CL91 - Bachelor of Nursing


Compulsory Residential School

Some units in this course require you to attend a compulsory Residential School or Work Integrated Learning. Please see Course Features in the Getting Started tab for further information.

Course Overview

The Bachelor of Nursing aims to provide you with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to enable you to be a competent and effective Registered Nurse (Division 1) General. The course will prepare you to be reflective about your practice as a nurse and develop clinical reasoning skills in order to confidently and safely engage in contemporary nursing practice in a variety of environments and contexts and adapt to the needs of people from diverse backgrounds. You will acquire skills to provide person-centred care and collaborate with other members of the interdisciplinary healthcare team. You will be required to seek evidence to ensure safe quality practice and act in a professional, ethical and compassionate manner. In addition, you will learn to nurture the development of nursing as a practice discipline and demonstrate leadership in health care. You will explore how life-long learning skills can facilitate continuing professional development. The course will provide you with learning opportunities to meet the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) Registered Nurse Accreditation Standards (2019) and achieve the CQUniversity graduate attributes.

You will be required to participate in simulated learning activities in your nominated Clinical Learning Centre at one of the CQUniversity accredited delivery sites prior to being deemed eligible to attend professional practice placement. Across the course, you will develop an e-portfolio to showcase your abilities and facilitate career planning. You will be required to demonstrate nursing care that is person-centred, informed and responsible. Clinical learning is a key element of this course and you will be required to undertake 800 hours of professional experience placement in a variety of settings with different health organisations. You must meet specific mandatory health, safety and security requirements to be eligible to attend each professional experience placement. Professional experience placements may be limited in your community and you may be placed in other locations. Please be prepared financially and personally to cover the costs to relocate for placements. Due to the limited availability of placements, some block placements have start and/or end dates that fall outside standard term dates.

It is essential that you enrol in units in the order that they are listed. Not adhering to this may delay your progress and extend the length of your study. Accreditation Standards require all students to be physically located in Australia whilst studying this course. At the discretion of the Head of Course, you may be required to undertake a prescribed English language test to ensure your English language proficiency is at an acceptable level to safely participate in professional experience placements.

Inherent requirements
Inherent requirements are the fundamental abilities, attributes, skills and behaviours needed to complete the learning outcomes of a course while preserving the academic integrity of CQUniversity’s learning, assessment and accreditation processes. You must be able to demonstrate that you have acquired or have the ability to acquire the inherent requirements for the Bachelor of Nursing course. There are inherent requirements for this course that must be met in order to complete the course and graduate. For more information refer to the Inherent Requirements area of the Handbook.

Special Requirements
Mandatory pre-clinical checks are required to be eligible to attend professional experience placement. Please note that these can be different for each State and Territory in Australia.

Mandatory pre-clinical checks can change to ensure compliance with legislation and healthcare facility requirements.

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) has a register of students enrolled in the Bachelor of Nursing for the duration of their study. CQUniversity as the education provider will provide your details directly to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) for registration.

On successful completion of the Bachelor of Nursing, you will be eligible to apply for registration as a Registered Nurse (Division 1) General with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. Prospective students should be aware that full disclosure of any issues of impairment or misconduct is a declaration requirement when applying for registration as a registered nurse. To be accepted for registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, you are required to disclose: any criminal history, physical and/or psychological impairments and meet specific English language standards. For further clarification of these requirements contact the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia.

Recognition of prior learning: Credit transfer will only be granted where you are able to demonstrate that tertiary-level studies, equivalent in content and depth to the CQUniversity course have been successfully completed. The normal maximum amount of credit you may be granted as a prospective student enrolling in the Bachelor of Nursing course is 72 credit points. Credit can only be granted for units and courses satisfactorily completed in the last 7 years at a recognised educational institution including the Diploma of Nursing. NB: Those applying for credit from a Diploma of Nursing must be registered as a nurse (Division 2) with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) before any credit will be offered in a Bachelor of Nursing course. (Unit credit is subject to accreditation and registration requirements).

If you are transferring from a pre-registration Bachelor of Nursing course from a recognised Australian educational provider, the maximum amount of credit granted will be 96 credit points of the course.

Refer to Credit Transfer for further details on the guidelines and application process.

