22.5 Content is appropriate. An intervention is indicated with some indication of rationale relating to the stage of the lifespan. The approach links to the concepts of health promotion and illness prevention. Mention is made of a model of health and how the intervention may benefit the participant/s. The discussion, for the most part, proceeds logically. 22.25 – 19.5 Content is generally applicable to the topic. An intervention is indicated with some indication of a rationale. The concepts from health promotion and illness prevention are discussed at a basic level. A model of health is described. The discussion is at times, repetitive or lacks cohesion. 19.25 – 15 Content does not address the topic. Inappropriate or no intervention or accompanying rationale is provided. Little to no linkage to the stage of the lifespan or model of health. Inadequate discussion of health promotion/illness prevention. Little or no discernible critical thought is evident. 14.75– 0      /30
Comprehensively includes a detailed discussion of who will be involved in planning and delivering the intervention. Clear and accurate indication of motivational factors to participate in the intervention is provided. A clear indication of how the intervention is sustainable and how the effects will be evaluated. Discussion is coherent and convincing critical thought displayed. 30 – 25.5 Extensively includes a discussion of who will be involved in planning and delivering the intervention. Accurate indication of motivational factors to participate in the intervention is provided. An indication of how the intervention is sustainable and how the effects will be evaluated. Well-developed critical thought is evident. 25.25 – 22.5 Generally, includes a reasonable discussion of who will be involved in planning and delivering the intervention. Some indication of motivational factors to participate in the intervention is evident. Some indication of how the intervention is sustainable and how the effects will be evaluated. The discussion demonstrates emerging critical thinking processes.22.25 – 19.5 Demonstrates a limited discussion who will be involved in planning and delivering the intervention. A basic indication of motivational factors to participate in the intervention is evident. Some indication of how the intervention is sustainable and how the effects will be evaluated. Evidence of perceptible critical thought. 19.25 – 15 Limited discussion is presented regarding who will be involved in planning and delivering the intervention. No indication of motivational factors to participate in the intervention is provided. Little to no indication of how the intervention is sustainable and how the effects will be evaluated. Little to no critical thought is evident.14.75 – 0      /30
Referencing - 10%
Consistently accurate with in-text referencing to support all ideas, factual information and quotations. 5 – 4.25 Referencing supports all ideas, factual information and quotations. 1 or 2 consistent in-text referencing errors identified. 4.0 – 3.75 3 or 4 consistent in-text referencing errors identified to support all ideas, factual information and quotations. 3.70 – 3.25 3 or 4 inconsistent in-text referencing errors identified to support all ideas, factual information and quotations. 3.20 – 2.5 Referencing is not consistent with APA style. Many inaccuracies with in-text referencing to support all ideas, factual information and quotations. 2.45 – 0



Reference list Fully adheres to APA guidelines. A minimum of 10 references used 5 – 4.25 Reference list appears in alphabetical order and consistently adheres to reference list presentation guidelines APA style. A minimum of 9 references used. 4..0-3.75 Reference list appears in alphabetical order and frequently adheres to reference list presentation guidelines APA style. A minimum of 8 references used. 3.70 – 3.25 Reference list appears in alphabetical order and/or occasionally adheres to reference list presentation guidelines APA style. A minimum of 7 references used. 3.20 – 2.5 Reference list does not appear in alphabetical order and/or does not adhere to reference list presentation guidelines APA style. A minimum of 7 references not provided. 2.45 – 0
Total Marks       /100

Referencing Style


Submission Instructions
Please note there is a two step submission process.

Graduate Attributes
  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Information Literacy
  • Information Technology Competence
  • Cross Cultural Competence
  • Ethical practice

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Discuss the impact of biopsychosocial and cultural factors on lifespan development
  • Demonstrate age appropriate communication principles across the lifespan.

Academic Integrity Statement

As a CQUniversity student you are expected to act honestly in all aspects of your academic work.

Any assessable work undertaken or submitted for review or assessment must be your own work. Assessable work is any type of work you do to meet the assessment requirements in the unit, including draft work submitted for review and feedback and final work to be assessed.

When you use the ideas, words or data of others in your assessment, you must thoroughly and clearly acknowledge the source of this information by using the correct referencing style for your unit. Using others’ work without proper acknowledgement may be considered a form of intellectual dishonesty.

Participating honestly, respectfully, responsibly, and fairly in your university study ensures the CQUniversity qualification you earn will be valued as a true indication of your individual academic achievement and will continue to receive the respect and recognition it deserves.

As a student, you are responsible for reading and following CQUniversity’s policies, including the Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure. This policy sets out CQUniversity’s expectations of you to act with integrity, examples of academic integrity breaches to avoid, the processes used to address alleged breaches of academic integrity, and potential penalties.

What is a breach of academic integrity?

A breach of academic integrity includes but is not limited to plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, cheating, contract cheating, and academic misconduct. The Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure defines what these terms mean and gives examples.

Why is academic integrity important?

A breach of academic integrity may result in one or more penalties, including suspension or even expulsion from the University. It can also have negative implications for student visas and future enrolment at CQUniversity or elsewhere. Students who engage in contract cheating also risk being blackmailed by contract cheating services.

Where can I get assistance?

For academic advice and guidance, the Academic Learning Centre (ALC) can support you in becoming confident in completing assessments with integrity and of high standard.

What can you do to act with integrity?