Course History

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Version Effective: 1st of January, 2022

BSB50820 - Diploma of Project Management

Course Details

Course Summary

This course is suitable for individuals who apply project management skills and knowledge in their work environment, or who wish to move into a project leadership and management role. Successful completion will equip students with a sound theoretical knowledge base; and a range of specialised technical and managerial competencies to initiate, plan, execute and evaluate their own work and/or the work of others to achieve project objectives.

The delivery is online with a specific sequence of units within 4 clusters, comprising of 8 core and 4 elective units.  It is a requirement of this course that you enrol into all units under each cluster, following the designated sequence listed in the Course Structure tab. New students must enrol into the first cluster of units before attempting the remaining clusters.

Entry Requirements

CQUniversity requirement - Completion of BKSB (Basic Key Skills Builder) online literacy and numeracy assessment prior to enrolment, unless the student has completed an equal or higher-level course.

CQUniversity recommendation of 18 years of age with either completion of Year 12 or equivalent, access to a computer, Internet and intermediate computer skills.

CQUniversity recommendation of project management experience or currently working within the Project Management sector.

VET Student Loan Information

VET Student Loans may be available for eligible students in approved Diploma level qualifications. The loan can be used towards Tuition Fees only and does not cover additional expenses such as textbooks, uniforms, equipment, travel, tools, and accommodation or general living expenses. Loan limits or caps may apply for some eligible courses and where a loan limit is reached for a course, students may be required to pay upfront for any remaining units.

For more information or to check your eligibility for a VET Student Loan, please visit our VET Student Loans webpage or contact us .

Course Details

Course Type Qualification
Student Availability
  • Domestic
Full Fee $6,600.00 (2024)
$6,816.00 (2025)
Fee for service per unit $550.00 (2024)
$568.00 (2025)
RPL Fee for service per Unit $275.00 (2024)
$426.00 (2025)
For detailed information on Course Fees, visit
Application Mode
  • Direct To University
How to Apply Please Enquire or Apply Now
Study Area
  • Business, Accounting and Law
Skill Area
  • Business Services
AQF Level Level 5: Diploma

Admission Codes

Domestic Students
Tertiary Admission Centre Codes (TAC) Codes
Not Applicable
International Students
  • BNE - 10410H

Student Outcomes, Career Opportunities and Occupations

Possible job outcomes could include (but not limited to): Project Manager/Coordinator or Administrator, Events Manager/Coordinator or Administrator, Team leader/Coordinator or Manager, Scheduler, Planner, Procurement officer, Stakeholder Liaison Officer and Change manager. These possible outcomes can be applied across various industries.

Course Structures

In order to complete this course, you must:

  1. Complete 8 core units
  2. Complete 4 elective units

Study Mode Definitions

  • Online: Online courses provide the flexibility to study without normally requiring a student to visit a campus. Course content is studied through a number of means including the use of online discussion forums, electronic library resources, by contacting lecturers and teachers, and receiving study materials online/electronically. Work integrated learning, including placements, may be included in some courses.
  • On-campus: Students studying in on-campus mode typically are expected to attend and participate in regular, structured on-campus teaching and learning activities throughout the University’s academic term. These activities may include lectures, tutorials, workshops and practice, online or other activities and normally will be timetabled at a CQUniversity campus or approved delivery site.
  • Mixed Mode: Students studying in mixed mode will participate in a combination of online learning activities in addition to site-specific learning activities, which may include residential schools, co-op placements and/or work-integrated learning as a compulsory requirement of a unit. The additional site-specific learning activities are what differentiates a mixed-mode unit from an online unit.

*All study modes may include Vocational placement and/or work integrated learning.

Select a course structure below to view the delivery details, including the different study modes offered for each structure.


This course is delivered online for a period of 72 weeks, the twelve (12) units are grouped into four (4) clusters to assist students progression of study. Students must follow the sequence outlined in the course planner and enrol into all units under each cluster.

It may be possible for the student to complete the course sooner if they are deemed competent.

Students must complete all components of the assessment tasks within the course to be deemed competent.

  • Online

BSBPMG530 - Manage project scope

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to determine and manage project scope. It involves obtaining project authorisation, developing a scope management plan, and managing the application of project scope controls.

The unit applies to individuals responsible for managing and leading a project in an organisation, business or as a consultant.

BSBPMG540 - Manage project integration

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to integrate and balance overall project management functions and to align and track project objectives to comply with organisational goals, strategies and objectives.

The unit applies to individuals responsible for managing and leading a project in an organisation, business, or as a consultant.

BSBPMG533 - Manage project scope

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify, analyse and refine project costs to produce a budget, and to use this budget as the principal mechanism to control project cost.

The unit applies to individuals responsible for managing and leading a project in an organisation, business, or as a consultant.

BSBPMG530 Manage project scope More Information Details
BSBPMG540 Manage project integration More Information Details
BSBPMG533 Manage project cost More Information Details

BSBPMG531 - Manage project time

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage time during projects. It involves determining and implementing the project schedule and assessing time management outcomes.

The unit applies to individuals responsible for managing and leading a project in an organisation, business, or as a consultant.

BSBPMG532 - Manage project quality This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage quality within projects. It involves determining quality requirements, implementing quality control and assurance processes, and using review and evaluation to make quality improvements in current and future projects. The unit applies to individuals responsible for managing and leading a project in an organisation, business, or as a consultant.

