Short Courses, Certificates and Diplomas

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Click here for definitions of our ACC, NACC and PDC short course codes
Found 450 Results found.
Course Code Course Name Short Course
PDC20067 12 Lead ECG - Back to Basics Yes
PDC113121 A Beginners Guide to Environmental Science: Wicked Problems and Possible Solutions Yes
PDC57153 A Fitness Community who Plays Together, Stays Together Yes
PDC115414 A Guide to First Nations Community Engagement at CQUniversity Yes
ACC152357 AUR31220 Mobile Plant Electives FFS Yes
PDC52649 Academic Report - Structuring a Formal Report Yes
PDC82931 Academic Writing Skills for VET Students Moving to University Yes
PDC100905 Accounting Fundamentals for Small Business Yes
PDC84644 Accounting Fundamentals for Small Business Entrepreneurs Yes
ACC154771 Accredited Short Course – Electrical Fitter/Mechanic Upskilling Yes
PDC116785 Acids and Bases Yes
PDC99097 Adapt, Collaborate and Communicate Yes
PDC73556 Adolescent-to-Parent Violence Yes
PDC111503 Advanced Topics in Algebra Yes
PDC131517 Agri-tech check for Victorian STEM, digital and food technologies curriculums Yes
ACC155665 Air Conditioning RHL - Gap Units Only Yes
PDC50567 Airway Management - Initial Acute Support Yes
PDC54247 Airway Management - Initial Acute Support Yes
PDC85436 Algebraic Expressions and Linear Equations Yes
PDC61657 An Introduction to Clinical Facilitation in Aged Care Yes
PDC67193 An Introduction to Working with Culturally Diverse People Yes
PDC78164 Applied Positive Psychology Yes
ACC60429 Apply OHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry (CPCCWHS2001) Yes
PDC111209 Arts Funding Streams Yes
PDC111201 Arts Leadership and Social Innovation Yes
PDC111208 Arts Marketing Mix Yes
PDC70286 Asbestos Awareness and Management Yes
PDC20068 Aseptic Technique - An Introduction Yes
PDC56517 Aspiring Nurse Leaders Program for Registered Nurses Yes
PDC71974 Assessment Strategies and Brain-Based Learning Yes
PDC20069 Assisting Clients with Self-Medication Yes
PDC20070 Asthma - An Introduction to Management Yes
PDC20071 Australian Health Care System - An Introduction Yes
PDC99094 Autonomous Environments in the Value Chain Yes
PDC86812 Avoiding Plagiarism Yes
PDC159531 Bachelor of Midwifery (graduate entry) Student Preceptor Training Yes
NACC00008 Basic Barista Short Course Yes
PDC52468 Basic ECG Recognition for Health Care Providers Yes
PDC73175 Basic Excel Spreadsheet Operation Yes
NACC85310 Basic Microsoft Office Yes
PDC113651 Biology - Ecology and Sustainability Yes
PDC113641 Biology - Genetics and DNA Yes
PDC113643 Biology - Organ Systems Yes
PDC113648 Biology - Taxonomy Yes
PDC113639 Biology - Understanding Cells Yes
PDC86990 Body Recovery from Water Yes
PDC59424 Brain Science and the Future of Education Yes
PDC56506 Build a Health and Fitness Business Network Yes
PDC54306 Build an Outdoor Fitness Training Business Yes
PDC116856 Building Effective Research Teams Yes
PDC53935 Building Networks and Relationships Yes
PDC53981 Building Self-Awareness Yes
PDC92478 Building Strong Foundations Yes
PDC97078 Building Student Confidence in the Classroom Yes
PDC130369 Building a Micro-credential at CQUniversity Yes
PDC104256 Building your Changemaker Profile Yes
PDC57019 Business Communication Skills Yes
PDC87553 Business Fundamentals for Small Business Owners Yes
PDC90107 CQUniCares Scholarship Selection Panel Training Yes
PDC51990 CQUniversity Science Lab Virtual Orientation Yes
CHCSS00073 Case Management Skill Set Yes
PDC54061 Chemical Hazard Awareness Yes
PDC116783 Chemical Reactions Yes
PDC116788 Chemistry Essentials: Assessment Module Yes
PDC20073 Chest X-ray - Basic Review Yes
