CQUniversity Unit Profile
SOWK13011 Community Practice
Community Practice
All details in this unit profile for SOWK13011 have been officially approved by CQUniversity and represent a learning partnership between the University and you (our student).
The information will not be changed unless absolutely necessary and any change will be clearly indicated by an approved correction included in the profile.

Unit Profile Correction added on 09-08-22

3 Report

Assessment Title

Social innovation in communities

Task Description

Length: 1500 words

The word length is considered from the first word of the introduction to the last word of the conclusion. It excludes the cover page, abstract, contents page, reference list and appendices. It includes in-text references and quotations.

Format: Report

You are required to submit a report. Your report will introduce a socially innovative community project or initiative. Your report will need to outline the project, the community development approach that was utilised and a rationale to explain how the project is socially innovative. Your report will provide an overview of the skills needed by practitioners working within your chosen project or initiative. You are welcome to choose a local, national or international initiative.

As an appendix, you are asked to create a flyer to promote your chosen project.

Assessment Due Date

Return Date to Students



Assessment Criteria

Criteria HD (85-100) D (75-84) C (65-74) P (50-64) F (0-49)
Demonstrates conceptual/theoretical knowledge and understanding of the selected community development initiative and the relevant community development initiative (30%) Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the chosen initiative Demonstrates a very good understanding of the chosen initiative Demonstrates a good understanding of the initiative Demonstrates an adequate understanding of the initiative Fails to demonstrate an understanding of the initiative
Ability to explain the skills required by a community practitioner (30%) Demonstrates a very good understanding of the skills of a community practitioner Demonstrates a very good understanding of the skills of a community practitioner Demonstrates a good understanding of the skills of a community practitioner Demonstrates an adequate understanding of the skills of a community practitioner Fails to demonstrate an understanding of the skills of a community practitioner
Demonstrates the ability to target the initiative to its intended clientele (10%) An excellent demonstration of targeting an intended clientele A very good demonstration of targeting an intended clientele A good demonstration of targeting an intended clientele An adequate demonstration of targeting an intended clientele Fails to demonstrate targeting intended clientele
Presentation and accuracy in written expression, word count, spelling and grammar (15%) Consistently accurate 1-2 errors in spelling and grammar 3-4 errors in spelling and grammar 5-6 errors in spelling and grammar Many errors with spelling and grammar
Accuracy in referencing (15%) Consistently integrates up-to-date references to support all idea and factual information Generally, integrates up-to-date references to support all idea and factual information, with 1 -2 exceptions Partly integrates up-to-date references to support all ideas and factual information with 3-4 exceptions Occasionally integrates up-to-date references to support all ideas and factual information with 5- 6 exceptions Fails to or infrequently integrates up-to-date references to support all ideas and factual information.

Referencing Style

· undefinedHarvard (author-date)

Unit Profile Correction added on 09-08-22

3 Report

Assessment Title

Social innovation in communities

Task Description

Length: 1500 words

The word length is considered from the first word of the introduction to the last word of the conclusion. It excludes the cover page, abstract, contents page, reference list and appendices. It includes in-text references and quotations.

Format: Report

You are required to submit a report. Your report will introduce a socially innovative community project or initiative. Your report will need to outline the project, the community development approach that was utilised and a rationale to explain how the project is socially innovative. Your report will provide an overview of the skills needed by practitioners working within your chosen project or initiative. You are welcome to choose a local, national or international initiative.

As an appendix, you are asked to create a flyer to promote your chosen project.