BSBPMG532 - Manage project quality

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage quality within projects. It involves determining quality requirements, implementing quality control and assurance processes, and using review and evaluation to make quality improvements in current and future projects.

The unit applies to individuals responsible for managing and leading a project in an organisation, business, or as a consultant.

BSBPMG536 - Manage project risk

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage risks that may impact achievement of project objectives. It involves identifying, analysing, treating and monitoring project risks, and assessing risk management outcomes.

The unit applies to individuals responsible for managing and leading a project in an organisation, business, or as a consultant.

BSBPMG536 Manage project risk More Information Details
BSBPMG532 Manage project quality More Information Details
BSBPMG531 Manage project time More Information Details

BSBPMG534 - Manage project human resources

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage human resources related to projects. It involves planning for human resources, implementing personnel training and development, and managing the project team.

The unit applies to individuals responsible for managing and leading a project in an organisation, business, or as a consultant.

BSBPMG537 - Manage project procurement

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to undertake procurement in projects.

The unit applies to individuals responsible for managing and leading a project in an organisation, business, or as a consultant.

BSBOPS501 - Manage business resources

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage resources according to planned business strategies. It includes analysing resource requirements, developing resource plans, allocating resources, and reviewing and reporting on resource usage.

The unit applies to individuals with a role in allocating and monitoring the use of physical and/or human resources to meet defined business objectives.

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources More Information Details
BSBPMG537 Manage project procurement More Information Details
BSBPMG534 Manage project human resources More Information Details

BSBPMG535 - Manage project information and communication

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to link people, ideas and information at all stages in the project life cycle. Project communication management ensures timely and appropriate generation, collection, dissemination, storage and disposal of project information through formal structures and processes.

The unit applies to individuals responsible for managing and leading a project in an organisation, business, or as a consultant.

BSBPMG538 - Manage project stakeholder engagement

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage stakeholder relationships.

The unit applies to individuals responsible for managing and leading a project in an organisation, business or as a consultant.

BSBCMM511 - Communicate with influence

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to present and negotiate persuasively, lead and participate in meetings and make presentations to customers, clients and other key stakeholders.

The unit applies to individuals who are managers and leaders required to identify, analyse, synthesise and act on information from a range of sources, and who deal with unpredictable problems as part of their job role. They use initiative and judgement to organise the work of self and others and plan, evaluate and co-ordinate the work of teams.

BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence More Information Details
BSBPMG538 Manage project stakeholder engagement More Information Details
BSBPMG535 Manage project information and communication More Information Details

Unit Sequence

Below is the recommended study sequence for this course. Please enrol in your units as per the following order.
Units with the same sequence number should be enrolled into at the same time.
Sequence Unit
1 BSBPMG530 - Manage project scope
1 BSBPMG540 - Manage project integration
1 BSBPMG533 - Manage project cost
2 BSBPMG536 - Manage project risk
2 BSBPMG532 - Manage project quality
2 BSBPMG531 - Manage project time
3 BSBOPS501 - Manage business resources
3 BSBPMG537 - Manage project procurement
3 BSBPMG534 - Manage project human resources
4 BSBCMM511 - Communicate with influence
4 BSBPMG538 - Manage project stakeholder engagement
4 BSBPMG535 - Manage project information and communication

Course Assessment Information

RPL - Students who have previous informal and formal learning need to advise their trainer/assessor prior to enrolment. If the student wishes to apply for an RPL they need to apply to the RPL Centre.
Credit transfer - If credit for relevant formal qualifications is sought, then the process will be actioned after the student has enrolled in at least one unit of competency as directed by the relevant trainer/assessor. The Trainer/Assessor will work with the student on their credit transfer application, and provide advice and support as necessary.
Assessment Types
Written/Electronic Assessment
Third Party Verification
Practical Task
Course Learning Outcomes
Where and when can I start?
Please view the more details information for any additional information related to this course.

Domestic 2022 Availabilities


February: Full Time/Part Time
March: Full Time/Part Time
April: Full Time/Part Time
May: Full Time/Part Time
June: Full Time/Part Time
July: Full Time/Part Time
August: Full Time/Part Time
September: Full Time/Part Time
October: Full Time/Part Time
November: Full Time/Part Time
December: Full Time/Part Time

Domestic 2023 Availabilities


February: Full Time/Part Time
March: Full Time/Part Time
April: Full Time/Part Time
May: Full Time/Part Time
June: Full Time/Part Time
July: Full Time/Part Time
August: Full Time/Part Time
September: Full Time/Part Time
October: Full Time/Part Time
November: Full Time/Part Time
December: Full Time/Part Time

Domestic 2024 Availabilities


February: Full Time/Part Time
March: Full Time/Part Time
April: Full Time/Part Time
May: Full Time/Part Time
June: Full Time/Part Time
July: Full Time/Part Time
August: Full Time/Part Time
September: Full Time/Part Time
October: Full Time/Part Time
November: Full Time/Part Time
December: Full Time/Part Time
For individual class days and times for each intake please check the TAFE Timetable located here
The availabilities shown above are for the current and future years. To view any historic availabilities please press "Show Historic Availabilities" below:

Show Historic Availabilities
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