PDC71381 Clever Career Planning Yes
PDC20074 Clinical Handover - Principles of Clinical Communication Yes
PDC50265 Clinical Leadership: Coaching and Mentoring in Health Care Yes
ACC68818 Clinical Mentoring for Health Professionals Yes
PDC86950 Clinical Supervision of the CQUniversity Medical Imaging Student Yes
PDC86951 Clinical Supervision of the CQUniversity Sonography Student Yes
PDC111214 Clinical Teachers Supporting Distressed Students Yes
PDC51967 Coaching and Mentoring for Alumni Yes
PDC51983 Collaborating with Medical and Allied Health Professionals in a Fitness Environment Yes
PDC116870 Commercial Literacy 101 Yes
PDC50568 Communicate in Complex Situations to Support Health Care Yes
PDC50569 Communicating with Influence in Health Care Yes
PDC116985 Communicating your Research Yes
PDC20075 Communication at the End of Life Yes
PDC20076 Communication in Health Care Yes
PDC79237 Communication in Project Management Yes
PDC73172 Computing Skills: Essay and Report Formatting Yes
ACC131774 Conduct operational inspection of park facilities Yes
ACC130750 Conduct visual inspection of park facilities Yes
PDC90017 Conducting and Analysing a Feasibility Study Yes
PDC71316 Conflict and Dispute Resolution Strategies for Leaders and Managers Yes
PDC87557 Consumer Behaviour Fundamentals for Small Business Owners Yes
PDC73084 Contracts and Sales of Goods Yes
PDC87921 Converting On Campus to Online: The Basics Yes
PDC51961 Coronial System in Queensland - An Introduction Yes
PDC100919 Creating Optimal Work Culture in a Small Business Yes
PDC72512 Creating Work Culture as a Leader Yes
PDC84640 Creating Work Culture as a Small Business Entrepreneur Yes
PDC71380 Critical Thinking Yes
PDC85340 Culinary Science for Teachers Yes
PDC53003 Cultural Health Practices and Beliefs Yes
SITSS00036 Customer Service Yes
SITSS00035 Customer Service Management Yes
ACC117400 Data Management Yes
PDC20077 Dealing with Aggressive Behaviours - An Introduction Yes
PDC159440 Decarbonisation and Gas Emissions Scopes Yes
PDC56567 Delegation and Accountability Yes
PDC20078 Dementia - An Introduction to Dementia Yes
PDC56732 Dementia Explained Yes
PDC86979 Design and Manufacturing PD Workshop Yes
PDC160529 Designing an Escape Room for Simulation in Health Education Yes
PDC111206 Designing your Creative Business Yes
PDC56505 Developing Corporate Health and Workplace Wellness Programs Yes
PDC54057 Developing Fitness Programs for Older Adults Yes
PDC54283 Developing an Insight in Musculoskeletal Injuries Yes
PDC20079 Diabetic Client Management - Introduction to Diabetes Yes
PDC73768 Digital Strategies for Business Yes
PDC52795 Disability and Health Yes
PDC73742 Disruption, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Yes
PDC116850 Doing Research with Impact Yes
PDC71297 Domestic Homicide Risk Assessment Yes
PDC88569 Domestic and Family Violence Work Practices Yes
PDC52458 Drug Calculation Refresher Course Yes
PDC138261 EPP Arts Learning Online Yes
PDC52936 Early Detection of Deterioration in Elderly (EDDIE) Yes
PDC123725 Effecting Change in the Disability Sector Yes
PDC20080 Effective Communication in Health Care Yes
PDC71383 Effective Note-Taking and Paraphrasing Yes
PDC144364 Effective Student Communications Yes
PDC71365 Effective Study Habits for Higher Education Yes
PDC116779 Electricity and Magnetism Yes
PDC116782 Elements, Molecules and Compounds Yes
PDC57233 Email Etiquette Yes
PDC138321 Embedding First Nations Curriculum Yes
PDC52464 Emergency Childbirth - An Introduction for Nurses Yes
PDC53936 Emotional Intelligence and Motivation Yes
PDC71337 Emotional Intelligence and Non-Verbal Communication Tools in Management Yes
