CC31 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)

In order to complete this course, you must:

  1. Complete the core structure
  2. Complete 1 major

Core Structure

Number of units: 7 Total credit points: 42

To complete this course, you must pass all units in the Core Structure and one Major. The More Details tab has a link to the Course Planners Site which lists all units for this course. Note that full-time students generally enrol in 24cp per term and part-time students generally enrol in a half-load of 12cp per term.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG11005 Introduction to Contemporary Engineering
ENEG11007 Engineering Industry Project Investigation
ENEG11008 Materials for Engineers
MATH11247 Foundation Mathematics
MATH11218 Applied Mathematics
MATH11219 Applied Calculus

Professional Engineering Practice

To be eligible for graduation, you must complete 480 hours of Professional Engineering Practice, including a minimum of 240 hours of industry experience. Mandatory work experience is set by the course accreditation body Engineers Australia. In one of your final terms of study, you must enrol into the following zero-credit unit, at no cost to you, and record your Professional Engineering Practice in an ePortfolio. The More Details tab contains a link to the Undergraduate Engineering Course Moodle Meta-site which contains further instructions on completing your Professional Engineering Practice.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEP14004 Engineering Practice Experience

Civil Major

Number of units: 21 Total credit points: 150

Intermediate Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG11006 Engineering Statics
ENEG11009 Fundamentals of Sustainable Energy
ENEG12007 Creative Engineering
ENEC12008 Geotechnical Engineering
ENEC12009 Engineering Surveying and Spatial Sciences
ENEC12010 Hydraulics and Hydrology
ENEC12011 Transport Systems
ENEC12012 Stress Analysis
MATH12225 Applied Computational Modelling
ENEG13002 Engineering Futures

Advanced Units

ENEC14014, ENEC14016, and ENEC14017 are double credit-point (12cp) units intended to provide an authentic project experience.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEC13014 Water Supply and Wastewater Technology
ENEC13015 Steel and Timber Design
ENEC13016 Concrete Technology and Design
ENEC13017 Advanced Structural Analysis
ENEC14014 Structural and Geotechnical Design
ENEC14016 Traffic and Transportation Engineering
ENEC14017 Water Resources Engineering

Elective Units

There are two elective units, but one must be chosen from the professional practice units. The More Details tab contains a link to the Course Planner Site where all pre-approved electives are listed. Contact the Head of Course if you want to discuss studying a unit, not on the pre-approved list.

Undergraduate Thesis

At the end of your course, you will complete an undergraduate thesis over two terms. Your thesis confirms your ability to practice as a Professional Engineer. It is strongly recommended to decide your topic based on your career interests. You should organise an Academic Adviser just prior to commencing the thesis planning unit.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG14003 Engineering Honours Project Planning
ENEG14005 Engineering Honours Project Implementation

Civil with Humanitarian Major

Number of units: 21 Total credit points: 150

Intermediate units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG11006 Engineering Statics
SOCL11059 Introducing Social Change
ENEG12007 Creative Engineering
ENEC12009 Engineering Surveying and Spatial Sciences
ENEC12010 Hydraulics and Hydrology
ENEC12008 Geotechnical Engineering
ENEC12011 Transport Systems
ENEC12012 Stress Analysis
ENEG12008 Appropriate Technology for Humanitarian Projects
ENEG13002 Engineering Futures

Advanced units

ENEC14014, ENEC14016, and ENEC14017 are double credit-point (12cp) units intended to provide an authentic project experience.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG13001 Humanitarian Engineering Project
ENEC13014 Water Supply and Wastewater Technology
ENEC13015 Steel and Timber Design
ENEC13016 Concrete Technology and Design
ENEC14014 Structural and Geotechnical Design
ENEC14016 Traffic and Transportation Engineering
ENEC14017 Water Resources Engineering
ENEC14018 Disaster Resilient Infrastructure

Elective Units

There is one elective unit, but it must be chosen from the professional practice units.

