CG92 Bachelor of Medical Imaging

In order to complete this course, you must:

  1. Complete the core structure
  2. Complete electives

Core Structure

Number of units: 25 Total credit points: 186

Please note: Each program year includes clinical placement. Students must meet specific pre-clinical health, safety, security and licensing requirements prior to each placement, and must disclose any condition that may put themselves or the public at significant risk whilst on placement. Due to limited availability of clinical placements, some block placements have start and/or end dates that fall outside standard term start and end dates. All students will be required to attend placement at a range of locations and of a range of facility types. As placements are located throughout Queensland and availability is limited in each community, students may be placed at a location that is not of their choosing. Students must prepare financially and personally to relocate for placements. This program is very intensive due to the theory and clinical requirements of the University and external professional accreditation bodies.

Year 1 includes a one week full-time observation clinical placement as a mandatory component of the MEDI11001 Fundamentals of the Imaging Professions course. To be eligible to attend placement, students must have completed all required pre-clinical health, safety and security requirements and must have attended all scheduled laboratory or residential school sessions for both MEDI11001 and MEDI11005 Patient Care in the Allied Health Professions, which is a corequisite course. The placement is scheduled in Week 11 of term only.

Year 1 - Term 1
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
BMSC11001 Human Body Systems 1
MEDI11001 Fundamentals of the Imaging Professions
MEDI11005 Patient Care in the Allied Health Professions
ESSC11004 Study and Research Skills for Health Science
Year 1 - Term 2
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
BMSC11002 Human Body Systems 2
MEDI11002 Physics for Health Sciences
MEDI11003 Relational Anatomy
MEDI11004 Professional Practice
Year 2 - Term 1
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
BIOH12008 Human Pathophysiology
MEDI12001 Radiation Science
MEDI12002 Imaging Science 2
MEDI12003 Imaging Procedures 1
Year 2 - Term 2
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
MEDI12004 Medical Imaging Clinical Placement 1
MEDI12006 Imaging Procedures 2
MEDI12007 Quality Processes for Dose and Image Optimisation
MEDI12005 Imaging Science 3

Please note: Extensive learning activity takes place in the clinical simulation laboratories during Terms 1 and 2 of Year 2. This includes students taking turns in the role of patient and radiographer for simulated radiographic procedures. Attendance is required for these laboratory sessions. MEDI12004 Medical Imaging Clinical Course 1 is a five week full-time clinical placement that will commence two weeks prior to the start of Term 2. Students will be on full-time placement during the first three weeks of Term 2. The three theory/lab courses in Term 2 will operate in a compressed format on campus during Weeks 4 - 12 of Term 2.

Year 3 - Term 1
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
MEDI13001 Science and Instrumentation 3
MEDI13002 Imaging Procedures 3
MEDI13004 Medical Imaging Clinical Placement 2
MEDI13006 Imaging Procedures 4
Year 3 - Term 2
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
MEDI13005 Medical Imaging Clinical Placement 3
NURS13117 Research in Health Care

Please note: Extensive learning activity takes place in the clinical simulation laboratories during Term 1 of Year 3. This includes students taking turns in the role of patient and radiographer for simulated radiographic procedures. Attendance is required for these laboratory sessions. MEDI13004 Medical Imaging Clinical Course 2 in Term 1 is an eight week full-time clinical placement and may commence up to seven weeks prior to the start of Term 1. Students are normally scheduled to be on full-time placement during the first three weeks of Term 1. The three theory/lab courses in Term 1 will operate in a compressed format on campus during Weeks 4 - 12 of Term 1. MEDI13005 Medical Imaging Clinical Course 3 is a twelve week full-time clinical placement and may be scheduled during Term 2 and/or Term 3 according to availability of clinical placements.

Year 4 - Term 1
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
MEDI14001 Transition to Independent Practice
MEDI14002 Medical Imaging Clinical Course 4
Year 4 - Term 2
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
MEDI14005 Medical Imaging Clinical Practicum

Year 4 of the program is studied entirely by distance and on clinical placement. During both Terms 1 and 2 students will be expected to complete one theory course by distance as well as completing their clinical placement courses. MEDI14002 Medical Imaging Clinical Course 4 is a twelve week full-time clinical placement course and may extend beyond the standard term end date. MEDI14005 Medical Imaging Clinical Practicum is an eighteen week full-time clinical placement course. It may be scheduled to start up to three weeks prior to Term 2 and will extend beyond the standard term end date.


Number of units: 1 Total credit points: 6

Available units
Students must complete 1 from the following units:
MEDI14003 Image Interpretation of Spine and Extremities
MEDI14004 Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging