CA42 Bachelor of Environmental Science

In order to complete this course, you must:

  1. Complete the core structure
  2. Complete 1 major
  3. Complete electives

Core Structure

Number of units: 14 Total credit points: 84

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
CHEM11043 Atoms, Molecules and Matter
BIOL11102 Life Science Laboratory
GEOG11023 Physical Geography of Australia
ESSC11004 Study and Research Skills for Health Science
CHEM11044 Chemical Reactions
ENVR11014 Environmental Monitoring
ENVR11011 Modern Environmental Issues
ENEV12002 First Nations Community Engagement
GEOG19021 Geographic Information Systems
ECON19031 Environmental Economics
BIOL12050 Professional Placement or Project
EVST19021 Sustainability Issues and Solutions
LAWS11046 Law and the Environment
EVST19007 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

Environmental Geography Major

Number of units: 7 Total credit points: 42

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
EVST19020 Environmental Management Systems
EVST19015 Australian Environmental History
GEOG12020 Australian Weather and Climate
EVST19008 Development and Environmental Policy
EVST19022 Climate Change: Risk and Assessments
GEOG12021 Remote Sensing of Environment
GEOG13013 Sustainable Regions and Cities

For Course Planners please refer to the following website

Integrated Land and Water Managment Major

Number of units: 6 Total credit points: 42

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENVR12001 Soil Science and Conservation
BOTN19001 Australian Botany
ENVR12002 Applied Ecology
EVST13015 Mining, Urban & Industrial Lands Rehabilitation
EVST19023 Water Resource Management
EVST13016 Catchment to Reef Management

For Course Planners please refer to the following website


Number of units: 3 Total credit points: 18

Choose three electives from other units in the Bachelor of Environmental Science, or from the Bachelor of Science, or any other area of study with permission from the Head of Course.