PDC88127 Engineering Mathematics Skills Analysis Yes
PDC71385 Enhancing Your Oral Presentation Skills Yes
PDC20081 Enteral Nutrition - Assisting with PEG Feeding Yes
PDC73758 Entrepreneurship for Leaders Yes
PDC52623 Equity and Diversity in the Workplace Yes
PDC52632 Equity in Health Care Yes
SITSS00048 Espresso Machine Operation Yes
SITSS00047 Essential Business Skills for a Restaurant Manager Yes
PDC105854 Excited 4 Careers in Agriculture Yes
PDC20082 Falls Prevention in the Community Yes
PDC85348 Fashion Design Yes
PDC89993 Ficto-memoir: Re-story Your Life Through Fiction Yes
PDC160519 Finalisasi Proyek: Langkah Akhir dalam Manajemen Proyek Yes
PDC71382 Finding and Evaluating Scholarly Research Yes
PDC116033 First Nations Community Engagement Toolkit Yes
PDC105993 First Nations Cross Cultural Competency for CQUniversity Staff Yes
PDC95907 First Nations Cross Cultural Competency for Students: It Starts With Understanding Yes
PDC144984 First Nations Cultural Competency Training Yes
PDC90237 Fitness Programs for Clients with Chronic Conditions (National Health Priorities) Yes
PDC52475 Follow Safe Work Practices for Direct Client Care Yes
PDC85349 Food Technology Yes
PDC20083 Foot and Nail Care Yes
PDC78145 Foundations of Positive Psychology Yes
PDC85417 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Yes
PDC124634 Fuelling a Hydrogen Future – STEM Skills for Secondary Learning (Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10) Yes
PDC124635 Fuelling a Hydrogen Future – STEM Skills for Secondary Learning  (Year 11, Year 12) Yes
PDC165568 Fuelling a Hydrogen Future: Inspiring Interest in Secondary Learners Yes
PDC113210 Fundamentals of Disaster Management: Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery Yes
ACC00095 Fundamentals of Rail Safety Investigation Yes
PDC20057 Fundamentals of Risk Management for Managers and Supervisors Yes
PDC89943 Future Ready Yes
PDC156544 GPS Cows: Stage 4 - Technology Mandatory (2023 Syllabus) Yes
NACC140089 Gas Fundamentals Yes
PDC71311 Gender and Communication in Business and Management Contexts Yes
PDC52466 Generic Induction for Health Care Workers Yes
PDC54065 Get it Right from the Start: Client Orientation and Fitness Testing Yes
PDC73059 Graphic Design for the Non-Designer: Design Elements Yes
PDC73058 Graphic Design for the Non-Designer: Design Principles Yes
PDC65716 Graphic Design for the Non-Designer: Introduction Yes
PDC86982 Graphics 3D and Computer Aided Design Yes
PDC73767 Growth Strategies in Business Management Yes
PDC20085 Health Care Work in the Community Yes
PDC52799 Health Literacy Yes
PDC52796 Health Policy and Reform - Towards an Inclusive Practice Yes
PDC71296 Health and Safety Risk Management for Queensland Teachers Yes
PDC20086 Healthy Ageing - An Introduction Yes
PDC51997 High Risk Medications Yes
SITSS00052 Hospitality Compliance Yes
PDC134347 How the Brain Learns, Retains and Masters Information Yes
PDC73176 How to Create a PowerPoint Presentation Yes
PDC122514 Human Body Systems Knowledge Library Yes
PDC72528 Human Centred Design Yes
PDC87074 Human Research Ethics Training Yes
PDC20087 Human Services Quality Standards Yes
NACC100493 Hydrogen Production: An Introduction Yes
PDC85641 Inclusive Education: Dyslexia in the Adult and Adolescent Classroom Yes
PDC85623 Inclusive Education: Introduction to Working with Students with Disabilities in the Classroom Yes
PDC86973 Industrial Design Processes Yes
PDC89747 Industrial Skills Yes
PDC20088 Infection Control and Prevention - Clinical Health Setting Yes
PDC86909 Innovation for Small Business Yes
PDC106284 Intermediate Mathematics - Elective Module Yes
PDC53017 Introduction to Chemistry Yes
PDC170647 Introduction to Circular Economy Yes
PDC85438 Introduction to Exponents, Statistics and Units Yes
PDC158428 Introduction to Forensic Psychology Yes
PDC106280 Introduction to Geometry and Trigonometry Yes
PDC167185 Introduction to Neighbourhood Centres Yes
PDC77357 Introduction to Project Management Yes
PDC92532 Introduction to Social Media for Small Business Yes
PDC54042 Introduction to the National Health Priorities in Australia Yes
PDC111511 Introductory Calculus - Differentiation Yes
PDC111512 Introductory Calculus - Integration Yes
PDC73744 Key Principles and Concepts in Accounting Yes
SITSS00054 Kitchen Management Yes
PDC158114 Knowing Yourself Yes
PDC160495 Komunikasi dalam Manajemen Proyek Yes
PDC72012 Leadership and Disruption Yes
PDC50337 Leadership and Self-Awareness in the Healthcare Setting Yes
PDC72008 Leadership and Stages of Business Development Yes
PDC102649 Leading Education for Global Citizenship and Global Competence Yes
PDC72004 Leading Physical and Virtual Teams Yes
PDC88570 Legal and Ethical Considerations in Domestic and Family Violence Practice Yes
PDC116977 Leveraging Funding for Industry Collaboration Yes
PDC129699 Lie Detection: Facts and Fallacies Yes
PDC89942 Life Career Development Yes
PDC135853 Lift Fellowship Scheme Yes
PDC136126 Lift Mentor and Review Yes
PDC106144 Linear Equations and Inequalities Yes
PDC106279 Logarithms and Exponential Equations Yes
PDC165255 Lubrication for Maintenance Professionals Yes
ACC00006 MEM05026C - Apply welding principles Yes
ACC129827 MEM12006 Mark off/ out (general engineering) Yes
ACC131254 MEM18020 Maintain hydraulic system components Yes
ACC85947 MSAENV272B Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices Yes
ACC136087 MSS402062 - Use SCADA systems in operations Yes
PDC71336 Management and Negotiation in a Business Setting Yes
PDC54279 Management of Patients Under the Influence of Illicit Drugs Yes
PDC54288 Managing Falls Risks in Older Adults in the Fitness Setting Yes
PDC52495 Managing Personal Stressors in the Health Care Environment Yes
PDC124444 Managing Research Partnerships Yes
PDC79238 Managing Risk in Project Management Yes
PDC54246 Managing Teams in the Healthcare Setting Yes
PDC79239 Managing Time, Costs and Quality in Project Management Yes
PDC124447 Mapping your Industry Sector Yes
PDC100915 Marketing Plan Essentials for Small Business Yes
PDC84645 Marketing Plan Essentials for Small Business Entrepreneurs Yes
PDC100914 Marketing Strategies (Online) for Small Business Yes
PDC84647 Marketing Strategies (Online) for Small Business Entrepreneurs Yes
NACC00009 Master Barista Yes
PDC171126 Mastering Prompt Engineering for Business Operations Yes
PDC116776 Maths in Physics Applications Yes
PDC116778 Matter, Nuclear and Thermodynamics Yes
PDC116777 Mechanics - Motion, Forces and Energy Yes
PDC98166 Media Training Workshop Yes
PDC50264 Medication Administration Refresher Course Yes
PDC51994 Medication Administration and Error Reduction Practices Yes
PDC53934 Medication Preparation - Principles of Injection Safety Yes
PDC160522 Melakukan dan Menganalisis Studi Kelayakan Yes
PDC160504 Mengelola Risiko dalam Manajemen Proyek Yes
PDC160515 Mengelola Waktu, Biaya dan Kualitas dalam Manajemen Proyek Yes
PDC59136 Menopause Mayhem and how it Impacts on Exercise Prescription Yes
PDC54241 Mental Health Nursing - An Introduction Yes
PDC52595 Mental State Examination - An Introduction Yes
SITSS00021 Mentoring and Supervision Yes
PDC86971 Metal Technologies and Design Yes
PDC160517 Metodologi Manajemen Proyek Yes
PDC105835 Military Academic Pathway Program Townsville Yes
PDC88040 Mindfulness Self-Care and Resiliency (RHD) Course Yes
