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CH87 - Master of Paramedic Science (Paramedic Practitioner)


Compulsory Residential School

Some units in this course require you to attend a compulsory Residential School or Work Integrated Learning. Please see Course Features in the Getting Started tab for further information.

Course Overview

This course provides you with the skills, knowledge and advanced clinical reasoning and leadership strategies to meet the role of a Paramedic Practitioner. The Paramedic Practitioner is an advanced healthcare professional who can provide essential services in the critical care or aeromedical setting and also the non-emergency, out-of-hospital, low acuity or primary health settings. Upon completion of the course, your role will be to deliver both an advanced or intensive level of clinical medicine as well as identifying alternative pathways within the health care system that can effectively and independently manage a broad range of lower acuity medical and traumatic conditions. This care is a patient-centred approach that ensures you are a competent and yet diverse clinical provider that can meet both the acute and chronic healthcare needs of the community. Additionally, the Paramedic Practitioner is a leadership role within both the paramedic profession and healthcare system that can support a range of activity from education to base managerial needs.

This course will allow you to:

  • Advance your knowledge by building on your existing knowledge and experience to develop a mastery level of knowledge, skills and competency in the paramedic profession
  • Develop skills in health leadership, teamwork and integrate these concepts for application in the out of hospital environment
  • Demonstrate the ability to evaluate evidence critically and make independent decisions in the context of healthcare
  • Value health issues facing rural and underserved communities with particular attention to Indigenous health perspectives and disadvantage.

Career Information

The Master of Paramedic Science (Primary Healthcare Practice) supports graduates to operate in the expanding professional areas of paramedic practice. The course provides you with the knowledge and skills to move towards primary healthcare paramedic roles including extended care, community care, low acuity care and paramedic practitioner.

Course Details
Duration 1.5 years full-time or 3 years part-time
Credit Points that Must be Earned 72
Number of Units Required CQUniversity uses the concept of credits to express the amount of study required for a particular course and individual units. The number of units varies between courses. Units in postgraduate courses normally consist of 6 points of credit or multiples thereof (e.g. 12, 18, 24).
Expected Hours of Study One point of credit is equivalent to an expectation of approximately two hours of student work per week in a term.
Course Type Postgraduate Award
Qualification (post nominal) MParamedSc(Paramed Practitioner)
AQF Level Level 9: Masters Degree (Coursework)
Course Fees
Indicative Year - 2025
  • Commonwealth Supported Place – Indicative First Year Fee - $9,312
  • Domestic Full Fee Paying – Indicative First Year Fee - $29,739
Indicative Year - 2024
  • Commonwealth Supported Place – Indicative First Year Fee - $8,946
  • Domestic Full Fee Paying – Indicative First Year Fee - $28,467
  • International Indicative First Term Fee - $18,930
  • International Indicative First Year Fee - $30,720
Indicative Year - 2023
  • Domestic Full Fee Paying – Indicative First Year Fee - $26,853
Indicative Year - 2022
  • Domestic Full Fee Paying – Indicative First Year Fee - $26,064

Admission Codes

Domestic Students
Tertiary Admission Centre Codes (TAC) Codes
Not Applicable
International Students
Not Applicable
Where and when can I start?
Units offered internally at the below campuses may be delivered using a combination of face-to-face and video conferencing style teaching.
Units offered via MIX mode are delivered online and require compulsory attendance of site-specific learning activities such as on-campus residential schools, placements and/or work integrated learning. See Course Features tab for further information. Online units are delivered using online resources only.
Please Click Here for more information.
The following tables list the courses availabilities by location and term. Directing your pointer over your preferred location will provide further information if this course is not available for the full duration. Please be sure to also check individual unit availability by location and term prior to enrolling.

