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Version Effective: 1st of January, 2021

TAE40116 - Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

Course Details

Course Summary

Successful completion of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment will enable you to develop and improve on your existing skills to further understand unpacking, developing and delivering training packages to individuals, groups and organisations. CQUniversity offer a world class course that guides you step by step through these processes, enhancing employment opportunities, professional development and advancement within your own organisation.

Entry Requirements

Students undertaking this course must be able to demonstrate vocational competency in their proposed teaching and assessment area. Vocational competency is defined as broad industry knowledge and experience and may include, but not limited to, holding a relevant unit of competency or qualification.

Course Details

Course Type Qualification
Student Availability
  • Domestic
Fees For detailed information on Course Fees, visit
Application Mode
  • Direct To University
How to Apply Please Enquire
Study Area
  • Education and Humanities
Skill Area
  • General Education and Training
AQF Level Level 4: Certificate IV

Admission Codes

Domestic Students
Tertiary Admission Centre Codes (TAC) Codes
Not Applicable
International Students
Not Applicable

Student Outcomes, Career Opportunities and Occupations

This qualification reflects the roles of individuals delivering training and assessment services in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. Possible Career Titles include Enterprise Trainer, Registered Training Organisation Trainer, Training Adviser or Training Needs Analyst, Vocational Education Teacher

Course Structures

In order to complete this course, you must:

  1. Complete 9 core units
  2. Complete 1 elective units

Study Mode Definitions

  • Online: Online courses provide the flexibility to study without normally requiring a student to visit a campus. Course content is studied through a number of means including the use of online discussion forums, electronic library resources, by contacting lecturers and teachers, and receiving study materials online/electronically. Work integrated learning, including placements, may be included in some courses.
  • On-campus: Students studying in on-campus mode typically are expected to attend and participate in regular, structured on-campus teaching and learning activities throughout the University’s academic term. These activities may include lectures, tutorials, workshops and practice, online or other activities and normally will be timetabled at a CQUniversity campus or approved delivery site.
  • Mixed Mode: Students studying in mixed mode will participate in a combination of online learning activities in addition to site-specific learning activities, which may include residential schools, co-op placements and/or work-integrated learning as a compulsory requirement of a unit. The additional site-specific learning activities are what differentiates a mixed-mode unit from an online unit.

*All study modes may include Vocational placement and/or work integrated learning.

Select a course structure below to view the delivery details, including the different study modes offered for each structure.

Please select a course structure from the options below:
Full Qualification

This qualification is delivered via our online platform, Moodle, for a period of 34 weeks.

The delivery of this qualification is divided into four clusters of units, each cluster has a study duration of 20 weeks, and is delivered concurrently.

Typically, students would take at least 34 weeks to complete the program if they enrolled into the continuous schedule of face to face zoom sessions.

  • RPL/RCC/Credit
  • Online
Design Cluster

In this Cluster, you will learn about the following topics:

  • Define the parameters of the learning program
  • Work within the VET policy framework
  • Develop program content
  • Design the structure of the learning program
  • Select appropriate training package or accredited course
  • Analyse and interpret the qualifications framework
  • Contextualise units and modules for client applications
  • Analyse and interpret assessment information
TAEDES402 Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs More Information Details
TAEDES401 Design and develop learning programs More Information Details
Literacy & Numeracy Unit

In this Unit, you will learn about the following topics:

  • Analyse Language Literacy and Numeracy requirements
  • Select and use resources and strategies to address LLN skill requirements
  • Use specialist LLN support where required
  • Evaluate effectiveness of learning support and assessment strategies in addressing LLN requirements
TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills More Information Details
Delivery Cluster

In this Cluster, you will learn about the following topics:

  • Interpret learning environment and delivery requirements
  • Establish effective work environment for learning
  • Prepare session plans and resources for delivery
  • Deliver and facilitate training sessions
  • Support and monitor learning
  • Develop a work-based learning pathway
  • Establish the learning-facilitation relationship
  • Implement the work-based learning pathway
  • Maintain, develop and evaluate the learning-facilitation relationship
  • Prepare, deliver and review a presentation
TAEDEL401 Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning More Information Details
TAEDEL402 Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace More Information Details
BSBCMM401 Make a presentation More Information Details
Assessment Cluster

In this Cluster, you will learn about the following topics:

  • Determine the assessment approach
  • Gather quality evidence
  • Prepare the assessment and plan
  • Identify modification and contextualisation requirements
  • Develop the assessment instruments
  • Support the candidate
  • Make the assessment decision
  • Record and report the assessment decision
  • Review the assessment process
  • Prepare for validation
  • Participate in the validation of assessment tools
  • Contribute to validation outcomes
  • Determine the focus and design of the assessment tool
  • Develop, review and trial the assessment tool
TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools More Information Details
TAEASS402 Assess competence More Information Details
TAEASS403 Participate in assessment validation More Information Details
TAEASS401 Plan assessment activities and processes More Information Details

Unit Sequence

Below is the recommended study sequence for this course. Please enrol in your units as per the following order.
Units with the same sequence number should be enrolled into at the same time.
Sequence Unit
1 TAEDES402 - Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs
1 TAEDES401 - Design and develop learning programs
2 TAELLN411 - Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills
3 TAEDEL401 - Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning
3 TAEDEL402 - Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace
3 BSBCMM401 - Make a presentation
4 TAEASS502 - Design and develop assessment tools
4 TAEASS402 - Assess competence
4 TAEASS403 - Participate in assessment validation
4 TAEASS401 - Plan assessment activities and processes

Upgrade from TAE40110

The upgrade course has been designed to be completed within 20 - 26 weeks.  