Available units
Students must complete 1 from the following units:
ENEP11007 Engineering Employment Preparation
ENEP12007 Engineering Business Fundamentals
ENEP12008 Engineering Leadership

Undergraduate Thesis

At the end of your course, you will complete an undergraduate thesis over two terms. Your thesis confirms your ability to work as a Professional Engineer. It is strongly recommended to decide your topic based on your career interests. You should organise an Academic Adviser just prior to commencing the thesis planning unit.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG14003 Engineering Honours Project Planning
ENEG14005 Engineering Honours Project Implementation

Electrical Major

Number of units: 21 Total credit points: 150

Intermediate Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG11006 Engineering Statics
ENEG11009 Fundamentals of Sustainable Energy
ENEG12007 Creative Engineering
ENEE12014 Electrical Circuit Analysis
ENEE12015 Electrical Power Engineering
ENEE12016 Signals and Systems
ENEX12002 Introductory Electronics
MATH12225 Applied Computational Modelling
ENEG13002 Engineering Futures

Advanced Units

ENEE14005, ENEE14006, and ENEE14007 are double credit-point (12cp) units intended to provide an authentic project experience.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEX13002 Power Electronics
ENEE13016 Power System Protection
ENEE13019 Control Systems Analysis and Design
ENEE13021 Power System Analysis and Design
ENEE13022 Communication Technology
ENEE14005 Capstone Power and Control Design
ENEE14006 Embedded Microcontrollers
ENEE14007 Electrical Machines and Drives Applications

Elective Units

There are two elective units, but one must be chosen from the professional practice units. The More Details tab contains a link to the Course Planner Site where all pre-approved electives are listed. Contact the Head of Course if you want to discuss studying a unit, not on the pre-approved list.

Undergraduate Thesis

At the end of your course, you will complete an undergraduate thesis over two terms. Your thesis confirms your ability to work as a Professional Engineer. It is strongly recommended to decide your topic based on your career interests. You should organise an Academic Adviser just prior to commencing the thesis planning unit.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG14003 Engineering Honours Project Planning
ENEG14005 Engineering Honours Project Implementation

Electrical with Data Analytics Major

Number of units: 21 Total credit points: 150

Intermediate Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG11009 Fundamentals of Sustainable Energy
COIT11226 Systems Analysis
COIT11222 Programming Fundamentals
COIT11237 Database Design & Implementation
COIT11240 Dashboard Design and Visualisation
ENEE12014 Electrical Circuit Analysis
ENEE12015 Electrical Power Engineering
ENEE12016 Signals and Systems
ENEX12002 Introductory Electronics
COIT12209 Data Science
MATH12225 Applied Computational Modelling

Advanced Units

ENEE14005, ENEE14006, and ENEE14007 are double credit-point (12cp) units intended to provide an authentic project experience.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEE13016 Power System Protection
ENEE13019 Control Systems Analysis and Design
ENEE13021 Power System Analysis and Design
ENEE13022 Communication Technology
ENEE14005 Capstone Power and Control Design
ENEE14006 Embedded Microcontrollers
ENEE14007 Electrical Machines and Drives Applications

Elective Units

There is one elective unit, but it must be chosen from the professional practice units.

Available units
Students must complete 1 from the following units:
ENEP11007 Engineering Employment Preparation
ENEP12007 Engineering Business Fundamentals
ENEP12008 Engineering Leadership
ENEG13002 Engineering Futures

Undergraduate Thesis

At the end of your course, you will complete an undergraduate thesis over two terms. Your thesis confirms your ability to work as a Professional Engineer. It is strongly recommended to decide your topic based on your career interests. You should organise an Academic Adviser just prior to commencing the thesis planning unit.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG14003 Engineering Honours Project Planning
ENEG14005 Engineering Honours Project Implementation

Electrical with Industrial Automation Major

Number of units: 21 Total credit points: 150

Intermediate Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG11006 Engineering Statics
ENEG11009 Fundamentals of Sustainable Energy
ENEM12010 Engineering Dynamics
ENEE12014 Electrical Circuit Analysis
ENEE12015 Electrical Power Engineering
ENEE12016 Signals and Systems
ENEX12002 Introductory Electronics
MATH12225 Applied Computational Modelling
ENEG13002 Engineering Futures