Assessment Due Date


Return Date to Students




Assessment Criteria

Criteria HD (85-100) D (75-84) C (65-74) P (50-64) F (0-49)
Demonstrates conceptual/theoretical knowledge and understanding of the selected community development initiative and the relevant community development initiative (30%) Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the chosen initiative Demonstrates a very good understanding of the chosen initiative Demonstrates a good understanding of the initiative Demonstrates an adequate understanding of the initiative Fails to demonstrate an understanding of the initiative
Ability to explain the skills required by a community practitioner (30%) Demonstrates a very good understanding of the skills of a community practitioner Demonstrates a very good understanding of the skills of a community practitioner Demonstrates a good understanding of the skills of a community practitioner Demonstrates an adequate understanding of the skills of a community practitioner Fails to demonstrate an understanding of the skills of a community practitioner
Demonstrates the ability to target the initiative to its intended clientele (10%) An excellent demonstration of targeting an intended clientele A very good demonstration of targeting an intended clientele A good demonstration of targeting an intended clientele An adequate demonstration of targeting an intended clientele Fails to demonstrate targeting intended clientele
Presentation and accuracy in written expression, word count, spelling and grammar (15%) Consistently accurate 1-2 errors in spelling and grammar 3-4 errors in spelling and grammar 5-6 errors in spelling and grammar Many errors with spelling and grammar
Accuracy in referencing (15%) Consistently integrates up-to-date references to support all idea and factual information Generally, integrates up-to-date references to support all idea and factual information, with 1 -2 exceptions Partly integrates up-to-date references to support all ideas and factual information with 3-4 exceptions Occasionally integrates up-to-date references to support all ideas and factual information with 5- 6 exceptions Fails to or infrequently integrates up-to-date references to support all ideas and factual information.

Referencing Style

· undefinedHarvard (author-date)


Via Moodle

General Information


This unit is designed so that you are be able to compare different approaches to community practice and provide the relevant knowledge and skills to critically analyse contexts for community work. You will develop appropriate strategic responses in a range of differing community contexts, including different cultural contexts and from an international perspective. You will develop an understanding of social innovation and the use of social entrepreneurship and social enterprise within communities.


Career Level: Undergraduate
Unit Level: Level 3
Credit Points: 6
Student Contribution Band: 10
Fraction of Full-Time Student Load: 0.125

Pre-requisites or Co-requisites

Students will need to have successfully completed 48 credit points.

Important note: Students enrolled in a subsequent unit who failed their pre-requisite unit, should drop the subsequent unit before the census date or within 10 working days of Fail grade notification. Students who do not drop the unit in this timeframe cannot later drop the unit without academic and financial liability. See details in the Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education Coursework).

Offerings For Term 2 - 2022


Attendance Requirements

All on-campus students are expected to attend scheduled classes – in some units, these classes are identified as a mandatory (pass/fail) component and attendance is compulsory. International students, on a student visa, must maintain a full time study load and meet both attendance and academic progress requirements in each study period (satisfactory attendance for International students is defined as maintaining at least an 80% attendance record).

Class and Assessment Overview

Recommended Student Time Commitment

Each 6-credit Undergraduate unit at CQUniversity requires an overall time commitment of an average of 12.5 hours of study per week, making a total of 150 hours for the unit.

Class Timetable

Bundaberg, Cairns, Emerald, Gladstone, Mackay, Rockhampton, Townsville
Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney

Assessment Overview

1. Online discussion forum
Weighting: 30%
2. Written Assessment
Weighting: 35%
3. Report
Weighting: 35%

Assessment Grading

This is a graded unit: your overall grade will be calculated from the marks or grades for each assessment task, based on the relative weightings shown in the table above. You must obtain an overall mark for the unit of at least 50%, or an overall grade of 'pass' in order to pass the unit. If any 'pass/fail' tasks are shown in the table above they must also be completed successfully ('pass' grade). You must also meet any minimum mark requirements specified for a particular assessment task, as detailed in the 'assessment task' section (note that in some instances, the minimum mark for a task may be greater than 50%). Consult the University's Grades and Results Policy for more details of interim results and final grades.

Previous Student Feedback

Feedback, Recommendations and Responses

Every unit is reviewed for enhancement each year. At the most recent review, the following staff and student feedback items were identified and recommendations were made.

Feedback from Student feedback


Students reported some confusion with assessment tasks and there appeared to be some inconsistency between the unit profile and assessment task outline uploaded on Moodle.


Improve student engagement with the unit profile through regular messaging in discussion forums. Review the unit profile and resources on Moodle for consistency.

Unit Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:
  1. Critique ideas of community and a range of community work models for practice.
  2. Compare a range of strategies that provide useful outcomes for specified community based contexts and evaluate their usefulness.
  3. Integrate cultural competency skills working within the community including working within Indigenous communities
  4. Explain how social innovation is used within communities.