PDC116658 Mindsets Yes
PDC72513 Mistakes Leaders Make Yes
PDC20089 Motor Neurone Disease - Client Care in the Community Yes
PDC57020 Multiculturalism and Health Yes
PDC51833 Musculoskeletal System Tutorial Yes
ACC79575 NRL Referee Development - Certificate II in Sport and Recreation Yes
PDC20090 National Disability Scheme (NDIS) - An Introduction Yes
PDC20096 National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards Yes
PDC89941 Navigating Pathways Yes
PDC99095 Network Fundamentals Yes
PDC59428 Neuroeducation Yes
PDC65328 Neuroeducation in Action Yes
PDC134348 Neuromyths Yes
PDC88097 New Technology Yes
PDC105857 Next Generation Farm Safety - It's No Playground Keeping Young People Safe in Agriculture Yes
PDC143098 Next-Gen AgTeachers: Agriculture in the 21st century for Primary Teachers Yes
PDC143097 Next-Gen AgTeachers: Agriculture in the 21st century for Secondary Teachers Yes
PDC142239 Next-Gen AgTeachers: Establishing and Running a School Livestock Farm Yes
PDC143100 Next-Gen AgTeachers: Remote Farm Management for Secondary Teachers Yes
PDC143099 Next-Gen AgTeachers: Tracking the AgFoodFibre Supply Chain for Secondary Teachers Yes
PDC134346 Novice vs Expert Learners – Neuroplasticity Yes
PDC111202 Number Crunching for Creatives Yes
PDC73077 Online Marketing Strategies in Business Yes
ACC73737 Onsite Welding Training Yes
PDC73759 Opportunities for Change in Contemporary Business Yes
PDC20091 Organ and Tissue Donation in Australia Yes
PDC116786 Organic Chemistry Yes
PDC50263 Orientation for International Medical Graduates Yes
PDC54089 Overview of the Australian Dietary Guidelines Yes
ACC136095 PUAFER008 - Confine small emergencies in a facility Yes
PDC163534 Panduan Pemula untuk Ilmu Lingkungan: Masalah Kompleks dan Solusi yang Mungkin Yes
PDC70213 Partnering Essentials™ Course Yes
NACC140317 Pathway to STEPS (Skills for Tertiary Education Preparatory Studies) Yes
PDC59132 Pelvic Floor Proficiency in the Fitness Setting Yes
PDC160474 Pengantar Manajemen Proyek Yes
ACC132462 Perform specialist amenity pruning Yes
PDC59198 Periodisation for Periods in the Fitness Setting Yes
PDC158058 Personal Growth Yes
PDC52598 Personal, Cultural and Professional Values Yes
PDC71379 Personality Types and Learning Styles Yes
PDC116780 Physics Essentials - Elective Module Yes
PDC116781 Physics Essentials: Assessment Module Yes
PDC111509 Planar Geometry Yes
PDC99096 Positioning Basics Yes
PDC72308 Practical Skills in Completing a User Experience (UX) Review of Technology Yes
PDC99066 Prawn Farmers Digital Skills Hub Yes
PDC128967 Preparation Program for the NMBA’s Registered Nurse Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Yes
PDC20092 Primary Survey - Initial Assessment and Management Yes
PDC20093 Principles of Manual Handling, Mobility and Transfers in the Community Yes
PDC72531 Product Development and Innovation Yes
PDC115635 Product Development in the Arts Yes
PDC20094 Professional Boundaries - A Health Professionals Guide Yes
PDC53974 Professionalism and Workplace Etiquette Yes
PDC79240 Project Closure: The Final Step in Project Management Yes
PDC79242 Project Management Assessment Module Yes
PDC79241 Project Management Methodologies Yes
PDC60410 Providing Basic Healthcare in the Disability Sector Yes
PDC57028 Providing Healthcare for Clients with an Intellectual Disability Yes
PDC57147 Providing Nutritional Advice to Clients Within Your Scope of Practice as a Fitness Professional Yes
PDC20095 Providing Quality Aged Care Yes
PDC71339 Public Speaking: Skills and Techniques Yes
PDC65696 QCAA Psychology: Individual Development Yes
PDC65708 QCAA Psychology: Individual Thinking Yes