Assessment Cluster and the TAELLN411 unit are scheduled face to face zoom sessions over a period of 6 days.

Students have the capacity to complete the required training sooner depending on their experience and skills.

  • RPL/RCC/Credit
  • Online
Upgrade Units
Qualification upgrade students who have successfully completed TAE40110 who are wishing to upgrade their qualification to TAE40116 are to enrol into the following units: TAEASS401, TAEASS403, TAEASS502 and TAELLN411. Students will need to provide a copy of their TAE40110 qualification to their teacher upon enrolment.
TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools More Information Details
TAEASS401 Plan assessment activities and processes More Information Details
TAEASS403 Participate in assessment validation More Information Details
TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills More Information Details

Unit Sequence

For the following units, you may choose your own order of study, while taking into account pre-requisite requirements and the unit availability.
Unit Code Unit Name
TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools
TAEASS401 Plan assessment activities and processes
TAEASS403 Participate in assessment validation
TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills

Course Assessment Information

RPL - Students who have previous informal and formal learning need to advise their trainer/assessor prior to enrolment. If the student wishes to apply for an RPL they need to apply to the RPL Centre.
Credit transfer - If credit for relevant formal qualifications is sought, then the process will be actioned after the student has enrolled in at least one unit of competency as directed by the relevant trainer/assessor. The Trainer/Assessor will work with the student on their credit transfer application, and provide advice and support as necessary.
Assessment Types
Written/Electronic Assessment
Practical Task
Third Party Verification
Course Learning Outcomes
Where and when can I start?
Please view the more details information for any additional information related to this course.

Domestic 2019 Availabilities

Full Qualification

There are currently no intakes scheduled for this course structure.

Upgrade from TAE40110

There are currently no intakes scheduled for this course structure.

Domestic 2020 Availabilities

Full Qualification

There are currently no intakes scheduled for this course structure.

Upgrade from TAE40110

There are currently no intakes scheduled for this course structure.

Domestic 2021 Availabilities

Full Qualification

February: Full Time/Part Time
March: Full Time/Part Time
April: Full Time/Part Time
May: Full Time/Part Time
June: Full Time/Part Time
July: Full Time/Part Time
August: Full Time/Part Time
September: Full Time/Part Time
October: Full Time/Part Time
November: Full Time/Part Time
December: Full Time/Part Time

Upgrade from TAE40110

March: Full Time/Part Time
April: Full Time/Part Time
May: Full Time/Part Time
July: Full Time/Part Time
August: Full Time/Part Time
September: Full Time/Part Time
November: Full Time/Part Time
December: Full Time/Part Time

Domestic 2022 Availabilities

Full Qualification

February: Full Time/Part Time
March: Full Time/Part Time
April: Full Time/Part Time
May: Full Time/Part Time
July: Full Time/Part Time
August: Full Time/Part Time
September: Full Time/Part Time
October: Full Time/Part Time
November: Full Time/Part Time

Upgrade from TAE40110

There are currently no intakes scheduled for this course structure.

Domestic 2023 Availabilities

Full Qualification

Mixed Mode
Mixed Mode includes a combination of online learning activities and compulsory site-specific attendance at residential schools and/or workshops.
February: Full Time/Part Time
March: Full Time/Part Time
April: Full Time/Part Time
May: Full Time/Part Time
June: Full Time/Part Time
July: Full Time/Part Time
August: Full Time/Part Time
September: Full Time/Part Time
October: Full Time/Part Time
November: Full Time/Part Time
December: Full Time/Part Time

Upgrade from TAE40110

There are currently no intakes scheduled for this course structure.
For individual class days and times for each intake please check the TAFE Timetable located here
The availabilities shown above are for the current and future years. To view any historic availabilities please press "Show Historic Availabilities" below:

Show Historic Availabilities
More Details

More Details

Zoom sessions run between the hours of 8.30am to 4.30pm.  


February 2024 Zoom workshops


Delivery cluster units TAEDEL401 TAEDEL402 BSBCMM411 Monday 12 February to Thursday 15 February


Assessment cluster units TAEASS401 TAEASS402 TAEASS403 TAEASS502 Monday 26 February to Friday 1 March



April 2024 Zoom workshops


Delivery cluster units TAEDEL401 TAEDEL402 BSBCMM411 Monday 8 April to Thursday 11 April


Assessment cluster units TAEASS401 TAEASS402 TAEASS403 TAEASS502 Monday 29 April to Friday 3 May