Alignment of Learning Outcomes, Assessment and Graduate Attributes
N/A Level
Introductory Level
Intermediate Level
Graduate Level
Professional Level
Advanced Level

Alignment of Assessment Tasks to Learning Outcomes

Assessment Tasks Learning Outcomes
1 2 3 4
1 - Online discussion forum - 30%
2 - Written Assessment - 35%
3 - Report - 35%

Alignment of Graduate Attributes to Learning Outcomes

Graduate Attributes Learning Outcomes
1 2 3 4
1 - Communication
2 - Problem Solving
3 - Critical Thinking
4 - Information Literacy
5 - Team Work
6 - Information Technology Competence
7 - Cross Cultural Competence
8 - Ethical practice
9 - Social Innovation
10 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures

Alignment of Assessment Tasks to Graduate Attributes

Assessment Tasks Graduate Attributes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 - Online discussion forum - 30%
2 - Written Assessment - 35%
3 - Report - 35%
Textbooks and Resources



Community Development in an Uncertain World: Vision, Analysis and Practice

2nd Edition (2016)
Authors: Jim Ife
Cambridge University Press
Binding: Paperback

IT Resources

You will need access to the following IT resources:
  • CQUniversity Student Email
  • Internet
  • Unit Website (Moodle)
Referencing Style

All submissions for this unit must use the referencing style: Harvard (author-date)

For further information, see the Assessment Tasks.

Teaching Contacts
Paul Watkin Unit Coordinator
Shirley Ledger Unit Coordinator
Week 1: Overview of community practice Begin Date: 11 Jul 2022


Overview of community practice


Resources available on Moodle

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 2: Approaches to community-led development Begin Date: 18 Jul 2022


Approaches to community-led development


Resources available on Moodle

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 3 Emerging perspectives of community development Begin Date: 25 Jul 2022


Emerging perspectives of community development


Resources available in Moodle

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 4: Social innovation in communities Begin Date: 01 Aug 2022


Social innovation in communities


Resources available in Moodle

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 5: Community economic development Begin Date: 08 Aug 2022


Community economic development


Resources available in Moodle 

Events and Submissions/Topic

Assessment Task 1 30%:  Week 6:  Online discussion Friday 27 August 11:59pm

Vacation week Begin Date: 15 Aug 2022



Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 6: Community development in Australia Begin Date: 22 Aug 2022


Community development in Australia


Resources available in Moodle

Events and Submissions/Topic

Online Discussion - 3 response posts to forum questions at 300 words maximum and 2 reflective responses from your peers at 300 words maximum. Due: Week 6 Friday (26 Aug 2022) 6:00 pm AEST
Week 7: Community development around the world Begin Date: 29 Aug 2022


Community development around the world


Resources available in Moodle

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 8: Continue from previous week Begin Date: 05 Sep 2022


Continue from Week 7


Resources available in Moodle

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 9: Alternative movements to social action Begin Date: 12 Sep 2022


Alternative movements to social action


Resources available in Moodle

Events and Submissions/Topic

Assessment Task 2 35%: Social innovation within communities. Friday17 September 11:59pm.  1500 words

Social innovation within communities (1500 words) Due: Week 9 Friday (16 Sept 2022) 6:00 pm AEST
Week 10: Continue from previous week Begin Date: 19 Sep 2022


Continue from Week 9


Resources available on Moodle

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 11: Technology and how it changes community practice Begin Date: 26 Sep 2022


Technology and how it changes community practice


Resources available on Moodle

Events and Submissions/Topic

Week 12: Review and reflection Begin Date: 03 Oct 2022


Review and reflection


Resources available on Moodle

Events and Submissions/Topic

Community Practice - Report 1500 words Due: Week 12 Friday (7 Oct 2022) 6:00 pm AEST
Review/Exam Week Begin Date: 10 Oct 2022



Events and Submissions/Topic

Assessment Task 3 35%: Community Practice Report.  Monday 11 October 9am AEDT. 1500 words.