Expected time to complete 3 years full-time or equivalent part-time
Maximum time to complete 7 years (to meet Recency of Practice and eligibility for registration as a nurse (Division 1) in Australia requirements (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA))
Maximum leave of absence 1 year

Professional Standards and Conduct

You are expected to behave in a professional and appropriate manner. The use of abusive language, threatening behaviour, misuse of campus property and sexual harassment, will not be tolerated. These misdemeanours will be treated as serious matters and may result in suspension or exclusion.

Please ensure that you are familiar with the Student Charter and Student Behavioural Misconduct Procedure, which is available on the CQU website. In addition, nurses and midwives must be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA), and meet the NMBA's professional standards in order to practice in Australia.

Registration standards define the requirements that applicants, registrants or students need to meet to be registered.
To ensure patient safety, nurses and midwives are deemed mandatory reporters and under National Law are subject to making notification about notifiable conduct.
It is important to be aware that complaints or concerns can be raised about the health, conduct or performance of a registered health practitioner or student at any time.

Career Information

In the final year of the course, students usually apply for a new graduate nursing position in a hospital and health service or other healthcare organisation where they will have the opportunity to further consolidate their knowledge and skills in nursing.  The broad nature of nursing and healthcare allows opportunities for employment and/or specialisation in environments such as acute hospital services, community health, mental health, residential and aged care, indigenous health, and rural and remote health.

Course Details
Duration 3 years full-time or 6 years part-time
Credit Points that Must be Earned 144
Number of Units Required CQUniversity uses the concept of credits to express the amount of study required for a particular course and individual units. The number of units varies between courses. Units in undergraduate courses normally consist of 6 points of credit or multiples thereof (e.g. 12, 18, 24).
Expected Hours of Study One point of credit is equivalent to an expectation of approximately two hours of student work per week in a term.
Course Type Undergraduate Award
Qualification (post nominal) BN
AQF Level Level 7: Bachelor Degree
Course Fees
Indicative Year - 2025
  • Commonwealth Supported Place – Indicative First Year Fee - $5,701
  • Domestic Full Fee Paying – Indicative First Year Fee - $26,328
  • International Indicative First Term Fee - $18,750
  • International Indicative First Year Fee - $36,870
Indicative Year - 2024
  • Commonwealth Supported Place – Indicative First Year Fee - $5,475
  • Domestic Full Fee Paying – Indicative First Year Fee - $25,276.5
  • International Indicative First Term Fee - $17,880
  • International Indicative First Year Fee - $35,160
Indicative Year - 2023
  • Commonwealth Supported Place – Indicative First Year Fee - $5,080
  • International Indicative First Term Fee - $17,010
  • International Indicative First Year Fee - $33,450
Indicative Year - 2022
  • International Indicative First Term Fee - $17,010
  • Commonwealth Supported Place – Indicative First Year Fee - $4,488
  • International Indicative First Year Fee - $33,450

Admission Codes

Where and when can I start?
Units offered internally at the below campuses may be delivered using a combination of face-to-face and video conferencing style teaching.
Units offered via MIX mode are delivered online and require compulsory attendance of site-specific learning activities such as on-campus residential schools, placements and/or work integrated learning. See Course Features tab for further information. Online units are delivered using online resources only.
Please Click Here for more information.
The following tables list the courses availabilities by location and term. Directing your pointer over your preferred location will provide further information if this course is not available for the full duration. Please be sure to also check individual unit availability by location and term prior to enrolling.

Domestic Availability

Term 3 - 2026


Term 2 - 2026


Term 1 - 2026


Term 2 - 2025


Term 1 - 2025


Term 2 - 2024


Term 1 - 2024


Term 2 - 2023

For international students commencing at the University in 2023 – please note our Rockhampton North campus is restricted to students eligible for advanced standing or recognition of prior learning (RPL). All other international students commencing in 2023 will be admitted to our Brisbane campus.

Term 1 - 2023

For international students commencing at the University in 2023 – please note our Rockhampton North campus is restricted to students eligible for advanced standing or recognition of prior learning (RPL). All other international students commencing in 2023 will be admitted to our Brisbane campus.

Term 2 - 2022


Term 1 - 2022


Term 2 - 2021


Term 1 - 2021

Show All

International Availability

Term 3 - 2026

Sorry, no international availabilities found.