Domestic Availability

Term 1 - 2026


Term 1 - 2025


Term 1 - 2024


Term 1 - 2023


Term 1 - 2022


Term 1 - 2021


Term 1 - 2020


Term 1 - 2019


Term 1 - 2018


Term 1 - 2017

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International Availability

Term 1 - 2026

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Term 1 - 2025

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Term 1 - 2024

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Term 1 - 2023

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Term 1 - 2022

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Term 1 - 2021

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Term 1 - 2020

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Term 1 - 2019


Term 1 - 2018

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Term 1 - 2017

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For any problems regarding admissions availability for the selected course please contact 13 CQUni (13 27 86) or send us an email at
Entry Requirements - What do I need to start?
Academic Requirements

Paramedic Practitioner is a Masters level qualification that encompasses both didactic and clinical training in multiple areas of a healthcare system. Requirements for enrollment into the Paramedic Practitioner course:

  • Bachelor’s degree in the paramedic field OR an Advanced Diploma or Diploma in the paramedic field with significant clinical experience
  • Extensive experience as an on-road paramedic with enrollment into a Graduate Diploma OR a completed Graduate Diploma in an advanced paramedic field such as aeromedical, critical or intensive care
  • Demonstration of aptitude in medicine and academia (GPA of at least 5.5 in their undergrad or postgraduate courses OR completion of a 3000 word medical research essay to be submitted with application)
  • Two recommendations from either mangers, educators or advanced practitioners in the healthcare system (such as a general practitioner) that support the applicant’s enrollment into the course
  • Approval through an interview process (conducted by either the ambulance service and/or university)
Assumed Knowledge

Graduate Diploma of Paramedic Science (Critical Care)

Fees and Charges
Course Features

Awards and Accreditation

Interim Awards CC70 - Graduate Diploma of Paramedic Science (Critical Care Practice)
Exit Awards Not applicable
  • Not applicable

Residential School Requirements

Compulsory Residential School PMSC30002: Primary Healthcare Assessment, Pharmacology and Skills will require a five-day Residential School
Click here to view all Residential Schools

Practicum/Work Placement

PMSC20011 - Placement with a General Practitioner (GP) or similar advanced practitioner to gain experience and develop primary healthcare knowledge and skills

Previous and Current Enrolments

Year Number of Students
2025 8
2024 7
2023 5
2022 3
2021 4
Inherent Requirements
There are Inherent Requirements (IRs) that you need to be aware of, and fulfil, to achieve the core learning outcomes of the units and course. IRs are the essential capabilities, knowledge, behaviours and skills that are needed to complete a unit or course.

Please note that in some instances there may be similarities between course, entry and inherent requirements.

If you experience difficulties meeting these requirements, reasonable adjustments may be made upon contacting Adjustment must not compromise the academic integrity of the degree or course chosen at CQUniversity or the legal requirements of field education.

General Information

Examples are:

  • Complying with academic and non-academic misconduct policies and procedures such as CQUniversity’s Student Charter, Student Misconduct Policy and Student Behavioural Misconduct Procedures and Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education Coursework).
  • Treating personal information obtained in classroom and clinical settings as private and confidential.
  • Respecting an individual's/group's diversity by demonstrating sensitivity to religious cultural and individual differences.
  • Demonstrating an ability to reflect on ethical dilemmas and issues and taking responsibility for ensuring awareness of ethical behaviour.
Ethical Behaviour

Examples are:

  • Complying with academic and non-academic misconduct policies and procedures such as CQUniversity’s Student Charter, Student Misconduct Policy and Student Behavioural Misconduct Procedures and Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education Coursework).
  • Treating personal information obtained in classroom and clinical settings as private and confidential.
  • Respecting an individual's/group's diversity by demonstrating sensitivity to religious cultural and individual differences.
  • Demonstrating an ability to reflect on ethical dilemmas and issues and taking responsibility for ensuring awareness of ethical behaviour.
Behavioural Stability

Examples are:

  • Interacting positively and effectively with other students while attending activities related to the course.
  • Being receptive and responding appropriately to different viewpoints, to constructive feedback and to direction from academics and clinical staff.
  • Coping effectively with your own emotions, responses and behaviour when dealing with challenging situations in the clinical setting and in particular during emergencies.
Legal Compliance

Examples are:

  • Complying with relevant child protection and safety legislation including mandatory reporting requirements by presenting a National Police Check (not older than 3 years).
  • Obtaining a Working With Children Check before attending clinical placements.
  • Understanding and adhering to professional policy around the use of social media.
  • Knowing, understanding and complying with legislative and regulatory requirements which are necessary pre-requisites to clinical placements in order to reduce the risk of harm, to self and others.
Communication Skills (Verbal, Non-verbal, Written and Technology)