Exam Week Begin Date: 17 Oct 2022



Events and Submissions/Topic

Assessment Tasks

1 Online discussion forum

Assessment Title
Online Discussion - 3 response posts to forum questions at 300 words maximum and 2 reflective responses from your peers at 300 words maximum.

Task Description

    • Aim

      The aim of this assessment is to encourage you to interact with other students but also to develop reflective skills.


      You are writing to demonstrate your understanding and engagement with the weekly topics, literature, and materials available to you, as outlined in the study schedule through research, reflection, and participation in online forums.

      Please follow the steps below to complete your assessment task:

      • Each week, a new topic will be posted to Moodle. The Unit Coordinator will post forum questions for your response.
      • Three response posts to forum questions
      • In weeks, 2, 4 and 6 you will respond to one of the forum questions posted by the Unit Coordinator (3 posts).
      • Your postings will demonstrate how you have integrated knowledge of the concepts from literature and the textbook to inform your analysis and response to the question you have selected.
      • Your posting will be 300 words (max) and adhere to scholarly conventions with appropriate referencing (APA 7) and full scholarly conventions.
      • Reflective responses to peers
      • Once you have made your posting in each of the weeks designated, you are to respond to (2) different peer postings. These responses should demonstrate you have thought about the ideas and concepts raised by your peers while contributing to the discussion. Scholarly conventions are required and appropriate communication in accordance with the AASW Code of Ethics (2020) is required.
      • Your response to peer posting should be between 200 – 300 words.


      Submit your 3 responses posts to forum questions and your 2 reflective responses to peers in word format. You will cut and paste from your Moodle site into a Word document along with the relevant student posts by due date and upload into Moodle. You may use headings and apply full scholarly conventions. After you have posted to the Forum, provide two reflective responses to other students’ posts on their response to the forum questions.

      Ensure your reflective responses are at 200 words (minimum). This task is to encourage you to interact with other students but also to develop reflective skills. Submit your response to the topic presented and your reflective responses. You will cut and paste from your Moodle site into a Word document along with the relevant student posts by due date and upload into Moodle.

      Use headings if you wish.

      Use literature to inform your posting as well as reflective responses.

      Literature and references

      In this assessment use at least 10 contemporary references (<10 years) to support your discussion. You may also use seminal scholarly literature where relevant. Suitable references include peer-reviewed journal articles as well as textbooks and credible websites. When sourcing information, consider the 5 elements of a quality reference: currency, authority, relevance, objectivity, and coverage. Grey literature sourced from the internet must be from reputable websites such as from government, university, or peak national bodies: for example, the Australian College of Nursing or the Australian Association of Social Workers.


      · Use a conventional and legible size 12 font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, with 1.5 line spacing and 2.54cm page margins (standard pre-set margin in Microsoft Word).

      · Include page numbers on each page in a footer.

      · You may write in the first-person perspective.

      · Use formal academic language.

      · Use the Harvard referencing style. The CQUniversity Academic Learning Centre has an online Harvard Referencing Style Guide.

      · The word count is considered from the first word of the introduction to the last word of the conclusion. The word count excludes the reference list but includes in-text references and direct quotations.

Assessment Due Date

Week 6 Friday (26 Aug 2022) 6:00 pm AEST

Submit to Moodle

Return Date to Students

Week 9 Friday (16 Sept 2022)

Via Moodle


Assessment Criteria

Refer to the marking rubric on the Moodle site for more detail on how marks will be assigned.