Term 2 - 2026


Term 1 - 2026


Term 2 - 2025


Term 1 - 2025


Term 2 - 2024


Term 1 - 2024


Term 2 - 2023

For international students commencing at the University in 2023 – please note our Rockhampton North campus is restricted to students eligible for advanced standing or recognition of prior learning (RPL). All other international students commencing in 2023 will be admitted to our Brisbane campus.

Term 1 - 2023

For international students commencing at the University in 2023 – please note our Rockhampton North campus is restricted to students eligible for advanced standing or recognition of prior learning (RPL). All other international students commencing in 2023 will be admitted to our Brisbane campus.

Term 2 - 2022


Term 1 - 2022


Term 2 - 2021


Term 1 - 2021

Show All
For any problems regarding admissions availability for the selected course please contact 13 CQUni (13 27 86) or send us an email at
Entry Requirements - What do I need to start?
Entry Scores
Rank Threshold SR 70 | ATAR 70
Academic Requirements

English Language Proficiency Requirements:

The English Language Skills requirements listed below are those specified by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia as required for initial registration.

As an applicant for the Bachelor of Nursing, you are required to demonstrate your English language competency in one of the following ways:

  • English is your primary language and you have satisfactorily completed at least six years of primary and secondary education, taught and assessed solely in English – including at least two years completed between grades 7 and 12 - in a recognised country. (Recognised countries: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, United Kingdom or United States of America); OR
  • You are currently registered as an Enrolled Nurse with the Australian Health Practitioner Agency (AHPRA)

If you do not satisfy any of the above you will need to undertake an English language proficiency test and achieve the following scores as below:

  • An International English Language Testing System (IELTS Academic) overall band score of at least 7.0 overall with a minimum 7.0 in each subset; OR
  • An Occupational English Test with Grades A or B only in each of the four components; OR
  • Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) – requires an overall score of 65 with no sub-score less than 65; OR
  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) iBT – requires 94 or better overall and no score less than 27 for writing, 23 for speaking and 24 for listening and reading.

English test results remain valid for no more than two years between the final examination date and the date of commencement of the study and must appear on a single result certificate.

If you are an International student please visit International students English requirements for further information.

Each student will be assessed individually.

Nursing students’ English language skills are directly aligned with the requirements of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

Assumed Knowledge

Domestic students

Students without Senior English, Senior Science and Senior Mathematics are strongly recommended to undertake a bridging course such as Skills for Tertiary Education Preparatory Studies (STEPS).

Course Features

Awards and Accreditation

Interim Awards Not applicable
Exit Awards CL92 - Associate Degree of Health Care CL93 - Diploma of Health Care
  • Professional Practice: Core
    Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC)

    The Bachelor of Nursing is accredited by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC). The Bachelor of Nursing leads to eligibility for registration as a nurse (Division 1) in Australia. 

Residential School Requirements

Compulsory Residential School All Compulsory Residential Schools: Year 1 NURS11166 Health and Assessment in Nursing (3 days) NURS11170 Professional Experience Placement 1 (3 days) Year 2 NURS12161 Professional Experience Placement 2 (3 days) NURS12162 Mental Health Professional Experience Placement (2 days) NURS12164 Professional Experience Placement 3 (3 days) Year 3 NURS13142 Professional Experience Placement 4 (4 days) NURS13145 Professional Experience Placement 5 (4 days)
Click here to view all Residential Schools

Practicum/Work Placement

NURS13145 - Professional Experience Placement
NURS13142 - Professional Experience Placement
NURS12164 - Professional Experience Placement
NURS12162 - Professional Experience Placement
NURS12161 - Professional Experience Placement
NURS11170 - Professional Experience Placement

Previous and Current Enrolments

Year Number of Students
2024 3048
2023 2751
2022 2523
2021 2132
Inherent Requirements
There are Inherent Requirements (IRs) that you need to be aware of, and fulfil, to achieve the core learning outcomes of the units and course. IRs are the essential capabilities, knowledge, behaviours and skills that are needed to complete a unit or course.

Please note that in some instances there may be similarities between course, entry and inherent requirements.

If you experience difficulties meeting these requirements, reasonable adjustments may be made upon contacting Adjustment must not compromise the academic integrity of the degree or course chosen at CQUniversity or the legal requirements of field education.

