NURS12156 - Clinical Nursing Practice 2

General Information

Unit Synopsis

This unit is aimed at developing and applying nursing skills applicable to acute care health settings. The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) registered nurse standards for practice are used as a framework to guide you in relation to person-centred care, patient safety, cultural safety, and developing practice. You will have the opportunity to develop skills related to evidence based management of acute episodes of illness or injury including medical and surgical acute presentations and their respective pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments. You will be expected to function within the scope of practice of a nursing student during the compulsory three (3) day residential school or timetabled internal clinical classes in preparation for your 120 hour clinical placement.


Level Undergraduate
Unit Level 2
Credit Points 6
Student Contribution Band SCA Band 1
Fraction of Full-Time Student Load 0.125
Pre-requisites or Co-requisites


NURS11161 Clinical Nursing Practice 1 or NURS11154 Foundations of Nursing Practice 2

BIOH11005 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology


NURS12155 Medical-Surgical Nursing

For 2016 only NURS11158 Evidence Informed Nursing Practice or NHLT12001 Evidence Informed Practice and then in 2017 revert to pre-requisites

Important note: Students enrolled in a subsequent unit who failed their pre-requisite unit, should drop the subsequent unit before the census date or within 10 working days of Fail grade notification. Students who do not drop the unit in this timeframe cannot later drop the unit without academic and financial liability. See details in the Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education Coursework).

Class Timetable View Unit Timetable
Residential School Compulsory Residential School
View Unit Residential School

Unit Availabilities from Term 2 - 2024

There are no availabilities for this unit on or after Term 2 - 2024

Attendance Requirements

All on-campus students are expected to attend scheduled classes - in some units, these classes are identified as a mandatory (pass/fail) component and attendance is compulsory. International students, on a student visa, must maintain a full time study load and meet both attendance and academic progress requirements in each study period (satisfactory attendance for International students is defined as maintaining at least an 80% attendance record).

Assessment Overview

Recommended Student Time Commitment

Each 6-credit Undergraduate unit at CQUniversity requires an overall time commitment of an average of 12.5 hours of study per week, making a total of 150 hours for the unit.

Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task Weighting
1. Online Quiz(zes) 0%
2. Practical Assessment 0%
3. Portfolio 0%
4. Professional Practice Placement 0%

This is a pass/fail (non-graded) unit. To pass the unit, you must pass all of the individual assessment tasks shown in the table above.

Past Exams

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Previous Feedback

Term 1 - 2020 : The overall satisfaction for students in the last offering of this course was 4.3 (on a 5 point Likert scale), based on a 51.11% response rate.

Feedback, Recommendations and Responses

Every unit is reviewed for enhancement each year. At the most recent review, the following staff and student feedback items were identified and recommendations were made.