Examples are:

  • Actively participating in discussion activities related to the course.
  • Using language that is appropriate to the context of the individual or group.
  • Verbally communicating your knowledge and skills with accuracy, appropriateness and effectiveness.
  • Providing the health care team with verbal handover reports related to patient care.
  • Recognising and interpreting non-verbal cues of peers, patients and others and responding appropriately during placement.
  • Using appropriate facial expressions, eye contact and a range of body movements and gestures while being mindful of interpersonal space.
  • Constructing your assessment work to academic standards with attention to correct grammar and punctuation.
  • Constructing fluent summarised written text from complex and detailed information.
  • Constructing legible reports in a timely manner to meet professional standards and clearly communicating the intended message.
  • Accurately documenting patients' charts and records, meeting legal and professional requirements.
  • Having access to a computer for your studies.
  • Regularly accessing the Internet for research, and email for communication with peers and lecturers.
  • Analysing, manipulating and displaying scientific information.
Cognitive Abilities (Knowledge and Cognitive Skills, Literacy and Numeracy)

Examples are:

  • Conceptualising and using appropriate knowledge in response to academic assessment items.
  • Applying knowledge of policy and procedures in clinical settings.
  • Performing clinical skills within set time-frames.
  • Applying theoretical knowledge to understand a patient's history when undertaking patient assessment during emergency situations.
  • Paraphrasing, summarising and referencing in accordance with appropriate academic conventions.
  • Actively listening to information within a variety of academic and clinical and emergency situations.
  • Reading and accurately interpreting information related to patients.
  • Completing documentation that is accurate, clear and concise.
  • Accurately reading and interpreting various measurements as well as calculating drug dosages in a timely manner during emergency and routine situations.
  • Demonstrating accurate recording on a fluid balance chart.
  • Recognising when a calculator may have given an incorrect answer.
Sensory Abilities (Visual, Auditory, Tactile)

Examples are:

  • Focussing on and recognising objects that are either near or far.
  • Observing non-verbal behaviour and other situations in a variety of professional settings.
  • Accurately drawing up and administering medication.
  • Observing and detecting subtle changes in a patient's response to emergency procedures in a timely manner.
  • Sufficiently hearing verbal communication from other students and lecturers during activities related to the course.
  • Having sufficient auditory ability to consistently and accurately monitor, assess and manage a patient's needs.
  • Accurately interpreting the verbal communication and direction of clinical staff during emergency situations.
  • Accurately detecting heart and breath sounds by auscultation.
  • Accurately undertaking a blood pressure measurement by auscultation.
  • Using touch in an appropriate manner when conveying positive messages for emotional support during difficult circumstances.
  • Detecting any changes in circulation observations e.g. temperature and pulse palpation.
  • Conducting physical assessments and detecting any anatomical abnormalities.
Relational Skills

Examples are:

  • Rapidly building rapport with other students, peers and patients in order to engage them professionally.
  • Displaying empathy and respecting multiple points of view.
Reflective Skills

Examples are:

  • Reflecting critically on topics taught during the course of study, including on situations that may be difficult or sensitive, yet still require reflective processing, judgement or action.
  • Identifying when a clinical practice issue is outside one's scope or expertise, and be able to reflect and learn from this experience.
  • Identifying when one's practice may be negatively affected by personal experience and/or reactions, and be able to reflect and learn from this experience.
  • Identifying, reflecting and learning from successful situations as well as opportunities for improvement.
Sustainable Performance

Examples are:

  • Actively participating in activities related to the course with adequate, sustained levels of physical energy and concentration. This may involve standing for extended periods of time.
  • Participating in learning clinical skills and engaging in simulation activities during on-campus learning situations.
  • Performing consistent care during critical emergency situations with sustained concentration and physical energy for an 8 to 12 hour period of time including night shifts.
Strength and Mobility (Gross Motor Skills and Fine Motor Skills)

Examples are:

  • Incorporating a range of gross motor skills while participating effectively in activities related to the course.
  • Maintaining balance while safely mobilising and transferring individuals or resources.
  • Moving with ease around patients and equipment items while performing delivery of care activities and responding to emergency situations.
  • Safely retrieving and utilising stock and equipment.
  • Inserting medical devices and performing invasive procedures.
  • Manipulating intricate surgical instruments and equipment while dressing a wound.
  • Manipulating syringes and needles during preparation and administration of medications addressing safety to self and others.
  • Priming, accurately inserting and setting prescribed rates on an infusion device.
Interpersonal Engagement

Examples are:

  • Collaborating with other students and peers, modifying and reflecting on work or practice in response to supervisor feedback.
  • Building rapport with other students, peers and stakeholders in order to engage them in effective clinical practice, for example, during scenarios, difficult situations and critical events.
  • Reflecting critically on successful situations as well as opportunities for improvement.
  • Interacting and engaging with individuals and groups in a respectful and culturally appropriate manner in a wide variety of clinical practice contexts.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Abilities

Examples are:

  • Competently using a computer desktop operating system such as Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X.
  • Accessing a computer and having sufficient computer skills to engage in online learning, reading and responding as required to emails, and completing relevant activities and assessments for the course.
  • Regularly accessing the Internet for research, and email for communication with other students, peers and lecturers.
Compulsory Requirements
Health Requirements

Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) placements apply to this course and as such are subject to compulsory pre-placement conditions referred to as mandatory checks and are outlined in the health, security and other compulsory requirements sections. Mandatory checks are determined by industry, organisations, legislation, regulations, policies, and procedures. To be eligible for a WIL placement, students must first achieve compliance with mandatory checks by each closing date prior to a WIL placement and maintain current evidence for the duration of the course.

Mandatory health requirements include immunisation and vaccination evidence (and serology where required) to the following diseases: Hepatitis B, Measles, Mumps and Rubella, Varicella, Pertussis, Influenza, and Tuberculosis screening. Respirator mask fit testing is also an annual requirement for this course.

COVID-19 Vaccination Advice

Effective 25 September 2023, updates have been made to the COVID-19 vaccination mandate for Queensland Health sites and the Queensland Ambulance Service. While Queensland Health does not currently mandate evidence of COVID-19 vaccination, it's essential to recognise that other organisations within and outside of Queensland may enforce their vaccination-specific criteria. Students must ensure they meet all Mandatory Checks described in Sonia. Failure to meet an organisation’s vaccination requirements may result in delays in completing required placements

Security Requirements

Mandatory security requirements include an Australian Federal Police clearance.

Other Compulsory Requirements

Other mandatory requirements include student agreement to privacy and confidentiality, adherence to AHPRA policies for a registered professional, fitness to participate in WIL student declaration, jurisdictional and site-specific compulsory requirements, and other training modules.

Core Learning Outcomes
  • 1. Apply extensive clinical reasoning that integrates pathophysiology, presentation, history taking, detailed physical assessment, social or genetic factors, and other pathologic processes into the diagnosis of disease states
  • 2. Demonstrate the ability to use scientific reasoning and diagnostic studies for clinical diagnosis
  • 3. Demonstrate a broad range of treatment or intervention modalities such as pharmacology or procedures for primary healthcare
  • 4. Use critical analytic thinking and a foundation in evidence-based medicine for independent decision making and judgement
  • 5. Understand patient referral pathways, counseling, and education methods to assist in the clinical management or health maintenance of patients
  • 6. Support interprofessional communication for interacting within the healthcare system as an effective bridge between patients and other professions of the healthcare system
  • 7. Synthesise self-reflection, on-going learning, and other improvement strategies for evolving evidence-based practice and changes in the healthcare system
  • 8. Exhibit leadership skills for the coordination of a multi-disciplinary healthcare team and promotion of the paramedic profession
  Course Learning Outcomes
Australian Qualifications Framework Descriptors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. KNOWLEDGE Have a body of knowledge that includes the understanding of recent developments in a discipline and/or area of professional practice
2. KNOWLEDGE Have an understanding of research principles and methods applicable to a field of work and/or learning
3. SKILLS Have cognitive skills to demonstrate mastery of theoretical knowledge and to reflect critically on theory and professional practice or scholarship
4. SKILLS Have cognitive, technical and creative skills to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex information, problems, concepts and theories and to apply established theories to different bodies of knowledge or practice
5. SKILLS Have cognitive, technical and creative skills to generate and evaluate complex ideas and concepts at an abstract level
6. SKILLS Have communication and technical research skills to justify and interpret theoretical propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions to specialist and non-specialist audiences
7. SKILLS Have technical and communication skills to design, evaluate, implement, analyse and theorise about developments that contribute to professional practice or scholarship
8. APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS Be able to use creativity and initiative to new situations in professional practice and/or for further learning
9. APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS Be able to use high level personal autonomy and accountability
10 APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS Be able to plan and execute a substantial research-based project, capstone experience and/or piece of scholarship.
APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS Communicate, interact and collaborate with others effectively in culturally or linguistically diverse contexts in a culturally respectful manner
Course Structure