Ethical Behaviour

Examples are:

  • Complying with academic and non-academic misconduct policies and procedures such as CQUniversity’s Student Charter, Student Misconduct Policy, Student Behavioural Misconduct Procedure, Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure, Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education Coursework).  
  • Treating personal information obtained in classroom and clinical settings as private and confidential.
  • Respecting an individual's/group's diversity by demonstrating sensitivity to religious cultural and individual differences.
  • Demonstrating an ability to reflect on ethical dilemmas and issues and take responsibility for ensuring awareness of ethical behaviour.
Behavioural Stability

Examples are:

  • Being receptive and responding appropriately to different viewpoints, to constructive feedback and to direction from academics and clinical staff.
  • Interacting positively and effectively in groups with other students while attending activities related to the course.
  • Contributing to on-line discussion forums and tutorials with peers and academics whilst using respectful language and tone.
  • Coping with your own emotions, responses and behaviour effectively when dealing with challenging situations in the clinical setting.
Legal Compliance

Examples are:

  • Complying with the requirement for student registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Adhering to the policies, procedures, guidelines and statements specific to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia.
  • Complying with mandatory reporting requirements.
  • Understanding and adhering to professional policy around the use of social media.
  • Undertaking nursing care within the scope of practice relevant to the required knowledge and level of progression through your course of study.
  • Understanding and adhering to legal requirements associated with the administration of medications.
Communication Skills (Verbal, Non-verbal, Written and Technology)

Examples are:

  • Using language that is appropriate to the context of the individual or group.
  • Responding appropriately to a care request in the clinical environment.
  • Providing the health care team with verbal handover reports related to patient care.
  • Recognising and interpreting non-verbal cues of the health care team, peers, patients and others and responding appropriately during clinical placement.
  • Constructing a legible nursing report in a timely manner that meets professional standards and clearly communicates the intended message.
  • Accurately documenting in patients' charts and records meeting legal and professional requirements.
  • Regularly accessing email for communication with university staff and others.
Cognitive Abilities (Knowledge and Cognitive Skills, Literacy and Numeracy)

Examples are:

  • Completing academic learning activities and assessment tasks, and performing clinical skills within reasonable set timeframes.
  • Applying knowledge of policy and procedures in the clinical setting.
  • Applying theoretical knowledge and understanding of health history when undertaking patient assessment during admissions in clinical practice.
  • Actively listening to information within a variety of academic and clinical situations.
  • Reading and accurately interpreting plans of care and medication orders for patients.
  • Performing accurate drug calculations in a timely manner in medication administration assessments and in clinical practice.
Sensory Abilities (Visual, Auditory, Tactile)

Examples are:

  • Focusing on and recognising objects that are either near or far, e.g. reading learning resources such as lecture and tutorial screens face-to-face on-campus or on-line, reading examination papers and/or on-line computer quizzes; or during clinical placement.
  • Accurately drawing up and administering medication.
  • Detecting changes in skin colour and general tissue perfusion.
  • Hearing verbal communication from other students and lecturers during activities related to the course.
  • Accurately interpreting the verbal communication and direction of clinical staff during emergency situations.
  • Accurately detecting a blood pressure measurement, listening to heart, lung and bowel sounds by auscultation using a stethoscope.
  • Responding to a care request by activation of a call bell or calls for help.
  • Detecting changes in circulation observations e.g. assessing skin temperature and palpating pulses.
  • Conducting a physical assessment detecting anatomical abnormalities e.g. swelling or alteration in texture.
  • Using touch appropriately as an alternative means of conveying positive messages to patients such as emotional support and encouragement.
Relational Skills

Examples are:

  • Meeting the Registered nurse standards for practice, in particular Standard 2.
  • Establishing, sustaining and concluding relationships in a way that differentiates the boundaries between professional and personal relationships.
  • Communicating effectively and being respectful of a person's dignity, culture, values, beliefs and rights.
  • Recognising that people are the experts in the experience of their life.
  • Advocating on behalf of people in a manner that respects the person's autonomy and legal capacity.
  • Using delegation, supervision, coordination, consultation and referrals in professional relationships to achieve improved health outcomes.
  • Actively fostering a culture of safety and learning that includes engaging with health professionals and others, to share knowledge and practice that supports person-centred care.
  • Effectively participating in groups and teams.
Reflective Skills

Examples are:

  • Meeting the Registered nurse standards for practice, in particular Standards 1 and 7.
  • Accessing, analysing and using the best available evidence, that includes research findings for safe quality practice.
  • Developing practice through reflecting on experiences, knowledge, actions, feelings and beliefs to identify how these shape practice.
  • Respecting all cultures and experiences, which includes responding to the role of family and community that underpin the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and people of other cultures.
  • Evaluating and monitoring progress towards expected goals and outcomes.