Advanced Units

ENEE14005, ENEE14006 and ENEE14007 are double credit-point (12cp) units intended to provide an authentic project experience.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEX13002 Power Electronics
ENEX13001 Industrial Control and Automation
ENEE13019 Control Systems Analysis and Design
ENEE13021 Power System Analysis and Design
ENEE13022 Communication Technology
ENEX13004 Robotics and Autonomous Systems
ENEE14005 Capstone Power and Control Design
ENEE14006 Embedded Microcontrollers
ENEE14007 Electrical Machines and Drives Applications

Elective Units

There is one elective which must be chosen from the professional practice units.

Available units
Students must complete 1 from the following units:
ENEP11007 Engineering Employment Preparation
ENEP12007 Engineering Business Fundamentals
ENEP12008 Engineering Leadership

Undergraduate Thesis

At the end of your course, you will complete an undergraduate thesis over two terms. Your thesis confirms your ability to work as a Professional Engineer. It is strongly recommended to decide your topic based on your career interests. You should organise an Academic Adviser just prior to commencing the thesis planning unit.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG14003 Engineering Honours Project Planning
ENEG14005 Engineering Honours Project Implementation

Electrical with Information Processing Major

Number of units: 21 Total credit points: 150

Intermediate Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG11009 Fundamentals of Sustainable Energy
COIT11222 Programming Fundamentals
COIT11226 Systems Analysis
COIT11237 Database Design & Implementation
ENEE12014 Electrical Circuit Analysis
ENEE12015 Electrical Power Engineering
ENEE12016 Signals and Systems
ENEX12002 Introductory Electronics
COIS12036 Human-Computer Interaction
COIT12207 Internet Applications
MATH12225 Applied Computational Modelling

Advanced Units

ENEE14005, ENEE14006 and ENEE14007 are double credit-point (12cp) units intended to provide an authentic project experience.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEE13016 Power System Protection
ENEE13019 Control Systems Analysis and Design
ENEE13021 Power System Analysis and Design
ENEE13022 Communication Technology
ENEE14005 Capstone Power and Control Design
ENEE14006 Embedded Microcontrollers
ENEE14007 Electrical Machines and Drives Applications

Elective Units

There is one elective unit, but it must be chosen from the professional practice units.

Available units
Students must complete 1 from the following units:
ENEP11007 Engineering Employment Preparation
ENEP12007 Engineering Business Fundamentals
ENEP12008 Engineering Leadership
ENEG13002 Engineering Futures

Undergraduate Thesis

At the end of your course, you will complete an undergraduate thesis over two terms. Your thesis confirms your ability to work as a Professional Engineer. It is strongly recommended to decide your topic based on your career interests. You should organise an Academic Adviser just prior to commencing the thesis planning unit.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG14003 Engineering Honours Project Planning
ENEG14005 Engineering Honours Project Implementation

Mechanical Major

Number of units: 22 Total credit points: 150

Intermediate Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG11006 Engineering Statics
ENEG11009 Fundamentals of Sustainable Energy
ENEG12007 Creative Engineering
ENEM12006 Fluid Mechanics
ENEM12008 Solid Materials Handling
ENEM12009 Structural Mechanics
ENEM12010 Engineering Dynamics
MATH12225 Applied Computational Modelling
ENEG13002 Engineering Futures

Advanced Units

ENEM14014 and ENEM14015 are double credit-point (12cp) units intended to provide an authentic project experience.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEM13012 Maintenance Engineering
ENEM13014 Thermodynamics
ENEM13015 Design of Machine Elements
ENEM13018 Materials and Manufacturing
ENEM13019 Fluid Machinery
ENEX13003 Mechanical Design Practice
ENEM14011 Energy Conversion
ENEM14014 Capstone Thermofluid Engineering
ENEM14015 Dynamic System Modelling and Control

Elective Units

There are two elective units, but one must be chosen from the professional practice units. The More Details tab contains a link to the Course Planner Site where all pre-approved electives are listed. Contact the Head of Course if you want to discuss studying a unit, not on the pre-approved list.