In order to complete this course, you must:

  1. Complete the core structure
Number of units: 12 Total credit points: 72

Proposed Core Scope of Practice

The scope of practice of the Paramedic Practitioner encompasses a broad range of clinical skills that cover critical care and primary health area. The Paramedic Practitioner upon completion of their training would be able to do, use or complete:

Detailed history taking including mental health, social and family aspects

Comprehensive physical examination of all body systems that includes:

  • General survey and vital signs
  • Head, Eyes Ears, Nose and Throat (HEENT) examination with otoscope
  • Cardiac and carotid sound examination
  • Complete integumentary assessment
  • Spirometry
  • Advanced musculoskeletal assessment including joints such as the shoulder or temporomandibular joint
  • Advanced neurological assessment including cranial nerve evaluation and reflexes

Advanced psychosocial assessments including:

  • Fall risks
  • Palliative care
  • Dialysis follow-up
  • Dietary evaluation
  • Age care assessments including test such as a MMSE
  • Home medication review
  • Diabetic follow-up and other chronic medical assessments/counseling

Point-of-care testing devices and screening tools for diagnosis and treatment evaluation including:

  • Urinalysis
  • Glucose and diabetic monitoring
  • Blood tests such as CBCs, chemistries, INR or cardiac markers (such as troponin)
  • Sonography (including FAST)
  • Stool guaiac or faecal occult blood test
  • Corneal abrasion evaluation using fluorescein staining (screening only)
  • Other diagnostic tests to be obtained and sent for evaluation such as cultures

Medical and critical care skills including:

  • Fracture reduction and short-term casting/immobilisation
  • Joint relocation
  • Intubation and RSI
  • Cricothyrotomy
  • Mechanical ventilator use
  • Advanced cardiac dysrhythmia management with synchronised cardioversion and transcutaneous pacing
  • Thoracostomy and chest tube maintenance
  • Intraosseous access
  • Central line maintenance and management
  • Gastric tube placement, evaluation or maintenance
  • Urinary catheter replacement or maintenance
  • Acute and chronic wound evaluation, debridement, drain and other care

Other areas of medical management including:

  • Back pain, infection (ranging from respiratory to sexual transmitted infections), migraine, GI illness and other low acuity illnesses

Simple surgical procedures including:

  • Suturing , stapling or gluing of acute injuries
  • Incision and drainage (non-dental skin abscesses)
  • Punch skin biopsies

Expanded pharmacology for administration and management including:

  • Advance critical care pharmacology including antiarrhythmics, analgesics, diuretics, antipsychotics, sedatives and others
  • Local or regional anaesthetics
  • Antibiotic therapy
  • Over the counter therapies including Gastrolyte or paracetamol
  • Short-course therapies including steroids, analgesics, anti-inflammatories, antiemetics, muscle relaxants, gastro relievers, etc.
  • Vaccine administrations
  • Short term dispensing of ‘out of medicines’ coverage for non-scheduled medication. This covers classes of medication such as antihypertensives or antidiabetics where the provider would carry one type from each class of medications such as a beta-blocker, calcium channel blocker, ACE inhibitor or metformin.