SOWK13011: Response to questions on forum and reflective responses

Assessment 1: Marking Criteria/Rubric

Criteria HD 84.5 - 100 D 74.5 – 84.49 C 64.5 – 74.49 P 49.5 – 64.49 F <49.5
Presentation and Structure: (10%) Excellent responses which completely conform to the assessment presentation guidelines: assessment cover page including name, student number, and word count. Uses headers Correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs. Within expected word length.
Responses mostly conform to the assessment presentation guidelines. Assessment title page including name, student number, and word count. Uses headers Correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs. Within expected word limit. Responses adequately conforms to the assessment presentation guidelines. Assessment title page including name, student number, and word count. Mostly correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs, content can occasionally be difficult to follow or understand. Mostly uses headers been written. Within expected word limit. Responses occasionally conforms to the assessment presentation guidelines. Assessment title page including name, student number, and word count. Somewhat correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs, content often, can be difficult to follow or understand. Some headers. Within/exceeds expected word limit Responses unsuccessfully conforms to the assessment presentation guidelines. Assessment title page including name, student number, and word count. Poor spelling, grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs, making content difficult to read or follow. No Headers. Deviates from expected word limit.
Demonstrated understanding of the Question posed on the Moodle forum (40%) Excellent demonstration of understanding the question posed on the Moodle forum. It demonstrated wider reading and analysis of question asked. Very good demonstration of understanding the question posed on the Moodle forum. It demonstrated clearly wider reading and analysis of question asked. Good demonstration of understanding the question posed on the Moodle forum. It demonstrated some reading and analysis of question asked. Fair demonstration of understanding the question posed on the Moodle forum. It demonstrated minimal reading and analysis of question asked. Poor or no demonstration of understanding the question posed on the Moodle forum. It demonstrated little reading and no analysis of question asked.
Demonstrates an ability to respond reflectively to (2) other student posts on community practice. (40%) Excellent demonstration of ability to respond reflectively to other student posts on their answers to the question posed. Two responses given Very good demonstration of ability to respond reflectively to other student posts on their answers to the question posed. Two responses given Good demonstration of ability to respond reflectively to other student posts on their answers to the question posed. Two responses given Fair demonstration of ability to respond reflectively to other student posts on their answers to the question posed. Two responses given Poor or no demonstration of ability to respond reflectively to other student posts on their answers to the question posed. 1 or no responses given
Referencing (10%) Accurate referencing (APA 7th Edition). All literature used is appropriate and scholarly. Literature used is appropriate and scholarly. Most of the literature used is appropriate and scholarly. Some of literature used is appropriate and scholarly. Most of the literature used is inappropriate and not from a scholarly source. APA 7th Edition referencing format not used. No literature was used to inform the responses or posts.

Referencing Style


Submission Instructions
Please, post to the online discussion forum and collate all three responses and upload as one word document to Moodle.

Graduate Attributes
  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Information Literacy
  • Team Work
  • Information Technology Competence
  • Cross Cultural Competence
  • Ethical practice

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Compare a range of strategies that provide useful outcomes for specified community based contexts and evaluate their usefulness.
  • Explain how social innovation is used within communities.

2 Written Assessment

Assessment Title
Social innovation within communities (1500 words)

Task Description

Length: 1500 words

Please follow the steps below to complete your Assessment Task:

Examine the emergence of social innovation within Australia and the context of this internationally.

Explore and analyse the long-term benefits to non-metropolitan communities (that is, regional, rural and remote communities) and how it has contributed positively to that community. Give examples.

In your exploration of social innovation, analyse the pitfalls, disadvantages or negative elements of social innovation to negative elements of social innovation to regional, rural, or remote communities. Give examples.

Literature and references

In this assessment use at least 10 contemporary references (<10 years) to support your discussion. You may also use seminal scholarly literature where relevant. Suitable references include peer-reviewed journal articles as well as textbooks and credible websites. When sourcing information, consider the 5 elements of a quality reference: currency, authority, relevance, objectivity, and coverage. Grey literature sourced from the internet must be from reputable websites such as from government, university, or peak national bodies: for example, the Australian Association of Social Workers.


  • Use a conventional and legible size 12 font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, with 1.5 line spacing and 2.54 cm page margins
  • Include page numbers on each page in a footer.
  • Write in the third-person perspective.
  • Use formal academic language. Use headings
  • Use Harvard referencing style. The CQUniversity Academic Learning Centre has an online Harvard Referencing Style
  • The word count is considered from the first word of the introduction to the last word of the conclusion. The word count excludes the reference list but includes in-text citations and direct quotations.