Undergraduate Thesis

At the end of your course, you will complete an undergraduate thesis over two terms. Your thesis confirms your ability to work as a Professional Engineer. It is strongly recommended to decide your topic based on your career interests. You should organise an Academic Adviser just prior to commencing the thesis planning unit.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG14003 Engineering Honours Project Planning
ENEG14005 Engineering Honours Project Implementation

Mechanical with Industrial Automation Major

Number of units: 21 Total credit points: 150

Intermediate Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG11006 Engineering Statics
ENEG11009 Fundamentals of Sustainable Energy
ENEX12002 Introductory Electronics
ENEM12006 Fluid Mechanics
ENEM12008 Solid Materials Handling
ENEM12009 Structural Mechanics
ENEM12010 Engineering Dynamics
MATH12225 Applied Computational Modelling
ENEG13002 Engineering Futures

Advanced Units

ENEE14006, ENEM14014 and ENEM14015 are double credit-point (12cp) units intended to provide an authentic project experience.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEM13012 Maintenance Engineering
ENEM13014 Thermodynamics
ENEM13018 Materials and Manufacturing
ENEX13001 Industrial Control and Automation
ENEX13003 Mechanical Design Practice
ENEX13004 Robotics and Autonomous Systems
ENEE14006 Embedded Microcontrollers
ENEM14014 Capstone Thermofluid Engineering
ENEM14015 Dynamic System Modelling and Control

Elective Units

There is one elective which must be chosen from the professional practice units.

Available units
Students must complete 1 from the following units:
ENEP11007 Engineering Employment Preparation
ENEP12007 Engineering Business Fundamentals
ENEP12008 Engineering Leadership

Undergraduate Thesis

At the end of your course, you will complete an undergraduate thesis over two terms. Your thesis confirms your ability to work as a Professional Engineer. It is strongly recommended to decide your topic based on your career interests. You should organise an Academic Adviser just prior to commencing the thesis planning unit.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG14003 Engineering Honours Project Planning
ENEG14005 Engineering Honours Project Implementation

Resource Systems Major

Number of units: 22 Total credit points: 150

Intermediate Units

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG11006 Engineering Statics
ENEG11009 Fundamentals of Sustainable Energy
COIT11222 Programming Fundamentals
COIT11226 Systems Analysis
COIT11237 Database Design & Implementation
ENAR12014 Introduction to Mining Technology
ENAR12016 Earth Science
ENEC12009 Engineering Surveying and Spatial Sciences
ENEE12014 Electrical Circuit Analysis
ENEE12016 Signals and Systems
ENEX12002 Introductory Electronics

Advanced Units

ENER14001 and ENER14002 are double credit-point (12cp) units intended to provide an authentic project experience.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENAR12004 Mine Management and Safety
ENAR12006 Rock Engineering
ENAR12013 Mine Planning and Design
COIT12209 Data Science
ENEX13001 Industrial Control and Automation
ENAR13001 Economic Geology
ENER14001 Resource Systems Automation Project
ENER14002 Resource Systems Feasibility Project

Elective Units

There is one elective unit, but it must be chosen from the professional practice units.

Available units
Students must complete 1 from the following units:
ENEP11007 Engineering Employment Preparation
ENEP12007 Engineering Business Fundamentals
ENEP12008 Engineering Leadership
ENEG13002 Engineering Futures

Undergraduate Thesis

At the end of your course, you will complete an undergraduate thesis over two terms. Your thesis confirms your ability to work as a Professional Engineer. It is strongly recommended to decide your topic based on your career interests. You should organise an Academic Adviser just prior to commencing the thesis planning unit.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
ENEG14003 Engineering Honours Project Planning
ENEG14005 Engineering Honours Project Implementation