PDC65781 QCAA Psychology: Overview & Introduction Yes
PDC65710 QCAA Psychology: The Influence of Others Yes
PDC106278 Quadratic Equations Yes
PDC59205 RPAS (Drone) Safety Course Yes
PDC106281 Ratio, Proportion and Variation Yes
PDC52462 Recovery Orientated Care Planning Yes
PDC86814 Referencing and Citing Yes
PDC56569 Reflective Practice Yes
PDC20101 Reflective Writing - An Overview Yes
PDC20107 Renal Nursing - An Introduction Yes
NACC00064 Renovation Series - How to build a timber frame (RS2 of 6) Yes
NACC00066 Renovation Series - How to hang door fixtures (RS4 of 6) Yes
NACC00068 Renovation Series - How to install a flat pack kitchen (RS6 of 6) Yes
NACC00065 Renovation Series - How to install and finish plasterboard (RS3 of 6) Yes
NACC00067 Renovation Series - How to install skirting and architraves (RS5 of 6) Yes
NACC00063 Renovation Series - How to use basic power tools (RS1 of 6) Yes
PDC20098 Reporting Elder Abuse in the Community Setting Yes
PDC116838 Research at CQUniversity Yes
PDC54055 Resilience and Change Yes
PDC54281 Responding Effectively to Behaviours of Concern Yes
NACC00003 Responsible Management of Licenced Venues (RMLV) Yes
SITSS00055 Responsible Service of Alcohol Skill Set Yes
PDC52597 Risk Assessment and Management in Mental Health Yes
PDC20102 Risk Reduction in Home Care Services Yes
PDC121364 SHIFT Workforce Development Hub Yes
PDC87887 STEPS Diagnostic Testing Yes
PDC84646 STP (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning) model/process for Small Business Yes
PDC59134 Safe Exercise Programming Through Pregnancy Yes
PDC59130 Scope of Practice and Power of Language as a Fitness Professional Yes
PDC50176 Screening Mammography - The BreastScreen Queensland Program Yes
PDC100918 Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) as a model/process for Small Business Yes
PDC73074 Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning in Strategic Marketing Yes
PDC106282 Sequences and Series Yes
PDC20103 Sexual Decision Making - Positive Youth Development Yes
PDC20099 Sexual Health in Australia - Sex for Seniors Yes
PDC61662 Sexuality Issues of Women with Disabilities Yes
NACC58973 Short Course in Anything but Espresso Yes
NACC67374 Short Course in Basic Excel Yes
ACC147038 Short Course in Engineering - Mechanical Yes
ACC61432 Short Course in First Aid for Mental Health Yes
NACC58223 Short Course in Industrial Gas Refresher (Type B Appliances) Yes
NACC67131 Short Course in Intermediate Excel Yes
NACC83083 Short Course in Interpreting Technical and Engineering Drawings and Basic Hydraulics (flow) Yes
ACC132895 Short Course in Irrigation (Parks and Gardens) Yes
ACC71984 Short Course in Low Voltage Rescue Yes
NACC00122 Short Course in Myofascial Meridian Release Yes
ACC00104 Short Course in NRL Level One Referee Update Yes
NACC61067 Short Course in Rail Safety & Derailment Investigation Yes
NACC61710 Short Course in Safety Analysis Training (CASA) Yes
NACC00121 Short Course in Treatment for Whiplash Yes
NACC00054 Short Course in Try-a-Trade (Construction) Yes
NACC00055 Short Course in Try-a-Trade (Engineering) Yes
ACC00098 Short Course in Undertake a Derailment Investigation Yes
ACC118011 Short course CPCPWT3022 - Install and commission water heating systems and adjust controls and devices Yes
ACC00083 Short course in recognising and responding to domestic and family violence Yes
PDC90987 Skills for Allied Health Assistants Yes
PDC92499 Small Business Essentials Toolkit Yes
PDC137829 Staff Training Foundations of Academic Integrity Yes
PDC86806 Starting an Academic Essay Yes
PDC106283 Statistics Yes
PDC116784 Stoichiometry Yes
PDC20104 Stoma Management - Basic Stoma Care Yes