Literature and references

In this assessment use at least 10 contemporary references (<5 years) to support your discussion. You may also use seminal scholarly literature where relevant. Suitable references include peer-reviewed journal articles as well as textbooks and credible websites. When sourcing information, consider the 5 elements of a quality reference: currency, authority, relevance, objectivity, and coverage. Grey literature sourced from the internet must be from reputable websites such as from government, university, or peak national bodies: for example, the Australian Association of Social Workers.


  • Use a conventional and legible size 12 font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, with 1.5 line spacing and 2.54cm page margins (standard pre-set margin in Microsoft Word).
  • Include page numbers on each page in a footer.
  • Write in the third-person perspective.
  • Use formal academic language.
  • Use headings
  • Use the Harvard referencing style. The CQUniversity Academic Learning Centre has an online Harvard Referencing Style
  • The word count is considered from the first word of the introduction to the last word of the conclusion. The word count excludes the reference list but includes in-text references and direct quotations.

Assessment Due Date

Week 9 Friday (16 Sept 2022) 6:00 pm AEST

Please upload to Moodle

Return Date to Students

Week 12 Monday (3 Oct 2022)

Via Moodle


Assessment Criteria

SOWK13011: Role of social innovation in regional, rural and remote communities in Australia.

Assesment 2: Marking Criteria/Rubric

Criteria HD 84.5 - 100 D 74.5 – 84.49 C 64.5 – 74.49 P 49.5 – 64.49 F <49.5
Presentation and Structure: (10%) Excellent responses which completely conform to the assessment presentation guidelines: assessment cover page including name, student number, and word count. Uses headers Correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs. Within expected word length.
Responses mostly conform to the assessment presentation guidelines. Assessment title page including name, student number, and word count. Uses headers Correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs. Within expected word limit. Responses adequately conforms to the assessment presentation guidelines. Assessment title page including name, student number, and word count. Mostly correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs, content can occasionally be difficult to follow or understand. Mostly uses headers been written. Within expected word limit. Responses occasionally conforms to the assessment presentation guidelines. Assessment title page including name, student number, and word count. Somewhat correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs, content often, can be difficult to follow or understand. Some headers. Within/exceeds expected word limit Responses unsuccessfully conforms to the assessment presentation guidelines. Assessment title page including name, student number, and word count. Poor spelling, grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs, making content difficult to read or follow. No Headers. Deviates from expected word limit.
Explore and analyse of the long-term benefits to non-metropolitan communities (that is, regional, rural, and remote communities) and how it has contributed positively to those communities. (40%) Excellent exploration and analysis of the long- term benefits to non-metropolitan communities (that is, regional, rural and remote communities) and how it has contributed positively to those communities citing clear examples. Very good exploration and analysis of the long-term benefits to non-metropolitan communities (that is, regional, rural and remote communities) and how it has contributed positively to those communities citing clear examples. Good exploration and analysis of the long-term benefits to non-metropolitan communities (that is, regional, rural and remote communities) and how it has contributed positively to those communities citing clear examples. Fair exploration and analysis of the long-term benefits to non-metropolitan communities (that is, regional, rural and remote communities) and how it has contributed positively to those communities citing clear examples. Poor or no exploration and analysis of the long- term benefits to non-metropolitan communities (that is, regional, rural and remote communities) and how it has contributed positively to those communities No or poor examples given.
Analyse the pitfalls, disadvantages or negative elements of social innovation to regional, rural or remote communities (40%) Excellent analysis of the pitfalls, disadvantages or negative elements of social innovation to regional, rural or remote communities citing examples. Very good analysis of the pitfalls, disadvantages or negative elements of social innovation to regional, rural or remote communities citing examples. Good analysis of the pitfalls, disadvantages or negative elements of social innovation to regional, rural or remote communities citing some examples. Fair analysis of the pitfalls, disadvantages or negative elements of social innovation to regional, rural or remote communities with limited appropriate examples. Poor or no analysis of the pitfalls, disadvantages or negative elements of social innovation to regional, rural or remote communities with poor or no examples.
Referencing (Harvard) (10%) All literature used is appropriate and scholarly. Minimum of 10 references Harvard referencing formatted used with no mistakes. Literature used is appropriate and scholarly. Minimum of 8 references. Harvard referencing formatted used with minimal mistakes. Most of the literature used is appropriate and scholarly. Minimum of 6 references. Harvard referencing formatted used with some mistakes. Some of literature used is appropriate and scholarly. Minimum of 5 references Harvard referencing formatted used with many mistakes. Most of the literature used is inappropriate and not from a scholarly source. Harvard referencing formatted not used. Less than 5 references.