Sustainable Performance

Examples are:

  • Actively participating in activities related to the course.
  • Undertaking examinations and on-line quizzes with adequate, sustained levels of physical energy and concentration.
  • Participating in learning clinical skills and engaging in simulation activities during on-campus learning and teaching situations.
  • Performing consistent care and complete repetitive tasks during clinical practice with sustained concentration and physical energy for an 8 to 12 hour period of time that may be at night.
Strength and Mobility (Gross Motor Skills and Fine Motor Skills)

Examples are:

  • Incorporating a range of gross motor skills while participating effectively in activities related to the course.
  • Maintaining balance while safely mobilising and transferring individuals or resources.
  • Moving with ease around patients' bedsides, bathrooms and equipment items while performing delivery of care activities and responding to emergency situations.
  • Safely retrieving and utilising stock and equipment.
  • Manipulating intricate medical appliances and equipment.
  • Manipulating syringes and needles during preparation and administration of medications addressing safety to self and others.
Interpersonal Engagement


Examples are:

  • Meeting the Registered nurse standards for practice, in particular Standard 2.




Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Abilities

Examples are:

  • Accessing relevant CQUniversity sites to facilitate effective engagement with course content and demonstrating understanding of course requirements.
  • Accessing and entering information into a digital health system to enable safe patient care in the simulated environment and while attending clinical placement.
Compulsory Requirements
Health Requirements

Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) placements apply to this course and as such are subject to compulsory pre-placement conditions referred to as mandatory checks and are outlined in the health, security and other compulsory requirements sections. Mandatory checks are determined by industry, organisations, legislation, regulations, policies, and procedures. To be eligible for a WIL placement, students must first achieve compliance with mandatory checks by each closing date prior to a WIL placement and maintain current evidence for the duration of the course. 

Mandatory health requirements include immunisation and vaccination evidence (and serology where required) to the following diseases: Hepatitis B, Measles, Mumps and Rubella, Varicella, Pertussis, Influenza, and Tuberculosis screening. Respirator mask fit testing is also an annual requirement for this course. 

COVID-19 Vaccination Advice

Effective 25 September 2023, updates have been made to the COVID-19 vaccination mandate for Queensland Health sites and the Queensland Ambulance Service. While Queensland Health does not currently mandate evidence of COVID-19 vaccination, it's essential to recognise that other organisations may enforce their own vaccination specific criteria. This situation is similar across other states and territories, with the exception of Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, where COVID-19 vaccination is mandatory for all healthcare students.    


Security Requirements

Mandatory security requirements include an Australian Federal Police clearance, working with children check, and NDIS worker screening clearance. 

Other Compulsory Requirements

Other mandatory requirements include a First Aid and CPR certificate, student agreement to privacy and confidentiality, adherence to AHPRA policies for a registered student professional, fitness to participate in WIL student declaration, jurisdictional and site-specific compulsory requirements, and other training modules. 

It is mandatory for a minimum of 800 hours WIL placement in an off-campus health care setting to be undertaken for the Bachelor of Nursing course. Students may be required to complete more than 800 hours due to an organisation's make up of absence policy.

It is important for students to be aware that you may be required to travel to complete your WIL placement.

WIL placements are organised in blocks of time as per the WIL unit requirement, are in various health organisations throughout Australia where a service agreement is in place, subject to availability and capacity of the organisation, and are not negotiable.