PDC64762 Story-Care and the Older Person Yes
PDC73069 Strategic Marketing for Business Yes
PDC111204 Strategic Marketing in the Arts Yes
PDC116853 Strategic University Partnerships Yes
PDC116640 Strengths, Values, and Goals in Understanding Happiness and Wellbeing Yes
PDC86810 Structuring an Academic Essay Yes
PDC86916 Supply Chain Fundamentals in Small Business Yes
PDC97077 Supporting Students with Anxiety in Tertiary Education Settings Yes
PDC89940 Teachers Toolkit Yes
PDC53513 Test of English for Aviation Preparation Course Yes
PDC85351 Textile Technology Yes
PDC78319 The First 1000 Days and Beyond Yes
PDC73071 The Marketing Mix as a Strategy in Business Yes
PDC73073 The Marketing Plan as an Essential Element of Business Growth Yes
PDC87022 The National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards Yes
PDC89939 The Next Step Yes
PDC57193 The Social Brain Yes
PDC86983 Timber Technology and Design Yes
PDC103429 Transforming Clinical Teaching Yes
PDC20105 Triage - An Introduction Yes
PDC111508 Trigonometric Functions, Ratios and Graphs Yes
PDC144327 U-BEACH Introduction to Beach Accessibility Yes
ACC151014 UEGNSG031 - Prepare to work in the gas industry Yes
ACC161141 UEGNSG901 Apply Safety Practices, procedures and compliance standards for handling hydrogen gas Yes
ACC133610 UEGNSG902 Commission, operate and maintain electrolysers Yes
ACC133633 UEGNSG903 Fault find and repair hydrogen storage equipment Yes
ACC133661 UEGNSG904 Inject hydrogen gas into distribution networks, Yes
PDC61250 Understanding Crime and Deviance in the Community Yes
PDC50635 Understanding Design Yes
PDC88568 Understanding Domestic and Family Violence Yes
PDC54284 Understanding Epilepsy Yes
SITSS00043 Understanding Financial Concepts for Budgeting Yes
PDC87446 Understanding Intrafamilial Child Sexual Abuse Yes
PDC54064 Understanding Mental Health Conditions for Fitness Trainers Yes
PDC93089 Understanding Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity Yes
PDC61661 Understanding Vicarious Trauma Yes
PDC116297 Understanding Wellbeing Yes
PDC50215 Understanding the Australian Health Care System Yes
PDC87397 Understanding the Dynamics of Coercive Control Yes
PDC97073 Universal Design in Tertiary Education Settings Yes
PDC86817 Using Academic Language and Style Yes
PDC87794 VET Quality Induction Yes
PDC111510 Vectors Yes
SITSS00061 Visitor Information Services Yes
PDC117110 Visual Art: Introduction to Linocut and Woodblock Techniques Yes
PDC117034 Visual Art: Traditional Painting Techniques Yes
PDC20106 Vital Signs - Introduction to Baseline Observations Yes
ACC89679 Welding Accreditation Course Yes
ACC00005 Welding Certification - Practical Yes
PDC71345 White Collar Crime in Business Yes
PDC88582 Work Health and Safety Considerations in Domestic and Family Violence Practice Yes
PDC53972 Work Ready Skills Yes
PDC52516 Working Legally and Ethically in Health Care Yes
PDC99012 Working with Perpetrators: Behaviour Change Processes Yes
PDC99013 Working with Perpetrators: Dynamics, Drivers and Tactics of Control Yes
PDC99015 Working with Perpetrators: Guides and Legislation Yes
PDC99014 Working with Perpetrators: The Impact of Violence on Child Development Yes
PDC59177 Working with Transgender or Non-Binary Clients in the Fitness Setting Yes
PDC120046 Workshop on Understanding Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity Yes
PDC20097 Wound Management - History, Myths and Traditions Yes
PDC20100 Writing Progress Notes - An Introduction Yes
PDC75244 iActivate - Design and Grow Business for Good Yes
PDC50386 iChange: Activating Changemaking at CQUniversity Yes
PDC116693 iResearch Program and Partner Ready Toolkit Yes