Referencing Style


Submission Instructions
Upload into Moodle

Graduate Attributes
  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Information Literacy
  • Cross Cultural Competence
  • Ethical practice

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Critique ideas of community and a range of community work models for practice.
  • Integrate cultural competency skills working within the community including working within Indigenous communities

3 Report

Assessment Title
Community Practice - Report 1500 words

Task Description

  1. Assessment Type


    Task Description

    Prepare a regional social policy taskforce report

    Length: 1500 words

    Imagine yourself as the social worker within an Indigenous community.

    Nominate a particular Indigenous community within Australia.

    You’ve been tasked by your field supervisor to write a report as part of a wider Task Force to inform regional social policy and initiatives for those communities within its purview.

      • Explore your community and determine what community work models exist.
      • Compare the range of strategies that provide positive outcomes for your community-based context and evaluate their usefulness within your given community.
      • Determine the most effective strategies used.
      • Analyse the range of cultural competency skills necessary for those working within Indigenous communities and how these might be utilised to fulfill your task as requested.
      • Use current literature to inform your report.

    Literature and references

    In this assessment use at least 10 contemporary references (<10 years) to support your discussion. You may also use seminal scholarly literature where relevant. Suitable references include peer-reviewed journal articles as well as textbooks and credible websites. When sourcing information, consider the 5 elements of a quality reference: currency, authority, relevance, objectivity, and coverage. Grey literature sourced from the internet must be from reputable websites such as from government, university, or peak national bodies: for example, the Australian Association of Social Workers.


    • Use a conventional and legible size 12 font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, with 1.5 line spacing and 2.54 cm page margins
    • Include page numbers on each page in a footer.
    • Write in the third-person perspective.
    • Use formal academic language.
    • Use headings
    • Use Harvard referencing style. The CQUniversity Academic Learning Centre has an online Harvard Referencing Style

Assessment Due Date

Week 12 Friday (7 Oct 2022) 6:00 pm AEST

Submit report to Moodle

Return Date to Students

Exam Week Friday (21 Oct 2022)