Core Learning Outcomes
  • 1. Use the best available evidence to make decisions in order to provide safe, holistic and person-centred quality nursing care, and as a platform for continued lifelong learning
  • 2. Communicate in an effective, respectful and collaborative way with individuals and members of the interdisciplinary team
  • 3. Exercise critical thinking and judgement to systematically assess, plan, deliver and evaluate nursing practice
  • 4. Evaluate practice based on agreed priorities, goals, plans and outcomes and revise accordingly
  • 5. Demonstrate accountability for actions to ensure safe and responsible nursing practice
  • 6. Acknowledge the value of professional development and contribute to the development of others, including the provision of information and education to enable people to make decisions and take action in relation to their health
  • 7. Share values that foster a culture of respect for all people, practicing ethically and promoting nursing as a profession, including ongoing self-management and responding to concerns about other health professionals’ capability for practice
  • 8. Engage in research activities that promote and improve nursing practice and the profession
  • 9. Meet requirements for registration as nurse (Division 1) with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA)
  • 10. Apply CQUniversity graduate attributes to the profession.
  Course Learning Outcomes
Australian Qualifications Framework Descriptors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. KNOWLEDGE Have a broad and coherent body of knowledge, with depth in the underlying principles and concepts in one or more disciplines as a basis for independent lifelong learning
2. SKILLS Have cognitive skills to review critically, analyse, consolidate and synthesise knowledge
3. SKILLS Have cognitive and technical skills to demonstrate a broad understanding of knowledge with depth in some areas
4. SKILLS Have cognitive and creative skills to exercise critical thinking and judgement in identifying and solving problems with intellectual independence
5. SKILLS Have communication skills to present a clear, coherent and independent exposition of knowledge and ideas
6. APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS Demonstrate initiative and judgement in planning, problem solving and decision making in professional practice and/or scholarship
7. APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS Adapt knowledge and skills in diverse contexts
8. APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILL Be responsible and accountable for own learning and professional practice and in collaboration with others within broad parameters
KNOWLEDGE Develop an understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and culture in contemporary and historical context using the respectful and appropriate protocols and terminology
APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS Engage in reflective self-evaluation of own cultural values and perspectives to proactively create an inclusive workplace that affirms and celebrates cultural diversity
APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS Display leadership by creating inclusive work environments and work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in a culturally respectful manner
Course Structure

In order to complete this course, you must:

  1. Complete the core structure
Number of units: 23 Total credit points: 144

Course Structure

It is essential that you undertake the course in the order that is listed in the course structure; pre-requisite units and co-requisite units must be completed in order to progress in your study.

It is particularly important to look at professional experience placement units and the terms in which they are offered.  This will ensure you complete at your projected time as per a full-time or part-time planner. 

You are required to successfully complete Professional Experience Placement 5 in the final term of study to enable CQUniversity to recommend you for registration at the completion of your degree.

The majority of units on Bundaberg, Cairns, Townsville, Mackay and Brisbane campuses are only available online. Professional Experience Practice units require attendance and successful completion of safe medication administration and practical assessments at residential school/on-campus workshops prior to being eligible to attend professional experience placement.

Specific requirements for professional experience placement in some units may vary due to individual organisational requirements outside of CQUniversity control.

In line with accreditation requirements, aspects of the course may be subject to change during your enrolment. These changes may relate to course structure, unit names and content, professional experience placement hours and/or mandatory checks.

Available units
Students must complete the following compulsory units:
NURS11164 Effective Communication in the Health Care Environment
BMSC11010 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1
NURS11165 The Profession of Nursing
NURS11166 Fundamentals of Professional Nursing
NURS11171 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Health
NURS11168 Introduction to Person-centred Care
NURS11169 Health Across Life Stages
NURS11170 Professional Nursing Practice 1
NURS12165 Evidence to Inform Nursing Practice
BIOH12011 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 1
NURS12160 Acute Alterations in Health
NURS12161 Professional Nursing Practice 2
BIOH12012 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 2
NURS12162 Mental Health and Wellbeing
NURS12163 Chronic Health and Community Care
NURS12164 Professional Nursing Practice 3
NURS13139 Building Professional Resilience in Nursing
NURS13140 Law and Ethical Considerations in the Profession of Nursing
NURS13141 Complex Care and Patient Deterioration
NURS13142 Professional Experience Placement 4
NURS13143 Digital Health, Technology and Informatics in the Profession of Nursing
NURS13144 Preparation for Practice as a Registered Nurse
NURS13145 Professional Nursing Practice 5
More Details

Accreditation Standards require all students to be physically located in Australia whilst studying this course. 

For International Students 

Available Locations, Study Modes and Intake

On- Campus Availability 

Term 1 - 2023

 Brisbane Rockhampton

Term 1 - 2024

Brisbane Rockhampton

Term 2 - 2023

Brisbane Rockhampton

Term 2 - 2024

Brisbane Rockhampton


For International students commencing at the University in 2023 - please note our Rockhampton North campus is restricted to students eligible for advanced standing or recognition of prior learning (RPL)

All other international students commencing in 2024 will be admitted to our Brisbane and Rockhampton Campuses