Palliative care and management

  • Subcutaneous cannulation for pain management
  • Counselling and reassurance
  • Secretion management
  • Breakthrough pain management

Referrals for specialties including:

  • Radiographs of injuries or chest x-rays
  • Other diagnostic lab tests not able to be tested by point-of-care screening (such as haemoglobin A1C)
  • Cardiology (including stress tests or echocardiograms)
  • Orthopaedics, physiotherapists or physical therapy
  • Dental evaluations or procedures
  • Prevention evaluations such as a colonoscopy or colposcopy

General practitioner for follow-ups as needed

  • All case information from patients to be referred back to the GP as well

Additionally, includes the standard scope of practice of a paramedic including:

  • Manual handling, extrication, triage, driving and other essential duties of the paramedic
  • Basic life support, intermediate life support and resuscitation skills (in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council)
  • Intermediate airway management including supraglottic airways
  • Emergency management of medical and trauma conditions for adults, paediatrics or other special populations
  • Use of emergency pharmacology including pain management
  • Pulse oximetry, ECG or other vital monitoring and interpretation tools

Graduate Diploma of Paramedic Science (Critical Care) or equivalent degree

Year 1 - Term 2
Students must complete 2 from the following units:
PMSC20004 Advanced Clinical Care of Special Populations
PMSC20006 Advanced Clinical Care of Trauma and Environmental Emergencies
PMSC20007 Aeromedical, Retrieval and Tactical Medicine
Year 1 - Term 1
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
PMSC20001 Advanced Clinical Assessment and Decision Making
PMSC20002 Advanced Critical Skills Application
PMSC20003 Pharmacological Application in the Critical Care Setting
MEDS21003 Medical Science Research Project 1
Year 1 - Term 2
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
PMSC20005 Advanced Assessment, Diagnostic Interpretation and Management
MEDS21006 Medical Science Research Project 2

Year 2 - Term 1
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
PMSC20008 Primary Healthcare Management
PMSC20009 Primary Healthcare Assessment, Pharmacology and Skills
PMSC20010 Health Communication and Community Involvement
PMSC20011 Independent Practice and Leadership
More Details


In the unit PMSC28001 Primary Healthcare Placement, students are expected to undertake 120-144 hours of Work Integrated Learning (WIL). Where possible, students will be asked to approach suitable providers convenient to their residential location, however, due to competing demands for clinical placement positions, students must be prepared to travel to alternate locations. This may involve distance travel or staying away from home to facilitate the placement, and taking leave from substantive employment and other regular responsibilities to ensure availability. This is due to some service providers' preference for 'block' placements rather than ad-hoc shifts. Any travel or accommodation expenses will be at the student’s own cost. Students with extenuating circumstances restricting ability to travel and stay away from home are invited to discuss requests for special consideration with the Unit Co-ordinator. 

Please note: Any student who has within the last 12 months NOT attended the PMSC20013 Primary Healthcare 2 residential school MUST contact the Unit Coordinator to arrange repeat attendance of the PMSC20013 residential school at their own cost PRIOR to undertaking any clinical placement.

Mandatory requirements for WIL

Students will be provided information on and be required to purchase an approved CQUniversity shirt for wear during WIL. Students will also be required to provide their own Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as a Work Health and Safety (WHS) requirement when on clinical placement. Non-adherence to uniform and PPE requirements will result in immediate removal from WIL.

Many health service providers mandate that students meet certain vaccination and health standards prior to attendance, whilst the University also has certain requirements to ensure student safety and readiness for practice. Information on all of these requirements and associated due dates is updated yearly. Information regarding COVID-19 vaccination requirements, security requirements and health requirements can be found in the Handbook course page under ‘Getting Started/What do I need to start?’. Enrolled students will receive further information and instruction on how to meet these requirements via the Sonia Home Page which will be provided to students in a timely manner prior to WIL. Students must submit all mandatory requirements to the Schools Work Integrated Learning Officers by the stated due date to be deemed eligible to attend WIL. Students must also be aware of and fulfil the inherent requirements to achieve the core learning outcomes of the units and course, some of which are particularly relevant to WIL. If you experience difficulties meeting these requirements, reasonable adjustments may be made upon contacting The inherent requirements are listed in the Handbook course page under ‘Getting Started/Inherent Requirements. 

All mandatory requirements are non-negotiable, so it is imperative that students review and begin working to meet these requirements early.

WHS orientations/inductions

Many workplaces stipulate that students must undertake induction procedures prior to commencing WIL. Students must therefore be prepared to undertake this extra workload to facilitate placement.


Student studying this course will be required to attend compulsory residential schools for some units.