Via Moodle


Assessment Criteria

SOWK13011: Community Practice Report

Assessment 3: Marking Criteria/Rubric

Criteria HD 84.5 - 100 D 74.5 – 84.49 C 64.5 – 74.49 P 49.5 – 64.49 F <49.5
Presentation and Structure. (10%) Discussion completely conforms to the assessment presentation guidelines: assessment cover page including name, student number, and word count. Uses headers Correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs. Within expected word length. Report based. Discussion mostly conforms to the assessment presentation guidelines. Assessment title page including name, student number, and word count. Uses headers Correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs. Within expected word limit. Report based. Discussion adequately conforms to the assessment presentation guidelines. Assessment title page including name, student number, and word count. Mostly correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs, content can occasionally be difficult to follow or understand. Mostly uses headers been written. Within expected word limit. Report based. Discussion occasionally conforms to the assessment presentation guidelines. Assessment title page including name, student number, and word count. Somewhat correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs, content often, can be difficult to follow or understand. Some headers. Within/exceeds expected word limit. Report based. Discussion unsuccessfully conforms to the assessment presentation guidelines. Assessment title page including name, student number, and word count. Poor spelling, grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs, making content difficult to read or follow. No Headers. Deviates from expected word limit. Failure to write in report format.
Critique your community and explore what community work models exist. (20%) Excellent critique of your nominated community and exploration of what community work models exist. Very good critique of your nominated community and exploration of what community work models exist. Good critique of your nominated community and exploration of what community work models exist. Fair critique of your nominated community and exploration of what community work models exist. Poor or no critique of your nominated community and exploration of what community work models exist.
Compare the range of strategies that provide positive outcomes for your community-based context and evaluate their usefulness. You will recommend the most effective strategies used. (30%) Excellent comparison of the range of strategies that provide positive outcomes for your community-based context and evaluate their usefulness. Excellent determination of the most effective strategies used. Very good comparison of the range of strategies that provide positive outcomes for your community-based context and evaluate their usefulness. Very good determination of the most effective strategies used. Good comparison of the range of strategies that provide positive outcomes for your community-based context and evaluate their usefulness. Very good determination of the most effective strategies used. Fair comparison of the range of strategies that provide positive outcomes for your community-based context and evaluate their usefulness. Fair determination ns of the most effective strategies used. Poor or no comparison of the range of strategies that provide positive outcomes for your community-based context and evaluate their usefulness. Poor or no determination of the most effective strategies used.
Discuss the role of social workers in regional, rural or remote communities and identify the range of cultural competency skills and requirements for working effectively within Indigenous communities. (20%) Excellent discussion of the role of social workers in regional, rural or remote communities and identify the range of cultural competency skills and requirements for working effectively within Indigenous communities Very good discussion of the role of social workers in regional, rural or remote communities and identify the range of cultural competency skills and requirements for working effectively within Indigenous communities Good discussion of the role of social workers in regional, rural or remote communities with general identification of the required skills of cultural competence required for working effectively within Indigenous communities Social work and community models of practice are identified within context. Core skills and knowledge are explained to support working within Indigenous rural, regional or remote communities. There is no or limited discussion about how to work in a culturally competent manner or the community models are not identified or there is incorrect or unethical responses identified that would impact on the social workers practice within an Indigenous community
Referencing (10%) All literature used is appropriate and scholarly. Minimum of 10 references Harvard referencing formatted used with no mistakes. Literature used is appropriate and scholarly. Minimum of 8 references. Harvard referencing formatted used with minimal mistakes. Most of the literature used is appropriate and scholarly. Minimum of 6 references. Harvard referencing formatted used with some mistakes. Some of literature used is appropriate and scholarly. Minimum of 5 references Harvard referencing formatted used with many mistakes. Most of the literature used is inappropriate and not from a scholarly source. Harvard referencing formatted not used. Less than 5 references.

Referencing Style


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Graduate Attributes
  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Information Literacy
  • Information Technology Competence
  • Cross Cultural Competence
  • Ethical practice

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Critique ideas of community and a range of community work models for practice.
  • Compare a range of strategies that provide useful outcomes for specified community based contexts and evaluate their usefulness.

Academic Integrity Statement

As a CQUniversity student you are expected to act honestly in all aspects of your academic work.

Any assessable work undertaken or submitted for review or assessment must be your own work. Assessable work is any type of work you do to meet the assessment requirements in the unit, including draft work submitted for review and feedback and final work to be assessed.

When you use the ideas, words or data of others in your assessment, you must thoroughly and clearly acknowledge the source of this information by using the correct referencing style for your unit. Using others’ work without proper acknowledgement may be considered a form of intellectual dishonesty.

Participating honestly, respectfully, responsibly, and fairly in your university study ensures the CQUniversity qualification you earn will be valued as a true indication of your individual academic achievement and will continue to receive the respect and recognition it deserves.

As a student, you are responsible for reading and following CQUniversity’s policies, including the Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure. This policy sets out CQUniversity’s expectations of you to act with integrity, examples of academic integrity breaches to avoid, the processes used to address alleged breaches of academic integrity, and potential penalties.

What is a breach of academic integrity?

A breach of academic integrity includes but is not limited to plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, cheating, contract cheating, and academic misconduct. The Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure defines what these terms mean and gives examples.

Why is academic integrity important?

A breach of academic integrity may result in one or more penalties, including suspension or even expulsion from the University. It can also have negative implications for student visas and future enrolment at CQUniversity or elsewhere. Students who engage in contract cheating also risk being blackmailed by contract cheating services.

Where can I get assistance?

For academic advice and guidance, the Academic Learning Centre (ALC) can support you in becoming confident in completing assessments with integrity and of high standard.

What can you do to act with integrity?