Source: Student feedback
Student feedback via the university evaluation process identified that there was not enough time to complete some activities.
1. To increase time available NURS12156 will adopt an online orientation for the clinical learning space. 2. Unit content with be reviewed to determine whether some of the skills covered in the on-campus learning session can be moved to other clinical units.
Action Taken
1. Online 3D orientation to clinical learning pace was not achieved. However, students were encouraged to arrive at the on-campus sessions early to allow time to orientate to the facilities. 2. Unit coordinators from the various clinical placement units agreed to a lateral redistribution of some of the clinical skills. For example, insertion of IDC insertion and the management of chest drains was moved to CNP3. This allowed the students more time in the labs to practice the necessary skills.
Source: Clinical Agency feedback
Feedback from clinical agencies is that students need to cover adding medications to IV fluids to ensure they gain most from the clinical learning placement experience.
Adding of medications to IV fluids along with labelling of IV fluid bag/container will be added to NURS12156 in 2020.
Action Taken
This issue was addressed. An activity was introduced involving the infusion of IV medication via a fluid bag / burette. Particular attention was given to medication labeling.
Source: Student feedback
Overcrowding of on-campus clinical learning sessions/residential schools remains problematic for students as it creates excessive noise in the teaching space and often limits the time and resources available. Student feedback also indicated that they were often required to wait to access resources due to the limited number provided or gather resources themselves which meant they may miss out on the learning opportunities due to time constraints.
1. This issue will be discussed with the BN management team to seek a solution to this ongoing problem. 2. During the simulation technician briefing prior to the commencement of term, the Unit coordinators will clearly document requirements and amount of resources needed and reinforce the need for resources to be provided when required during on-campus learning sessions.
Action Taken
The on-campus learning sessions were capped at 4 students at each bedside and a maximum of 16 students to each teacher. Each bed was provided with sufficient equipment to ensure that students did not have to wait for equipment.
Source: Student feedback
Student feedback was that NURS12156 was well structured. Students found the minimum requirements document to be a useful resource when undertaking clinical placement. Feedback indicated that the minimum requirements document was able to assist students to meet both personal learning goals and the unit learning outcomes.
1. Continue to use pre-brief learning requirements for on-campus learning sessions within NURS12156. 2. Continue using minimum requirements document to support student learning
Action Taken
The pre-learning requirements for on-campus session documents and videos were provided to the students to ensure their readiness for the on-campus sessions. Also the unit continues to utilise the the clinical placement minimum requirement document. The students are instructed to take the document with them on placement and the clinical facilitators are also provided with the document. Furthermore, weekly student performance discussions, framed around the document, were held with the facilitator / preceptor and with the students.
Source: Student feedback
Students indicated that one of the best aspects of this unit was the use of the single case study that was integrated throughout the learning resources.
Continue to use current case study for 2020.
Action Taken
The unit continues to utilise the single case study model throughout its on-campus simulation session. Students appear to enjoy this method of learning since they become familiar with the simulated patients and it provides the students with a continuity of care.
Source: Moodle, 'Have your say'
"The unit was very well delivered, especially given the complexities of COVID-19. The coordinating team were brilliant at engaging us under these difficult circumstances".
Most students appreciated the opportunity to continue the on-campus sessions online following the mandatory lab closure. There is the potential to continue with the online mode of learning for some aspects of the clinical training. The students appeared to enjoy the online learning and it would avail some lab time for more complex integrative clinical simulation training.
Action Taken
In Progress
Source: Moodle, 'Have your say' and from the Assessment item - self reflection marking criteria form
Positive feedback was received regarding the self-video recording of clinical assessments rather than doing the assessment in class. Students reported liking the detailed individual feedback provided, having time to practice the assessment prior to recording, being able to review their recording and refection on their action prior to submission.
Self-recording of clinical assessment items should be considered in the future. This would free up valuable time in the on-campus labs. The majority of students appear to enjoy this mode of assessment. Most students found it less stressful and it promoted self reflections.
Action Taken
In Progress
Source: Moodle, 'Have your say'
Some students did not like the on-campus learning being scheduled for the start of the term. "I believe that 12 weeks work done in 2 weeks before res school was a big ask. Then nothing to do until placement."
Most students understood the reason for the scheduling of the on-campus session early in the term, to allow for clinical placements. It is not recommended that this be changed. However, if online learning is to be considered as part of the clinical skills training, then the students may require a bit more preparation time before attending the on-campus sessions.
Action Taken
In Progress
Source: Moodle, 'Have your say'
"I feel that more from res's overall could be online at home. I submitted a wound care video. I found it very easy to do and as it was a skill i had learnt last term, felt that the video was more than enough and didn't need assessment at res itself, so i was happy to do the video at home. ...I would love accelerated res in future CNPs, hopefully it's an option.
Consider allowing some aspects of on-campus session to be conducted on line, especially clinical skills familiar to students. This would free up time in the labs.
Action Taken
In Progress
Source: Moodle, 'Have your say'
"Residential schools need improvement. They are very rushed over the 3 days and so many skills are crammed into the 3 days....I would be more than happy to attend a 4-5-day residential school"
This is an on-going issue, some students feel overwhelmed by the volume of work covered in the 3 day residential school. A possible solution would be to offer some of the familiar skills, e.g. simple wound care, and some of the more fundamental skills like documentation, online. This would free up more lab time for the more complex skills training.
Action Taken
In Progress
Unit learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  1. Apply the principles from the nursing process to deliver evidenced based, person centred nursing care to individuals experiencing acute alterations in health and their families
  2. Communicate and collaborate effectively with individuals, families and other members of the multidisciplinary care team
  3. Demonstrate safe medication administration in the acute care setting
  4. Function within legal and ethical frameworks and scope of practice of a nursing student in accordance with Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) registered nurse standards for practice in the acute care setting.

The Learning outcomes are linked to the Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) Standards for registered nurses and the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) registered nurse standards for practice.

Alignment of Assessment Tasks to Learning Outcomes
Assessment Tasks Learning Outcomes
1 2 3 4
1 - Online Quiz(zes)
2 - Practical Assessment
3 - Portfolio
4 - Professional Practice Placement
Alignment of Graduate Attributes to Learning Outcomes
Introductory Level
Intermediate Level
Graduate Level
Graduate Attributes Learning Outcomes
1 2 3 4
1 - Communication
2 - Problem Solving
3 - Critical Thinking
4 - Information Literacy
5 - Team Work
6 - Information Technology Competence
7 - Cross Cultural Competence
8 - Ethical practice
Alignment of Assessment Tasks to Graduate Attributes
Introductory Level
Intermediate Level
Graduate Level
Assessment Tasks Graduate Attributes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 - Practical Assessment
4 - Professional Practice Placement
1 - Online Quiz(zes)
3 - Portfolio