Future Course Details

Please note that the information shown below is for a future version of the course. This content is relevant from the 19th of May, 2025.

Version Effective: 19th of May, 2025
Version Effective: 19th of May, 2025

PDC167185 - Introduction to Neighbourhood Centres

Course Details

Course Summary


As the Communities 2032 Strategic Plan is rolled out across the state, cross departmental awareness of Neighbourhood Centres (NC) is also required.  The NC sector is needing to grow its workforce rapidly and ensure it has skilled and qualified workers for local communities. With the absence of community development qualifications from tertiary institutions, the sector is in need of training and education in NC based community work for the current and future workforce.

This two-hour micro-credential provides a comprehensive introduction to Neighbourhood Centres, covering their principles, history, activities, and funding streams. It includes insights into the Queensland Government’s shared vision and initiative guidelines, as well as an overview of Neighbourhood Centres Queensland (NCQ) and the National Peak body.

Course content is proposed to include the topics below:

Module 1 - Introduction / Welcome
Module 2 - Neighbourhood Centre Principles
Module 3 - History of Neighbourhood Centres
Module 4 - NC activities and funding streams
Module 5 - QLD Government's Shared Vision and initiative guidelines
Module 6 - NCQ and National Peak Overview
Module 7 - Assessment and finalisation

Upon successful completion of the micro-credential, students will be awarded continuing professional development (CPD) hours, a digital badge and can download a certificate of completion.

Entry Requirements

Enrolment in this micro-credential is restricted to Neighbourhood Centre staff, volunteers, board members, students, jobseekers and external stakeholders including staff from other peak bodies and government employees working closely with the sector.

There are no specific entry requirements.

Undertaking this micro-credential enables students to meet their continuing professional development obligations and industry update requirements in their profession. 

Upon successful completion of the micro-credential, students will be awarded continuing professional development (CPD) hours, a digital badge and can download a certificate of completion.

Course Details

Course Type Short Course (Professional Development)
Student Availability
  • Domestic
Application Mode
  • Other
How to Apply

CQU will provide an enrolment key to NCQ to manage enrolment of participants.

Study Area
  • Psychology, Social Work and Community Services
Skill Area
  • Community Services
  • Youth Services

Admission Codes

Domestic Students
Tertiary Admission Centre Codes (TAC) Codes
Not Applicable
International Students
Not Applicable

Student Outcomes, Career Opportunities and Occupations

Undertaking this micro-credential enables students to meet their Continuing Professional Development obligations and industry update requirements in their profession. 

Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the principles and history of Neighbourhood Centres, as well as the various activities and funding streams that support them. They will be well-versed in the Queensland Government’s shared vision and initiative guidelines, and have a clear understanding of the roles and functions of Neighbourhood Centres Queensland (NCQ) and the National Peak body. Additionally, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively apply these insights in their work, ensuring they can contribute meaningfully to the success and sustainability of Neighbourhood Centres.

Upon successful completion of the micro-credential, students will be awarded continuing professional development (CPD) hours, a digital badge and can download a certificate of completion.

Course Structures

Study Mode Definitions

  • Online: Online courses provide the flexibility to study without normally requiring a student to visit a campus. Course content is studied through a number of means including the use of online discussion forums, electronic library resources, by contacting lecturers and teachers, and receiving study materials online/electronically. Work integrated learning, including placements, may be included in some courses.
  • On-campus: Students studying in on-campus mode typically are expected to attend and participate in regular, structured on-campus teaching and learning activities throughout the University’s academic term. These activities may include lectures, tutorials, workshops and practice, online or other activities and normally will be timetabled at a CQUniversity campus or approved delivery site.
  • Mixed Mode: Students studying in mixed mode will participate in a combination of online learning activities in addition to site-specific learning activities, which may include residential schools, co-op placements and/or work-integrated learning as a compulsory requirement of a unit. The additional site-specific learning activities are what differentiates a mixed-mode unit from an online unit.

*All study modes may include Vocational placement and/or work integrated learning.

Select a course structure below to view the delivery details, including the different study modes offered for each structure.

There is no course structure to show for this course.

Course Assessment Information

RPL - Students who have previous informal and formal learning need to advise their trainer/assessor prior to enrolment. If the student wishes to apply for an RPL they need to apply to the RPL Centre.
Credit transfer - If credit for relevant formal qualifications is sought, then the process will be actioned after the student has enrolled in at least one unit of competency as directed by the relevant trainer/assessor. The Trainer/Assessor will work with the student on their credit transfer application, and provide advice and support as necessary.
Assessment Types
Online Quiz(zes)
Course Learning Outcomes

LO1: Explore the foundational principles, historical development, and key functions of Neighbourhood Centres, including the various activities and funding streams that support them.

LO2: Gain insight into the Queensland Government’s shared vision and initiative guidelines, with a focus on alignment with sector priorities.

LO3: Recognise the roles and functions of Neighbourhood Centres Queensland (NCQ) and the National Peak body in supporting and advocating for Neighbourhood Centres.

LO4: Gain knowledge of Neighbourhood Centre operations, government policies, and funding mechanisms and how they can enhance workplace effectiveness and contribute to the sector

On completing this micro-credential, participants will gain a thorough understanding of the principles and history of Neighbourhood Centres, as well as the various activities and funding streams that support them. They will be well-versed in the Queensland Government’s shared vision and initiative guidelines, and have a clear understanding of the roles and functions of Neighbourhood Centres Queensland (NCQ) and the National Peak body. Additionally, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively apply these insights in their work, ensuring they can contribute meaningfully to the success and sustainability of Neighbourhood Centres.

Where and when can I start?
Please view the more details information for any additional information related to this course.

There are currently no intakes for this course.
More Details
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